Plain tests

When we discussed project layout, we briefly mentioned that matla recognizes an optional tests project sub-directory but postponed discussing it further. Until now, that is.

Let's focus on success-tests for now, meaning tests that are expected to compile and run without failing in any way: no assertion failure, dynamic type errors, invariant/property falsification, etc.

As you might expect, matla treats any test in tests as a success-test by default. We will see later how to handle tests that should fail (assertion, falsification...).

A matla test is a regular TLA+ module tests/my_test.tla along with a cfg file tests/my_test.cfg. Any TLA+ module in tests has access to all modules and can freely refer to any/all of them as if they were in the same directory.

⚠ Since tests and sources live in the same moral namespace, test modules cannot have the same name as one of the module in your project's sources.

In fact, matla handles tests by creating a temporary directory in the project's target build directory and moving all your sources and the specific test you're running there before running TLC. Hence the potential name-clashes.

Let's create some tests in some matla project. As far as this section is concerned, it can be any project as long as it does not have tests, including an empty (but initialized) project. You can retrieve the full project here.

> exa
Matla.tla  Matla.toml  tests

We write a few tests

> exa --tree tests
├── encoding_1.cfg
├── encoding_1.tla
├── encoding_2.cfg
├── encoding_2.tla
├── runtime_1.cfg
└── runtime_1.tla

that morally test some (nonexistent, here) encoding and runtime module from our project. They can contain anything for this demo, as long as running does not fail. We decided to have all tla (cfg) contain the same code, respectively.

\* tests/encoding_1.tla
---- MODULE encoding_1 ----



init ==
    cnt = 0
    next ==
    cnt' = (
        IF cnt < 10 THEN cnt + 1 ELSE cnt

cnt_pos == cnt >= 0
\* tests/encoding_1.cfg
INIT init
NEXT next


To run the tests, we simply run matla test. Note that this will run tests in debug mode. Unsurprisingly, you can run them in release mode with matla test --release.

> matla test
running 3 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
    test `/runtime_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 3 successful of 3

⚠ If you have a tests/my_test.tla with no associated cfg file, matla will assume you wrote a tla for a test but forgot to write its cfg and produce an error.

Well, actually, you can have modules with no cfg, called "test libraries", but they require an annotation to let matla know you actually meant for this module to be a library used by other tests. We will see how shortly.

Sometimes, especially when we write a specific test, we don't want to run all tests. You can run a single test by passing its module name (with or without .tla) to matla test.

> matla test encoding_1
running 1 integration test
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 1 successful of 1

But what about a family of tests? Say we modified the (nonexistent, here, again) encoding module from the project and only want to run test dealing with this module for instance; it turns out that matla test accepts more than a module name, it supports regular expressions too:

> matla test "encoding_*"
running 2 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 2 successful of 2

While different from a semantic analysis checking which test references which module, you can accomplish the same result assuming you have some discipline in your test naming convention.

⚠ Pro tip: matla does not look for a full match of the regular expression, just a partial one. Hence, you can also obtain the result from above by running the following.

> matla test encoding
running 2 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 2 successful of 2