
As developers, (doc/unit/integration/binary) testing is the main way we convince ourselves that our code does what we expect. At least until we all develop in lean or something similar.

Formal methods in general and formal specification and verification in particular exist to provide strong, proof-based guarantees. It is thus crucial to make sure the specification makes sense and behaves the way we want it to so that successful analyses actually mean something.

Currently, matla only supports integration testing. That is, tests that reside outside of your project sources in a separate tests folder. Documentation/unit testing on the other hand would typically live among your project's code. Matla does not support those just yet as, for now, matla's design makes sure that your matla-project's sources are compatible with TLC: you can just run TLC manually just like you would on any TLA+ codebase. This will probably change eventually, but for now this constraint makes it difficult to decide exactly what the best way to provide doc/unit testing is.