
Before matla and to the best of our knowledge, to compile and analyze ("run") TLA+ specifications ("programs") consisted in either running TLC manually in a terminal through the TLA+ toolbox java jar file, or to use the TLA+ toolbox IDE included in the TLA+ toolbox.

As frequent TLA+ developers, we write and maintain sizeable TLA+ codebases for formal specification and verification purposes in industrial and semi-industrial (R&D) projects. It is our humble opinion that the normal TLA+ workflow, i.e. calling TLC directly, does not handle various practical aspects such as dealing with a test suite. Testing, and in particular sanity checks, is very valuable to us since our final goal is usually to prove the safety of (the TLA+ encoding of) whatever system we're working on. Sanity checks and regression tests raise our confidence that the encoding is correct, the invariants and properties make sense, etc. and are crucial in our (and thus the client's) confidence in (dis)proving the safety of the actual system.

It quite obvious that TLC is not built to handle test suites and other project-level features such as the ones matla provides. TLC is akin to gcc or Rust's rustc compiler: it focuses on compiling and running, not managing a project. We are not criticizing TLC for lacking the features matla provides. Matla builds on top of TLC just like cargo builds on top of the rustc compiler.

The next chapters go over installing matla, its main features and how to use them. Before that, let us go briefly over the core features we wanted in matla and why.

The first, basic feature we wanted matla to have is to deal with the TLA+ toolbox tla2tools.jar (retrieve, handle, keep updated) to abstract it away from the user; much like cargo completely abstracts away rustc. We also want the usual modern project manager comfort: initialize a project with everything matla needs, automatically add the build directory to the .gitignore if one is detected, etc.

The remaining main features are more involved and require more motivation, they are discussed in the remaining sections of this chapter. Feel free to skip to the next chapter if you do not need further motivating.