A manager for TLA projects

  • By Adrien Champion, Keryan Didier, Steven de Oliveira, OCamlPro.

Matla is a manager for TLA+ projects written in Rust and pronounced like "matelas", which is French for "mattress". It is heavily inspired by cargo, the critically acclaimed Rust project manager.

This user manual assumes you are familiar with TLA+ and its associated verification engine TLC.

Matla is not a big project, it is inspired by cargo but nowhere near as complex or feature-packed. We develop matla with three things (a trifecta of sorts) in mind: safety (confidence in the code and thus the analysis), simplicity and ergonomics. This last aspect is not here for PR reasons: as heavy Rust users, we recognize how nice an experience it is to interact with a tool with readable, colored output, and where each interaction shows a great deal of care for user-friendliness.

There is a TLDR at the end of this file for crash course on using matla.

Matla is still very young. There are many issues to address; some of them have to do with quirks at TLC-level, others are just blind spots that we have not triggered yet in our use of matla. If you run into some of these problems, consider opening an issue to help us improve matla 😸

Main features currently implemented

Motivated in the next section and discussed in details in the rest of this document:

  • retrieve/handle/update the TLA+ toolbox tla2tool.jar behind the scenes;
  • convenient automatic project initialization;
  • deal with the files generated by TLC's analyses cleanly, in a gitignored target folder where all compilation/run artifacts live;
  • allow users to have a global configuration (specifying TLC arguments such as seed, difftrace, ...), (potentially/partially) overridden by the project configuration, (potentially/partially) overridden by command-line configuration (options);
  • handling integration tests in a directory that's distinct from the main source directory;
  • debug assertions, i.e. assertions checked in debug mode but compiled away in release mode (the mode is specified by users whenever they call matla, e.g. matla run --release);
  • modernized output with clearer error messages: very much WIP at the moment, most likely requires a collaboration with the TLC team;
  • pretty, readable counterexample traces.

Features we are considering implementing soon-ish

Very strong emphasis on soon-ish:

  • unit tests specified in TLA+ source files;
  • documentation tests specified in comments in the TLA+ source files;
  • documentation generation: the TLA+ toolbox can generate a very nice PDF of the sources using LaTeX, but on big projects the lack of hyperlinks, search bar, etc. can be quite frustrating. It is also not clear we can have documentation tests appear nicely in the documentation using TLA+ toolbox's documentation capabilities. Also, we are quite fond of markdown as a (code) documentation language given how simple and universal it has become (for better or worse);

Features we might consider at some point

  • notion of dependency (library), most likely building on git-based online services;
  • optional static type-checking: quite ambitious as it requires parsing, representing and manipulating (subsets of) the TLA+ language. Do not hold your breath.


  • install by retrieving the latest release or using cargo

    cargo install https://github.com/OCamlPro/matla#latest

  • setup, required unless you plan to run in portable mode (matla --portable .../matla -p ...)

    matla setup

  • initialize a project directory

    matla init

  • run top.tla/top.cfg

    matla run top

    or matla run if there is only one .tla/.cfg pair in the project directory

  • run tests (modules with .tla and .cfg files) in <proj_dir>/tests

    matla test

  • you will probably want to read about matla's user/project/cla configuration hierarchy


Before matla and to the best of our knowledge, to compile and analyze ("run") TLA+ specifications ("programs") consisted in either running TLC manually in a terminal through the TLA+ toolbox java jar file, or to use the TLA+ toolbox IDE included in the TLA+ toolbox.

As frequent TLA+ developers, we write and maintain sizeable TLA+ codebases for formal specification and verification purposes in industrial and semi-industrial (R&D) projects. It is our humble opinion that the normal TLA+ workflow, i.e. calling TLC directly, does not handle various practical aspects such as dealing with a test suite. Testing, and in particular sanity checks, is very valuable to us since our final goal is usually to prove the safety of (the TLA+ encoding of) whatever system we're working on. Sanity checks and regression tests raise our confidence that the encoding is correct, the invariants and properties make sense, etc. and are crucial in our (and thus the client's) confidence in (dis)proving the safety of the actual system.

It quite obvious that TLC is not built to handle test suites and other project-level features such as the ones matla provides. TLC is akin to gcc or Rust's rustc compiler: it focuses on compiling and running, not managing a project. We are not criticizing TLC for lacking the features matla provides. Matla builds on top of TLC just like cargo builds on top of the rustc compiler.

The next chapters go over installing matla, its main features and how to use them. Before that, let us go briefly over the core features we wanted in matla and why.

The first, basic feature we wanted matla to have is to deal with the TLA+ toolbox tla2tools.jar (retrieve, handle, keep updated) to abstract it away from the user; much like cargo completely abstracts away rustc. We also want the usual modern project manager comfort: initialize a project with everything matla needs, automatically add the build directory to the .gitignore if one is detected, etc.

The remaining main features are more involved and require more motivation, they are discussed in the remaining sections of this chapter. Feel free to skip to the next chapter if you do not need further motivating.

Motivation: conditional compilation

This is actually the main reason we started developing matla. If you are familiar with TLA+, you know it is a dynamically-typed language. Static typing, and especially static strong-typing, is basically a static analysis that makes sure (state) variables cannot store values of unexpected types. Dynamically-typed languages such as TLA+ are more flexible that statically-typed ones in that variables can end up storing anything as the program runs. Whenever a primitive operation is applied to a value, the runtime (TLC, here) checks the application is legal; if it is not, a runtime error is generated.

Many a TLA+ developer have issues with this aspect of TLA+. On one hand, static typing means the program will not compile because someone stored a nonsensical value in a variable, which raises the trust in the TLA+ code and thus the analysis and its outcome. Also, this means a lengthy analysis (hours, days, or even weeks) cannot fail because, say, for some reason x in x + 1 happens to store a string; meaning the bug must be fixed and the lengthy analysis must restart from scratch. On the other hand, dynamic typing offers flexibility such as being able to build heterogeneous lists/arrays.

Still, TLA+/TLC are what they are: dynamically-typed. As a consequence, static-typing fanatics like us tend to heavily annotate their TLA+ code with type-checking assertions. Typically, function definitions will start with a check that the arguments have the expected type to avoid potentially misleading errors such as "cannot compute length of integer" with a more or less relevant location.

Our TLA+ projects tend to have a lot of checks like these; especially since besides type-checking, one usually also checks for structural invariants of the encoding as those also greatly raise the trust in the relevance of any analysis.

While tedious at times, writing these assertions is a good exercise and we have little to no complaints about that. This does change when we run the final analysis however. All our assertions help us develop, sanity-check, debug, catch regressions... but we generally don't want them to run in the final analyses. On large projects, TLC's analyses can take very long; checking each assertion in this context might make sense for a few of them, but on the whole they tend to make analyses take much, much, much longer.

Hence, we want to have a mechanism for debug assertions, very similar to Rust's debug_assert macros). Users should then be able to run analyses (and tests!) in debug or release mode, with debug assertions only active in debug and compiled away in release.

Motivation: Testing

As discussed previously, testing is mandatory as it raises significantly the confidence in the encoding, the invariants and properties, and thus the final analysis and its outcome. We wanted projects to have an optional tests directory, separated from the actual codebase, where sanity checks, regression tests etc. can be. These tests are akin to integration tests; on the other hand, unit tests should live in source files in the actual codebase using special syntax to be compiled away in the final analysis/es. Documentation tests and compiling/running/checking them would also be very useful, both as a means of documentation and for catching bugs.

Obviously, we want to be able to check tests against an expected result. Matla's tests needed to include a way for users to specify if the test is expected to succeed, fail at compile-time and how, or fail at run-time and how ---invariant violation, temporal violation, type-checking error, assertion failure etc.

Install, build, setup and portable mode

This chapter covers the basics of installing and building matla, as well as its initial (optional) setup.

Downloading a release

Probably the easiest way to use matla is to download the latest release at

Put it wherever is convenient for you, ideally in your $PATH, and you're good to go. Now, this installation method is not great for updating matla as it requires manually checking whether a new version is available. The following installation method is arguably more convenient in that regard.

Using cargo

Assuming you have Rust installed or are willing to install it, you can use cargo to handle matla's installation for you.

Now, matla is not published as a crates.io package. As such, Rust's usual cargo install matla will not work; to install matla, please provide the repository's URL explicitly as follows.

# Matla's official repository, *latest* release branch:
> cargo install https://github.com/OCamlPro/matla#latest
# Bleeding edge, most recent nightly version available in the *main* branch:
> cargo install https://github.com/OCamlPro/matla#main
# Or just:
> cargo install https://github.com/OCamlPro/matla

To update matla, simply run the same command with -f to force the update:

> cargo install -f https://github.com/...

Alternatively and if you are a frequent Rust flyer, consider using the extremely convenient cargo-update cargo plugin that can update outdated binary Rust crates for you.

Build from sources

Building matla from sources is quite easy and only requires Rust to be installed.

Simply clone the repository, change to whatever branch you want to build, and cargo build or cargo build --release matla.

> git clone https://github.com/OCamlPro/matla
> cd matla
> git checkout [...]
# Maybe run tests to make sure everything's fine.
> cargo test
> cargo build --release
> ls target/release/matla

Move/symlink the resulting binary as you see fit and start writing TLA+ projects using matla!

Alternatively, run cargo install --path matla to have cargo handle compilation and putting the binary in your path.

Setup and portable mode

At this point, you have a (hopefully recent) matla binary in your path.

> matla help
matla 0.1.0

Manager for TLA+ projects.


    -p, --portable    Infer toolchain from environment, load no user configuration
    -v                Increases verbosity, capped at 3
    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -V, --version     Prints version information

    -c, --color <true|on|false|off>    (De)activates colored output [default: on]

    clean        Cleans the current project: deletes the `target` directory.
    help         Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init         Initializes an existing directory as a matla project.
    run          Runs TLC on a TLA module in a project directory.
    setup        Performs this initial matla setup, required before running matla.
    test         Run the tests of a project.
    tlc          Calls TLC with some arguments.
    uninstall    Deletes your matla user directory (cannot be undone).
    update       Updates the `tla2tools` jar in the matla user directory.

Obviously, everything works out of the box:

> matla init
Error: have you run `matla setup` yet?

Caused by:
    0: if you have, your user directory might be corrupted
    1: just re-run `matla setup` to make sure
    2: failed to load configuration
    3: failed to load user configuration
    4: failed to load file `~/.config/matla/matla.toml`
    5: No such file or directory (os error 2)

except it actually does not. Matla does let us know some setup is needed and how to perform it, so let's discuss that.

By default, matla requires a setup step before running which we present below. This setup will create a directory where matla can store your user configuration which controls the underlying TLC configuration among other things. If that is not something you are comfortable with, do read the following sections as the last one discusses matla's portable mode which does not need any user configuration files/directories to be created.

Also, if at any point you want matla to remove all user configuration data you can simply run matla uninstall. There is no functional difference with manually deleting matla's user configuration directory, which we discuss next.


Following modern unix-flavored conventions, matla's configuration directory is $HOME/.config/matla.

For Windows users, $HOME is your user account's Documents folder. Well, we're a 100% almost sure it's probably that, but definitely do check just in case. And let us know if we were right if you feel like receiving our eternal (intangible) gratitude!

Previously, we ran matla init and caused matla to complain that we need to run matla setup. Doing so causes matla to ask a few questions as we are going to see now, but you can check the setup options with matla help setup if you already know the kind of setup you want.

> matla setup
|===| TLA+ toolchain setup
| Config will live in `~/.config/matla`, okay to create this directory? [Yn]

If you decide to answer no, then your only option is portable mode. Say we agree:

| y
| Matla can either:
| - retrieve the tla2tools jar from your environment, or
| - download it for you.
| Download the tla2tools to `~/.config/matla`? If not, matla will attempt to find it in your path [Yn]

Answering no at this point causes matla to look for the TLA+ toolbox in your path, and fail if it cannot find one. Having matla handle the toolbox for us is arguably more convenient, so let's do that:

| y
| Downloading toolbox from `https://github.com/tlaplus/tlaplus/releases/latest/download/tla2tools.jar`...
| Download completed successfully.
| Writing downloaded file to `~/.config/matla/tla2tools.jar`...

Nice, the TLA+ toolbox is now in the matla user configuration directory. Matla's setup is done at this point, right after it displays the contents of your user (default, here) configuration file:

| Writing configuration file to user directory, its content is:
| ```
| [config]
| tla2tools = '/Users/adrien/.config/matla/tla2tools.jar'
| [tlc_cla]
| # # Full configuration for TLC runtime arguments customization
| #
| # # Sets the number of workers, `0` or `auto` for `auto`.
| # workers = 'auto' # <int|'auto'>#
| # # If active, counterexample traces will only display state variables when they change.
| # diff_cexs = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
| # # Sets the seed when running TLC, random if none.
| # seed = 0 # <int|'random'>#
| # # If active, TLC will not output print statements.
| # terse = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
| # # Maximum size of the sets TLC is allowed to enumerate.
| # max_set_size = 'default' # <u64|'default'>#
| # # If active, TLC will check for (and fail on) deadlocks.
| # check_deadlocks = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
| # # If active, matla will present the callstack on errors, whenever possible.
| # print_callstack = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
| # # If active, matla will present time statistics during runs.
| # print_timestats = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>
| ```
| Configuration regarding `tlc_cla` (TLC command-line arguments) corresponds to
| options for `matla run`. You can check them out with `matla help run`.
| The configuration above corresponds to matla's defaults, and all items are optional.
| Setup complete, matla is ready to go.

If you are familiar with TLC, you probably see right away what the [tlc_cla] TOML-section deals with. It specifies your user-level TLC options; we will see later that this is a first level of configuration, the other two being project-level configuration (a TOML file in your project directory) and command-line-level configuration (options passed to matla run). Basically, your user-level configuration is always used except for options specified in the project-level configuration, except for options specified at command-line level.

You can uncomment any of the items in this file, change them, and thus decide what the default behavior of TLC (through matla) should be. Just keep in mind that project configuration can preempt these settings, as can matla's command-line arguments.

We also see that your user configuration file stores the path to the TLA+ toolbox, which is the jar downloaded during setup. If you had asked matla not to download it but instead retrieve it from the environment, then assuming it found some/path/tla2tools.jar somewhere that's what the value of the tla2tools item of the configuration file would be.

At this point everything is in place and you can move on to the next chapters of this manual. The section below is for users that do not want matla to create a user configuration directory for some reason.

Portable mode

Some readers might not like this "hidden configuration directory" approach and prefer a portable solution, where matla has no such impact on your home directory. Although it is not the intended way to use matla, such readers will be glad to know they can run matla in portable mode with the --portable (-p for short) flag.

In portable mode, matla does not look for $HOME/.config/matla (which would fail) and instead scans the environment it's running in (mostly your $PATH environment variable) for tla2tools.jar. Assuming it finds one, matla will just use that and run normally. Obviously, running in portable mode means you will not be able to have a user configuration file.

Init and project layout

Matla project sources for this section available here.

Let's dive in on an non-matla TLA+ toy project. From this point, we assume you have performed matla's setup.

> ls -a
.gitignore  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla

> bat .gitignore
       │ File: .gitignore
   1   │ # Ignore macos trash files
   2   │ .DS_Store

For the sake of reproducibility, here is the content of the .tla file. It encodes a stopwatch (sw) system counting time with cnt, featuring reset and start_stop buttons, and an "internal" counting flag. The counter saturates at 59.

\* sw_0.tla
---- MODULE sw_0 ----


VARIABLES cnt, reset, start_stop, counting

svars == <<cnt, reset, start_stop, counting>>

bool(stuff) == stuff \in { TRUE, FALSE }

init ==
    /\ bool(start_stop)
    /\ (cnt = 0)
    /\ (counting = start_stop)

next ==
    /\ bool(start_stop')
    /\ (
        IF start_stop' THEN counting' = ~counting
        ELSE UNCHANGED counting
    ) /\ (
        IF reset' THEN cnt' = 0
        ELSE IF counting' /\ cnt < 59 THEN cnt' = cnt + 1
        ELSE UNCHANGED cnt

inv_cnt_pos == cnt >= 0
inv_reset == reset => (cnt = 0)

cnt_leq_10 == cnt <= 10


And the .cfg file:

\* sw_0.cfg
INIT init
NEXT next


Init and project configuration

At this point, our toy project is

> exa -a
.gitignore  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla

> bat .gitignore
       │ File: .gitignore
   1   │ # Ignore macos trash files
   2   │ .DS_Store

Time to matla-ify this project, which is done with matla init.

> matla init
Setting up your project, hang tight.
- adding build directory to gitignore if needed...
- setting up `Matla` module...
- setting up project configuration file...
Init complete, your project is ready to roll.

> exa -a
.gitignore  Matla.tla  Matla.toml  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla

We have two new files, but before we discuss them let's adress the .gitignore: in its output, matla lets us know that it added its "build directory" to the gitignore if needed, meaning if one exists and the build directory is not already there".

> bat .gitignore
       │ File: .gitignore
   1   │ # Ignore macos trash files
   2   │ .DS_Store
   3   │
   4   │ # Ignore matla build directory.
   5   │ /target

Lines 3 to 5 are new and add /target as a directory to ignore. As we will see later, this directory will be where matla puts all its compilation/runtime artifacts.

Project layout

Matla project sources for this section available here.

Diving deeper, let's look at matla's project configuration file, Matla.toml:

# # Full configuration for TLC runtime arguments customization
# # Sets the number of workers, `0` or `auto` for `auto`.
# workers = 0 # <int|'auto'>#
# # If active, counterexample traces will only display state variables when they change.
# diff_cexs = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # Sets the seed when running TLC, random if none.
# seed = 0 # <int|'random'>#
# # If active, TLC will not output print statements.
# terse = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # Maximum size of the sets TLC is allowed to enumerate.
# max_set_size = 'default' # <u64|'default'>#
# # If active, TLC will check for (and fail on) deadlocks.
# check_deadlocks = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # If active, matla will present the callstack on errors, whenever possible.
# print_callstack = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # If active, matla will present time statistics during runs.
# timestats = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>

If you remember, this is pretty much exactly what matla generates on setup as your user configuration file. While users can customize how they want TLC to behave (when calling matla) in their user configuration file, the project-level configuration can override part or all of these settings. This can be useful to make sure all contributors use the same TLC-level settings regardless of their user configuration such as seed, deadlock checking, etc. if that makes sense for your project.

The Matla module

The last file matla init generated is the Matla.tla file. This defines a Matla module which is ~385 lines long. Basically, this module provides functions for asserting things, i.e. wrappers around calls to TLC!Assert as well as a few type-checking helpers. For clarity's sake, let's discuss only one of the many assert variants.

> bat -p Matla.tla
---- MODULE Matla ----
\* Matla helpers, mostly for assertions and debug/release conditional compilation.

\* TLC!Assertions are built on top of the standard `TLC' module.
---- MODULE dbg ----
\* All functions in this module do nothing in `release' mode.

\* Checks some predicate.
    \* Predicate that must be true.
    \* Message issued when the predicate is false.
) ==
    TLC!Assert(pred, message)

\* End of module `dbg'.

\* Contains debug-only functions.
dbg == INSTANCE dbg

\* Checks some predicate.
\* Active in debug and release.
    \* Predicate that must be true.
    \* Message issued when the predicate is false.
) ==
    TLC!Assert(pred, message)

\* End of module `Matla'.

This might be a bit odd: there are two versions of assert with exactly the same definition, but one is in a dbg module under Matla while the other is at Matla's top-level. The same goes for all assert variants in the actual Matla.tla.

You can infer why this is by reading the comments, but basically it is tied to matla's conditional compilation capabilities. As discussed earlier and detailed after, matla can run in either debug mode or release mode. If, somewhere, we write Matla!assert(...) then regardless of the mode matla runs in, the assertion will be evaluated and our run will crash if the assertion does not hold.

Matla!dbg!assert(...) is the same but only in debug mode. In release mode, matla will compile it away (use TRUE as its definition) to make your big, release-run faster.

Technically, matla does not need to write this Matla.tla file here. It is actually ignored when matla runs, as matla generates whatever version correspond to the run mode (debug/release). The reason matla does generate this file is i) so that users can actually check what's in it and ii) to be compatible with IDEs that rely on the TLA+ toolbox to check your files and display errors if needed. Generating Matla.tla here essentially makes your code a legal TLC project.

Some matla users might not be interested in this conditional compilation feature. A quick look at matla help init will lead you to the --no_matla_module flag which will do exactly what it sounds like it's doing.


Matla also recognizes the optional tests project sub-directory: this is where your integration tests will reside. Let's forget about this for now as we will discuss testing in details later.


This chapter builds on the toy project discussed in the previous chapter. It might be useful to be familiar with it, especially if this is your first time reading this.

Also, all demos run with an unmodified Matla.toml project configuration file.

Running matla on your matla-initialized TLA+ project is easy enough:

> ls
Matla.tla  Matla.toml  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla

> matla run
system is safe

> ls
Matla.tla  Matla.toml  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla  target

Matla project sources for this section available here.

That's a bit underwhelming, though we did get a safe result. This means all invariants/properties were proved to hold by TLC (called through matla). There is a new target folder which is where all build-time/run-time artifact live. Feel free to check out its content if you're interested in peeking at how matla handles your sources and runs TLC on them. Also, note that you can clean your project directory with matla clean. This is effectively the same as rm -rf target. Note that matla run does not create or modify anything outside target, hence the simple cleanup procedure.

Moving on, let's take a look at the .cfg file.

INIT init
NEXT next


It turns out there was two invariants to check.

> bat -r 29:32 sw_0.tla
       │ File: sw_0.tla
  29   │ inv_cnt_pos == cnt >= 0
  30   │ inv_reset == reset => (cnt = 0)
  31   │
  32   │ cnt_leq_10 == cnt <= 10

Both are expected to hold, which TLC confirms. Next, we'll add some falsifiable invariants/properties to see what happens.

Running: counterexample traces

Matla project sources for this section available here and here (temporal version).

Remember the candidate invariants from our running example:

> bat -r 29:32 sw_0.tla
       │ File: sw_0.tla
  29   │ inv_cnt_pos == cnt >= 0
  30   │ inv_reset == reset => (cnt = 0)
  31   │
  32   │ cnt_leq_10 == cnt <= 10

Predicate cnt_leq_10 does not hold: the stopwatch can count up to 59, at which points it cannot increase anymore.

Let's see what happens if we add it as a candidate invariant.

> bat sw_0.cfg
       │ File: sw_0.cfg
   1   │ INIT init
   2   │ NEXT next
   3   │
   5   │     inv_cnt_pos
   6   │     inv_reset
   7   │     cnt_leq_10

This is a good opportunity to showcase matla's fancy, colored, UTF-8-art output so let's see what it looks like on a screenshot.

cnt_leq_10 CEX

For whatever reason, some people don't like command-line tools that have nice colored output. Note that matla has a --color option: matla --color off run or matla -c off run which disables matla's colored output.

This toy example is still readable in colorless mode, but counterexample traces on projects manipulating tuples, bags, sets... values benefit greatly from syntax highlighting. Here is a very small part of a huge counterexample trace for a relatively big project:

big fancy CEX

For readers wondering what a counterexample trace for a temporal property looks like, let's add the bogus temporal property that "if cnt = 1 at some point, then eventually cnt = 10". Which, if you followed, should not hold.

> bat -r 29:34 sw_0.tla
       │ File: sw_0.tla
  29   │ inv_cnt_pos == cnt >= 0
  30   │ inv_reset == reset => (cnt = 0)
  31   │
  32   │ cnt_leq_10 == cnt <= 10
  33   │
  34   │ well_thats_gonna_fail == (cnt = 1) ~> (cnt = 10)

Then we activate the property in the .cfg:

INIT init
NEXT next



And voilà:

temporal CEX

User/project configuration and command-line arguments

This chapter builds on the toy project discussed in the previous chapter. It might be useful to be familiar with it, especially if this is your first time reading this.

As discussed in the previous chapter, matla has a three-level configuration hierarchy.

  • 1) user configuration: $HOME/.config/matla/matla.toml (none in --portable/-p mode);
  • 2) project configuration: project/directory/Matla.toml;
  • 3) command-line arguments passed to matla run calls.

Basically, for any configuration item, matla run uses the value set by the highest configuration level in this hierarchy; if none, then the item's internal default value is used.

Let's see this in action. Say that, as a user, you wish the TLC-level seed controling TLC's RNG to be random (matla's default is auto) and you want exhaustive counterexample traces (off by default).

Exhaustive traces display all state variables for all states. Diff traces on the other hand show the value of state variable svar in state s_i if either

  • i = 0,
  • s_i is the last state of the trace, or
  • svar's value in s_i is different from its value in s_{i-1}.

To set this configuration, modify your user configuration file:

> bat ~/.config/matla/matla.toml
      │ File: ~/.config/matla/matla.toml
  1   │ [config]
  2   │ tla2tools = '~/.config/matla/tla2tools.jar'
  3   │
  4   │ [tlc_cla]
  5   │ seed = 'random'
  6   │ diff_cexs = 'off'
  7   │

Going back to our running stopwatch example, we launch matla run again but this time ask it to print its TLC-level configuration.

> exa
Matla.tla  Matla.toml  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla  target

> bat sw_0.cfg
       │ File: sw_0.cfg
   1   │ INIT init
   2   │ NEXT next
   3   │
   5   │     inv_cnt_pos
   6   │     inv_reset

> bat Matla.toml
       │ File: Matla.toml
   1   │ [project]
   2   │ # # Full configuration for TLC runtime arguments customization
   3   │ #
   4   │ # # Sets the number of workers, `0` or `auto` for `auto`.
   5   │ # workers = 0 # <int|'auto'>#
   6   │ # # If active, counterexample traces will only display state variables when they change.
   7   │ # diff_cexs = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
   8   │ # # Sets the seed when running TLC, random if none.
   9   │ # seed = 0 # <int|'random'>#
  10   │ # # If active, TLC will not output print statements.
  11   │ # terse = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
  12   │ # # Maximum size of the sets TLC is allowed to enumerate.
  13   │ # max_set_size = 'default' # <u64|'default'>#
  14   │ # # If active, TLC will check for (and fail on) deadlocks.
  15   │ # check_deadlocks = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
  16   │ # # If active, matla will present the callstack on errors, whenever possible.
  17   │ # print_callstack = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
  18   │ # # If active, matla will present time statistics during runs.
  19   │ # timestats = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>

Matla TLC config 1

The configuration reported by matla is the expected one: everything is default since the project configuration and matla run's command-line arguments do not specify anything.

Say now that the project leader wants to fix TLC's seed and fix the number of workers to 1 (matla's default is 'auto') to have (more) reproducible analyses output. So, they modify the project's configuration:

> bat Matla.toml
       │ File: Matla.toml
   1   │ [project]
   2   │ seed = 0
   3   │ workers = 1

Let's run matla again:

Matla TLC config 2

As expected, the seed configuration item set by your user configuration is overwritten by the project's configuration, while your diff_cexs item is still the way you set it up. Item workers is not an override since you did not specify it in your user configuration file, it's just the setting specified by the project.

Last, let's assume you're tired of your analyses taking forever because the project configuration forces TLC to use a single worker, causing you to hate your project leader. You thus override the workers item in you call to matla:

Matla TLC config 3

Neat! You can now bypass your project leader's setup without them ever knowing about it.

Debug/release: conditional compilation

This chapter builds on the toy project discussed in the previous chapter. It might be useful to be familiar with it, especially if this is your first time reading this.

Matla's conditional compilation is tied to the Matla module discussed in the previous chapter. If you remember, Matla.tla is generated by matla init among your project's sources.

Just like we did back then, let's pretend this module only defines assert and none of its variants, all of which are handled the same by matla's conditional compilation anyway.

> cat Matla.tla
---- MODULE Matla ----
\* Matla helpers, mostly for assertions and debug/release conditional compilation.

\* TLC!Assertions are built on top of the standard `TLC' module.
---- MODULE dbg ----
\* All functions in this module do nothing in `release' mode.

\* Checks some predicate.
    \* Predicate that must be true.
    \* Message issued when the predicate is false.
) ==
    TLC!Assert(pred, message)

\* End of module `dbg'.

\* Contains debug-only functions.
dbg == INSTANCE dbg

\* Checks some predicate.
\* Active in debug and release.
    \* Predicate that must be true.
    \* Message issued when the predicate is false.
) ==
    TLC!Assert(pred, message)

\* End of module `Matla'.

The two versions, Matla!assert and Matla!dbg!assert, behave exactly the same in debug mode, which is matla run's default mode. They differ in release mode however, activated by matla run --release, in that Matla!dbg!asserts will be compiled away (replaced by TRUE) while Matla!asserts will still cause TLC to check them, and fail if they do not hold.

Let's illustrate this on our running stopwatch project, sources available here.

> exa
Matla.tla  Matla.toml  sw_0.cfg  sw_0.tla  target

> bat sw_0.cfg
       │ File: sw_0.cfg
   1   │ INIT init
   2   │ NEXT next
   3   │
   5   │     inv_cnt_pos
   6   │     inv_reset

Module sw_0 defines a next action:

> bat -r 17:27 sw_0.tla
       │ File: sw_0.tla
  17   │ next ==
  18   │     bool(reset')
  19   │     /\ bool(start_stop')
  20   │     /\ (
  21   │         IF start_stop' THEN counting' = ~counting
  22   │         ELSE UNCHANGED counting
  23   │     ) /\ (
  24   │         IF reset' THEN cnt' = 0
  25   │         ELSE IF counting' /\ cnt < 59 THEN cnt' = cnt + 1
  26   │         ELSE UNCHANGED cnt
  27   │     )

Let's add a non-debug check that we expect to fail:

> bat -r 17:29 sw_0.tla
       │ File: sw_0.tla
  17 ~ │ LOCAL Matla == INSTANCE Matla
  18   │ next ==
  19   │     bool(reset')
  20   │     /\ bool(start_stop')
  21 + │     /\ Matla!assert(reset')
  22   │     /\ (
  23   │         IF start_stop' THEN counting' = ~counting
  24   │         ELSE UNCHANGED counting
  25   │     ) /\ (
  26   │         IF reset' THEN cnt' = 0
  27   │         ELSE IF counting' /\ cnt < 59 THEN cnt' = cnt + 1
  28   │         ELSE UNCHANGED cnt
  29   │     )

Running matla again, we get

Error: an assertion failed with "that's probably going to fail"

- triggered at
  module sw_0, 20:8 → 20:60
        |        vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
     20 |     /\ Matla!assert(reset', "that's probably going to fail")

- while exploring this trace
  │ 0 │ initial state
    │ cnt       : 0
    │ counting  : false
    │ reset     : false
    │ start_stop: false
specification is unsafe

Let's make sure debug/release modes work for Matla!dbg!assert. Project sources available here.

> bat -r 17:29 sw_0.tla
       │ File: sw_0.tla
  17   │ LOCAL Matla == INSTANCE Matla
  18   │ next ==
  19   │     bool(reset')
  20   │     /\ bool(start_stop')
  21 ~ │     /\ Matla!dbg!assert(reset')
  22   │     /\ (
  23   │         IF start_stop' THEN counting' = ~counting
  24   │         ELSE UNCHANGED counting
  25   │     ) /\ (
  26   │         IF reset' THEN cnt' = 0
  27   │         ELSE IF counting' /\ cnt < 59 THEN cnt' = cnt + 1
  28   │         ELSE UNCHANGED cnt
  29   │     )

Running in debug mode (without --release) should still fail:

> matla run -w 1
Error: an assertion failed with "that's probably going to fail"

- triggered at
  module sw_0, 20:8 → 20:64
        |        vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
     20 |     /\ Matla!dbg!assert(reset', "that's probably going to fail")

- while exploring this trace
  │ 0 │ initial state
    │ cnt       : 0
    │ counting  : false
    │ reset     : false
    │ start_stop: false
specification is unsafe

Running in release mode should succeed however, since besides the assertion line 21 the specification is safe:

> matla run -w 1 --release
specification is safe


As developers, (doc/unit/integration/binary) testing is the main way we convince ourselves that our code does what we expect. At least until we all develop in lean or something similar.

Formal methods in general and formal specification and verification in particular exist to provide strong, proof-based guarantees. It is thus crucial to make sure the specification makes sense and behaves the way we want it to so that successful analyses actually mean something.

Currently, matla only supports integration testing. That is, tests that reside outside of your project sources in a separate tests folder. Documentation/unit testing on the other hand would typically live among your project's code. Matla does not support those just yet as, for now, matla's design makes sure that your matla-project's sources are compatible with TLC: you can just run TLC manually just like you would on any TLA+ codebase. This will probably change eventually, but for now this constraint makes it difficult to decide exactly what the best way to provide doc/unit testing is.

Plain tests

When we discussed project layout, we briefly mentioned that matla recognizes an optional tests project sub-directory but postponed discussing it further. Until now, that is.

Let's focus on success-tests for now, meaning tests that are expected to compile and run without failing in any way: no assertion failure, dynamic type errors, invariant/property falsification, etc.

As you might expect, matla treats any test in tests as a success-test by default. We will see later how to handle tests that should fail (assertion, falsification...).

A matla test is a regular TLA+ module tests/my_test.tla along with a cfg file tests/my_test.cfg. Any TLA+ module in tests has access to all modules and can freely refer to any/all of them as if they were in the same directory.

⚠ Since tests and sources live in the same moral namespace, test modules cannot have the same name as one of the module in your project's sources.

In fact, matla handles tests by creating a temporary directory in the project's target build directory and moving all your sources and the specific test you're running there before running TLC. Hence the potential name-clashes.

Let's create some tests in some matla project. As far as this section is concerned, it can be any project as long as it does not have tests, including an empty (but initialized) project. You can retrieve the full project here.

> exa
Matla.tla  Matla.toml  tests

We write a few tests

> exa --tree tests
├── encoding_1.cfg
├── encoding_1.tla
├── encoding_2.cfg
├── encoding_2.tla
├── runtime_1.cfg
└── runtime_1.tla

that morally test some (nonexistent, here) encoding and runtime module from our project. They can contain anything for this demo, as long as running does not fail. We decided to have all tla (cfg) contain the same code, respectively.

\* tests/encoding_1.tla
---- MODULE encoding_1 ----



init ==
    cnt = 0
    next ==
    cnt' = (
        IF cnt < 10 THEN cnt + 1 ELSE cnt

cnt_pos == cnt >= 0
\* tests/encoding_1.cfg
INIT init
NEXT next


To run the tests, we simply run matla test. Note that this will run tests in debug mode. Unsurprisingly, you can run them in release mode with matla test --release.

> matla test
running 3 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
    test `/runtime_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 3 successful of 3

⚠ If you have a tests/my_test.tla with no associated cfg file, matla will assume you wrote a tla for a test but forgot to write its cfg and produce an error.

Well, actually, you can have modules with no cfg, called "test libraries", but they require an annotation to let matla know you actually meant for this module to be a library used by other tests. We will see how shortly.

Sometimes, especially when we write a specific test, we don't want to run all tests. You can run a single test by passing its module name (with or without .tla) to matla test.

> matla test encoding_1
running 1 integration test
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 1 successful of 1

But what about a family of tests? Say we modified the (nonexistent, here, again) encoding module from the project and only want to run test dealing with this module for instance; it turns out that matla test accepts more than a module name, it supports regular expressions too:

> matla test "encoding_*"
running 2 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 2 successful of 2

While different from a semantic analysis checking which test references which module, you can accomplish the same result assuming you have some discipline in your test naming convention.

⚠ Pro tip: matla does not look for a full match of the regular expression, just a partial one. Hence, you can also obtain the result from above by running the following.

> matla test encoding
running 2 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 2 successful of 2

Test configuration and expected outcome

The ability to write tests that will be checked for success is not enough, in practice many tests check that something bad is rejected. Matla does support this, in fact you can specify that you expect pretty much any kind of outcome TLC can produce.

Matla lets you specify this by parsing an optional TOML test specification before the module header of your test tla file. As you may know, TLC ignores everything before the module header (and after the module footer), which allows us to write our test specification without making the file illegal for TLC.

We did not do anything of the sort in the previous section because we wrote tests expected to succeed, which is what matla assumes if we omit the test specification TOML header. Let's make the default specification explicit: it takes the form of a [test] TOML section containing a few fields. Full project available here.

\* tests/encoding_1.tla
only_in = none
expected = success

---- MODULE encoding_1 ----



init ==
    cnt = 0
    next ==
    cnt' = (
        IF cnt < 10 THEN cnt + 1 ELSE cnt

cnt_pos == cnt >= 0

The first field is only_in, which specifies whether the test should only run in debug mode or release mode. If you recall, matla test runs tests in debug mode while matla test --release runs them in release mode. Here, none means that the test should run in both debug and release, which is the same as omitting the only_in field completely. Besides none, only_in's value can be debug or release.

This can be useful to make sure that your type-checking assertions are present and correct. Such checks are typically Matla!dbg!assertions, which would fail if included in a matla test --release run as debug assertions are compiled away in release mode. Conversely, some of your tests might be expensive enough that you don't want type-checking assertions to be active to save time, so you would have `only_in = .

Next is the last, more interesting field: expected. Note that its value can optionally be quoted, e.g. "success". Matla supports a relatively wide range of values. It's not necessary for you to remember them all; instead, we advise you write a definitely illegal value such as help me. This will cause matla test to fail parsing the value and produce a detailed explanation.

\* tests/encoding_2.tla
expected = help me

---- MODULE encoding_2 ----



init ==
    cnt = 0
    next ==
    cnt' = (
        IF cnt < 10 THEN cnt + 1 ELSE cnt

cnt_pos == cnt >= 0

The explanation actually goes over most of what we saw in this section:

> matla test encoding_2
Error: failure during test

Caused by:
    0: failed to load integration tests
    1: illegal test configuration in file `./tests/encoding_2.tla` at 2:12
    2:       |
           2 | expected = help me
             |            ^~~~~~ expected one of "Error", "Failure", "Violation", "error", "failure", "success", "violation"
    3: Integration tests live in the optional `tests` directory of your project. A test is a *runnable* TLA
       module, *i.e.* a TLA file and its companion `.cfg` file.
       TLA integration test files must start with a test *configuration*, before the `----` module header.
       The configuration is written in toml and looks as follows, **inside** the code block.
       only_in = <'none'|'debug'|'release'>
       expected = <result>
       where `only_in` is optional and `none` by default; `expected` is also
       optional and is `success` by default. Its value must be one of
       - `success`
       - `violation(assumption)`
       - `violation(deadlock)`
       - `violation(safety)`
       - `violation(liveness)`
       - `violation(assert)`
       - `failure(spec)`
       - `failure(safety)`
       - `failure(liveness)`
       - `error(spec_parse)`
       - `error(config_parse)`
       - `error(statespace_too_big)`
       - `error(system)`

It seems to us that matla does a pretty good job at explaining how to write the test's configuration and the expected field in particular, so we elaborate no further.

Test libraries

It can be quite useful to factor test-related boilerplate code for DRY's sake. Moving this common code to your project's sources is an option, but it's not a desirable one. It mixes testing and actual sources in a way that's just dirty and unhygienic.

We discussed previously that matla treats tla files in tests that have no associated cfg file as mistakes: tests you wrote the tla for, but forgot the cfg because you got distracted by a hilarious cat meme 🙀.

Still, that's exactly what matla's test libraries are, with the caveat that they must have a TOML test library configuration header. Just like tests, this header must be before the TLA+ module opener. Unlike tests that specify their configuration with a [test] TOML section containing a few fields, test libraries are configured with a [lib] TOML section with no fields, at least currently.

As matla runs your tests, there is no real difference between a test [lib]rary and a module from your project's actual sources. Your tests see and can refer to both of them transparently. The only difference is the [lib] header, which TLC ignores, and the fact that test libraries are located in tests. Hygiene all the way!

Let's illustrate this on the example from the previous section. We factor out the initialization of the cnt state variable in all of our tests. You can retrieve the full project here.

\* tests/cnt_init.tla
\* does **not** have a `.cfg` file

---- MODULE cnt_init ----

doit(cnt) == cnt = 0

\* tests/encoding_1.tla
expected = success

---- MODULE encoding_1 ----

LOCAL cnt_init == INSTANCE cnt_init


init ==
next ==
    cnt' = (
        IF cnt < 10 THEN cnt + 1 ELSE cnt

cnt_pos == cnt >= 0

Our two other tests, encoding_2 and runtime_1, have exactly the same content as encoding_1. Matla does not even blink and handles everything gracefully as usual:

> matla test
running 3 integration tests sequentially
    test `/encoding_2`: success 😺
    test `/encoding_1`: success 😺
    test `/runtime_1`: success 😺
integration tests: 3 successful of 3