Project layout

Matla project sources for this section available here.

Diving deeper, let's look at matla's project configuration file, Matla.toml:

# # Full configuration for TLC runtime arguments customization
# # Sets the number of workers, `0` or `auto` for `auto`.
# workers = 0 # <int|'auto'>#
# # If active, counterexample traces will only display state variables when they change.
# diff_cexs = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # Sets the seed when running TLC, random if none.
# seed = 0 # <int|'random'>#
# # If active, TLC will not output print statements.
# terse = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # Maximum size of the sets TLC is allowed to enumerate.
# max_set_size = 'default' # <u64|'default'>#
# # If active, TLC will check for (and fail on) deadlocks.
# check_deadlocks = 'on' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # If active, matla will present the callstack on errors, whenever possible.
# print_callstack = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>#
# # If active, matla will present time statistics during runs.
# timestats = 'off' # <'on'|'off'|'true'|'false'>

If you remember, this is pretty much exactly what matla generates on setup as your user configuration file. While users can customize how they want TLC to behave (when calling matla) in their user configuration file, the project-level configuration can override part or all of these settings. This can be useful to make sure all contributors use the same TLC-level settings regardless of their user configuration such as seed, deadlock checking, etc. if that makes sense for your project.

The Matla module

The last file matla init generated is the Matla.tla file. This defines a Matla module which is ~385 lines long. Basically, this module provides functions for asserting things, i.e. wrappers around calls to TLC!Assert as well as a few type-checking helpers. For clarity's sake, let's discuss only one of the many assert variants.

> bat -p Matla.tla
---- MODULE Matla ----
\* Matla helpers, mostly for assertions and debug/release conditional compilation.

\* TLC!Assertions are built on top of the standard `TLC' module.
---- MODULE dbg ----
\* All functions in this module do nothing in `release' mode.

\* Checks some predicate.
    \* Predicate that must be true.
    \* Message issued when the predicate is false.
) ==
    TLC!Assert(pred, message)

\* End of module `dbg'.

\* Contains debug-only functions.
dbg == INSTANCE dbg

\* Checks some predicate.
\* Active in debug and release.
    \* Predicate that must be true.
    \* Message issued when the predicate is false.
) ==
    TLC!Assert(pred, message)

\* End of module `Matla'.

This might be a bit odd: there are two versions of assert with exactly the same definition, but one is in a dbg module under Matla while the other is at Matla's top-level. The same goes for all assert variants in the actual Matla.tla.

You can infer why this is by reading the comments, but basically it is tied to matla's conditional compilation capabilities. As discussed earlier and detailed after, matla can run in either debug mode or release mode. If, somewhere, we write Matla!assert(...) then regardless of the mode matla runs in, the assertion will be evaluated and our run will crash if the assertion does not hold.

Matla!dbg!assert(...) is the same but only in debug mode. In release mode, matla will compile it away (use TRUE as its definition) to make your big, release-run faster.

Technically, matla does not need to write this Matla.tla file here. It is actually ignored when matla runs, as matla generates whatever version correspond to the run mode (debug/release). The reason matla does generate this file is i) so that users can actually check what's in it and ii) to be compatible with IDEs that rely on the TLA+ toolbox to check your files and display errors if needed. Generating Matla.tla here essentially makes your code a legal TLC project.

Some matla users might not be interested in this conditional compilation feature. A quick look at matla help init will lead you to the --no_matla_module flag which will do exactly what it sounds like it's doing.


Matla also recognizes the optional tests project sub-directory: this is where your integration tests will reside. Let's forget about this for now as we will discuss testing in details later.