Candidate Strengthening

Candidate strengthening is about making non-inductive candidates inductive (when possible). It is somewhat difficult to come up with an example that is

  • interesting for strengthening,
  • not too artificial, i.e. is relatively realistic for a developer, and
  • is accessible without too much explanation.

While not extremely complex, the central example of this chapter and the manipulations in general are going to be more involved than what we have discussed so far.

This chapter also touches on the very high complexity and potential undecidability of verification.

This chapter is quite technical, and a bit theoretical. It is recommended that you understand all the concepts introduced so far before diving into this chapter. Some understanding of Rust could help in places, although it is by no means mandatory.

We have seen two kinds of candidate up to this point:

  • inductive candidates, meaning induction can prove they are invariants, and
  • falsifiable candidates, which can be falsified by running BMC for long enough.

Not all invariants are inductive. Meaning it is possible to get a step counterexample, i.e. the transition relation does not preserve the candidate, even though the candidate is an invariant and no legal trace of states can falsify it.

Array Value Grouping

Let's switch gears and look at an actual piece of (Rust) code. Assume we have an array arr of statically-known size len of elements of type T (arr has type [T; len]. Say we also have an integer (usize) value grouping. What we want to do is fold over successive groups (sub-arrays) of length grouping of the elements of arr.

In practice, we want to have a type Wrap that stores arr and grouping, and exposes a fold function over values of type &[T] which is guaranteed to store exactly grouping elements. Fold implements an sliding, non-overlapping window of length grouping over arr. Here is what using it would look like.

fn main() {
    // `len` ~~~~~~v
    let arr: [f64; 6] = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
    // `grouping` ~~~~~~~~~~~~v
    let wrap = Wrap::new(arr, 3);
    let value_1 = wrap.fold(0., |acc, arr| {
            "len: {} | arr[0]: {}, arr[1]: {}, arr[2]: {}",
        assert_eq!(arr.len(), 3);
        let new_acc = acc + arr[0] * arr[1] * arr[2];
        println!("acc: {}, new_acc: {}", acc, new_acc);
    println!("fold result: {}", value_1);


    // `len` ~~~~~~v
    let arr: [f64; 6] = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
    // `grouping` ~~~~~~~~~~~~v
    let wrap = Wrap::new(arr, 2);
    let value_2 = wrap.fold(0., |acc, arr| {
            "len: {} | arr[0]: {}, arr[1]: {}",
        assert_eq!(arr.len(), 2);
        let new_acc = acc + arr[0] * arr[1];
        println!("acc: {}, new_acc: {}", acc, new_acc);
    println!("fold result: {}", value_2);

Which produces

len: 3 | arr[0]: 0, arr[1]: 1, arr[2]: 2
acc: 0, new_acc: 0
len: 3 | arr[0]: 3, arr[1]: 4, arr[2]: 5
acc: 0, new_acc: 60
fold result: 60


len: 2 | arr[0]: 0, arr[1]: 1
acc: 0, new_acc: 0
len: 2 | arr[0]: 2, arr[1]: 3
acc: 0, new_acc: 6
len: 2 | arr[0]: 4, arr[1]: 5
acc: 6, new_acc: 26
fold result: 26

Full code available below. For now let's turn to how the fold function would be implemented. Say init and next are fold's two arguments (initial value and fold function respectively). Then the body of fold could look something like

fn main() {
        let mut acc = init;
        let mut i = 0;
        while i < len {
            let next_i = i + grouping;
            acc = next(acc, &arr[i..next_i]);
            i = next_i
  • local variable acc is initially init, and the loop updates its value with the result of the call to next;
  • the while loop increments an i index until it goes over len (length of arr);
  • at the end of each iteration, the new value of i is i + grouping;
  • the call to next gives it the current value of the accumulator, and a slice from i to i + grouping ---remember that n..m is the interval [n, m[: m is not included in the interval;
  • when we exit the loop, we return the final value of acc.
Full code for this example, requires some Rust knowledge.

pub struct Wrap<T, const len: usize> {
    arr: [T; len],
    grouping: usize,
impl<T, const len: usize> Wrap<T, len> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(arr: [T; len], grouping: usize) -> Self {
        if len % grouping != 0 {
                "grouping value {} is not a multiple of array length ({})",
                grouping, len,
        if grouping < 1 {
            panic!("illegal grouping value {}, must be > 0", grouping)
        Self { arr, grouping }
    /// Grouped fold.
    pub fn fold<Acc>(&self, init: Acc, mut next: impl FnMut(Acc, &[T]) -> Acc) -> Acc {
        let (arr, grouping) = (&self.arr, self.grouping);
        let mut acc = init;
        let mut i = 0;
        while i < len {
            let next_i = i + grouping;
            acc = next(acc, &arr[i..next_i]);
            i = next_i

fn main() {
    // `len` ~~~~~~v
    let arr: [f64; 6] = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
    // `grouping` ~~~~~~~~~~~~v
    let wrap = Wrap::new(arr, 3);
    let value_1 = wrap.fold(0., |acc, arr| {
            "len: {} | arr[0]: {}, arr[1]: {}, arr[2]: {}",
        assert_eq!(arr.len(), 3);
        let new_acc = acc + arr[0] * arr[1] * arr[2];
        println!("acc: {}, new_acc: {}", acc, new_acc);
    println!("fold result: {}", value_1);


    // `len` ~~~~~~v
    let arr: [f64; 6] = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
    // `grouping` ~~~~~~~~~~~~v
    let wrap = Wrap::new(arr, 2);
    let value_2 = wrap.fold(0., |acc, arr| {
            "len: {} | arr[0]: {}, arr[1]: {}",
        assert_eq!(arr.len(), 2);
        let new_acc = acc + arr[0] * arr[1];
        println!("acc: {}, new_acc: {}", acc, new_acc);
    println!("fold result: {}", value_2);

Now let's think about this a little bit. The value &arr[i..next_i], where next_i is i + grouping, does not always make sense: i + grouping might strictly superior to len (arr's length). This cannot happen if len is a multiple of grouping however, and actually Wrap's constructor checks for this.

fn main() {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(arr: [T; len], grouping: usize) -> Self {
        if len % grouping != 0 {
                "grouping value {} is not a multiple of array length ({})",
                grouping, len,
        if grouping < 1 {
            panic!("illegal grouping value {}, must be > 0", grouping)

There is also a check that grouping > 0, otherwise fold would not terminate when len > 0. So everything should be fine, right? Humans do not make very good proof engines, let's just prove it to make sure.


You are encouraged to think about how you would encode this verification problem so that mikino can handle it. You will probably not going to succeed unless you are already very familiar with this kind of encoding. May read a paragraph below or two, think about it some more, read some more, etc.

Mikino does not accept Rust code, we need to encode what we want to check. Writing an encoder for (a subset of) of programming language is a very challenging task. It requires an exact understanding of the semantics of the language and the ability to design encoding rules that are guaranteed to preserve it, or at least preserve the part relevant for the analysis. So let's not do that and encode it by hand.

fn main() {
        let mut acc = init;
        let mut i = 0;
        while i < len {
            let next_i = i + grouping;
            acc = next(acc, &arr[i..next_i]);
            i = next_i

What do we want to check, i.e. what does it mean for this code to make sense? It's really a matter of how i is related to len. Each iteration makes sense if the interval we use on arr is legal, meaning i < len and next_i = i + grouping ≤ len (interval is exclusive on its upper bound). We actually don't care about what's in arr, just that its length is len. Our encoding can safely ignore arr completely. Same for acc, its value is not relevant for fold to make sense in how it accesses arr. The only real state variable of interest in this loop is thus i.

There a whole bunch of additional properties we might want to prove. For instance, that arr slices do not overlap. The point is that, whatever we are interested in proving, we should remove everything that is not necessary as we encode the program. However, the encoding should at least be sound: proving an invariant in the encoding must entail it is an invariant for the original program.

Here, we are doing the encoding by hand and we can pick and choose what is encoded or left out. In an actual verification tool, the encoding process would be automatic. Such an automatic encoder might encode the whole semantics of the program (meaning dealing with arrays at SMT-level here) and hope for the best, or be clever enough to realize it can excise array-related things for this particular verification challenge. Writing a clever, automatic encoder is difficult and challenging, and can void all results if it is not sound.

Note that we have a few constants here: len and grouping do not change as the loop runs. Unfortunately mikino does not have a notion of constant yet (contributions are welcome), so we have to encode them as state variables along with i.

fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

The surprise state variable done is a flag we are going to use to indicate whether the loop is done or not. This allows our system to never end, which is a useful property for technical reasons beyond the scope of this chapter.

We initialize the transition system encoding fold's loop, as follows.

fn main() {
init {
    len ≥ 0,
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

The first two simply constrain the values for len (usize, thus ≥ 0) and grouping (checked to be ≥ 1 by the constructor). Then i is constrained to be equal to its initial value, 0. The done flag is initially true if and only if i ≥ len, which basically means len is 0 ---arr is empty, the loop never starts.

Last, we have the assumption we need for the whole thing to work: len is a multiple of grouping, which Wrap's constructor checks.

The transition relation needs to do a few things. Our constants (encoded as state variables) need to keep their value, since if we left them unconstrained they could take any value. We also need to update the value of done, and finally that of i.

fn main() {
// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

Testing the Encoding

Before we do anything else, let's think of what happens if len = 8 and grouping = 4. Initially i = 0, then it should increase to i = 4, then to i = 8 at which point done = i ≥ len becomes true and the system stutters (its state variables stay the same forever).

We should make sure our encoding behaves like this. So, what we should ask mikino is "with len = 8 and grouping = 4, is it possible to reach a state such that i = len?". We can do this with BMC: since we want to reach len = 8 ∧ grouping = 4 ∧ i = len, we can just need ask BMC to try to falsify ¬(len = 8 ∧ grouping = 4 ∧ i = len).

fn main() {
candidates {
	"candidate": ¬(len = 8 ⋀ grouping = 4 ⋀ i = len),

Mikino yields

> mikino bmc test.mkn
running BMC, looking for falsifications for 1 candidate(s)...
checking for falsifications at depth 0
checking for falsifications at depth 1
checking for falsifications at depth 2
found a falsification at depth 2:
- `candidate` = (not (and (= len 8) (= grouping 4) (= i len)))
  |=| Step 0
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 4
  |        i = 0
  |      len = 8
  |=| Step 1
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 4
  |        i = 4
  |      len = 8
  |=| Step 2
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 4
  |        i = 8
  |      len = 8
  |=| Z3 produced the following unexpected values
  | div0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 2
  | mod0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 0

|===| Bmc result
| - found a falsification for the following candidate(s)
|   `candidate`
| - system is unsafe

We got exactly what we expected, that's encouraging. Also, remember that we proved that BMC produces counterexamples of minimal length. Hence, no shorter trace of states can lead the system to falsify our property.

Full code available in the Version 1 section. You are encouraged to mess around with the example to get a better understanding of the encoding.

Mikino reports that Z3 produced unexpected values. This is not relevant for our discussion, but these functions are part of the model. Z3 is letting us know how it decided to handle division (modulo) by 0. I won't go into deeper details here for space constraints, but this is a consequence of the fact that our system uses non-linear arithmetic, and non-linear division in particular. A (system made of) formula(s) uses non-linear arithmetic if it uses multiplication/division involving more than one variable (x * y, x / y). As opposed to linear arithmetic which only allows one variable to be used (3 * x, x / 7, 0 / x).

SMT is not decidable when non-linear arithmetic is involved, but we will have more to say on that shortly as we will run into this exact problem.

Diving Head First

We start with trying to prove that the lower bound of the interval i..(i + grouping) used on arr is legal, meaning to prove that i < len. More precisely, ¬done ⇒ i < len since on exit (when done is true) we actually should have i = len; let's prove done ⇒ i = len as well.

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

Full code in the Version 2 section. Running mikino in check mode, we get:

> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
failed: the following candidate(s) are not inductive:
- `done then i = len` = (=> done (= i len))
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = (- 1)
  |      len = 0
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 1
  |      len = 0

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - the following candidate(s) are not inductive (not preserved by the transition relation)
|   `done then i = len`
| - system might be unsafe, some candidate(s) are not inductive
| - the following candidate(s) hold in the initial state(s) and are inductive
|   and thus hold in all reachable states of the system:
|   `not done then i < len`

Well, the good news is that the lower bound of our interval is always legal: mikino proved it. We get a counterexample (cex) for the second candidate though. A stupid cex too, as i is obviously positive. At least, it is obviously positive if you take into account the initial states (i = 0), which the step check of the induction proof does not do by definition. As far as the transition relation is concerned, there is no reason for i to be positive at some step k.

Your first reflex might be to add this constraint to the transition relation ((pre i) ≥ 0), which is a terrible idea. That's the encoding of the original code, you should not touch it as this would actively mask cex-s. Spurious cex-s in this case, but if you make any mistake when augmenting trans then you might block actual cex-s and safety proofs you might get would not say anything about the original system.

The reason why, in this case, it would be safe to add (pre i) ≥ 0 (don't do it though) is that it is an invariant, i.e. a consequence of the system's behavior. So there's no reason to force it on trans, we can just ask mikino to prove it instead.

fn main() {
candidates {
	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

Full code in the Version 3 section. Mikino tells us

> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
failed: the following candidate(s) are not inductive:
- `done then i = len` = (=> done (= i len))
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 0
  |      len = 1
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 2
  |      len = 1
- `i ≥ 0` = (>= i 0)
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = (- 1)
  |        i = 0
  |      len = 1
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = false
  | grouping = (- 1)
  |        i = (- 1)
  |      len = 1

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - the following candidate(s) are not inductive (not preserved by the transition relation)
|   `done then i = len`
|   `i ≥ 0`
| - system might be unsafe, some candidate(s) are not inductive
| - the following candidate(s) hold in the initial state(s) and are inductive
|   and thus hold in all reachable states of the system:
|   `not done then i < len`

Okay, now grouping is negative. There is a pattern emerging: mikino (induction, really) is stupid and needs to be told everything.

Strengthening 💪

When we add i ≥ 0 as a candidate, we are strengthening candidate done ⇒ i = len. That is, this candidate is not inductive on the raw system (made of init and trans). If we hope to prove it by induction, we have to try to prove a stronger version (done ⇒ i = len) ∧ lemma, for example with lemma ≝ i ≥ 0 in the previous example. We added the lemma as a separate candidate, but morally lemma was not really what we wanted to prove, it was just a lemma we added to help prove the main candidate (which failed). It did not work, but if we can find a lemma for which the proof goes through, then we won since the fact that (done ⇒ i = len) ∧ lemma is an invariant implies that done ⇒ i = len is an invariant.

We are about to strengthen this candidate manually, but maybe you can see why many induction-based proof engine have some form of invariant discovery. Such techniques aim at discovering potentially complex lemmas about the system that strengthen the candidates when they are not inductive.

We could keep on asking mikino for step cex-s and come up with a candidate that will hopefully block them. But we have been doing this whole thing wrong.

The first thing we should do is write everything we expect to be an invariant. For instance we know that len ≥ 0, and that grouping ≥ 1 and len % grouping = 0 (both checked in the constructor). Our first move should have been to write these candidates down (in addition to i ≥ 0) and make sure they are actually (inductive) invariants. Besides hopefully strengthening our original candidates (done ⇒ i = len and ¬done ⇒ i < len), we must check that they are invariants since if they are not something is very wrong ---the system, our encoding, our overall understanding, or all of the above.

Note that, if the encoding process was automatic, these candidates could have been generated automatically: len: usize implies len ≥ 0, same for i, and the checks in the constructor guarantee grouping ≥ 1 and len % grouping = 0 since neither len nor grouping ever change. As we will see, this is not enough, and we will need to add another (candidate) invariant that is less trivial to strengthen our real candidate successfully.

For now let's just add these new candidates

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	// new
	"len ≥ 0": len ≥ 0,
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,

and run mikino. Full code in the Version 4 section.

> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
failed: the following candidate(s) are not inductive:
- `done then i = len` = (=> done (= i len))
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 3
  |      len = 4
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 5
  |      len = 4
  |=| Z3 produced the following unexpected values
  | div0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 2
  | mod0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 0

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - the following candidate(s) are not inductive (not preserved by the transition relation)
|   `done then i = len`
| - system might be unsafe, some candidate(s) are not inductive
| - the following candidate(s) hold in the initial state(s) and are inductive
|   and thus hold in all reachable states of the system:
|   `grouping > 0`
|   `i ≥ 0`
|   `len grouping related`
|   `len ≥ 0`
|   `not done then i < len`

At least the new candidates are actual (inductive) invariants. It was not enough to strengthen our real candidate, but the cex we got is interesting. With len = 4 and grouping = 2, the step check is able to go from i = 3 to i = 5 and falsify the main candidate.

The problem here, as you might have guessed, is currently i can really take any value as long as its positive: no (candidate) invariant constrain it besides i ≥ 0. Looking at the code for the loop again

fn main() {
        let mut acc = init;
        let mut i = 0;
        while i < len {
            let next_i = i + grouping;
            acc = next(acc, &arr[i..next_i]);
            i = next_i

we see that i can only be a multiple of grouping. But we cannot know until we try to prove it. Also, will it strengthen our main candidate enough to make it inductive?

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len ≥ 0": len ≥ 0,
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
	// new
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,

We run mikino but, inconspicuously, we change the command used to run Z3 slightly (change z3 in the string to whatever the path to your Z3 binary is). Full code in the Version 5 section.

> mikino --z3_cmd "z3 -T:5" check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
|===| Error
| smt-level error:
| - smt solver reported `timeout`
| - during step check

Adding -T:5 to the Z3 command tells Z3 to timeout after five seconds. Feel free to increase the timeout, unless you are from the future and using a version Z3 that performs better on non-linear arithmetic, the step check will never end. Because of...


This small aside illustrates the importance of delimiting precisely the logical fragment in which your encoding takes place. That is, what the formulas mention: strings, arrays, non-linear arithmetic?

Verification is expensive; very expensive. SMT checks themselves are at least exp-time, meaning that if n is "the size of the problem", the complexity of SMT checks is at least 2ⁿ. Most SMT-based verification techniques end up being at least k-exp-time, also informally called tower of exponential, which is even worse than it sounds:

    `k` times

where k is some arbitrarily large constant specific to a given problem.

So that's not great. As it turns out, the hardware is now so efficient and the tools so carefully implemented and optimized that despite being k-exp-time, we can actually verify very interesting and complex systems. Still, given the complexity, we can only go so far.

One way around this high complexity is to analyze complex systems compositionally, which is akin to type-checking. When proving function f, which calls g, we can abstract g away if we have some specification for it, effectively replacing g's implementation by what the specification says it does. Then we prove g respects its specification, recursively.

This assumes we have a specification for sub-functions (g), and not just a single specification at the top-most level (f). Refining a top-level specification to generate specifications for the sub-functions is very difficult to do automatically (also manually).

To sum up, verification has at best a very high complexity. Still, in theory, if you had enough time and memory you could just wait for an arbitrary long time and actually get an answer. Unless you are in an undecidable logic fragment: you cannot know in advance if you will get an answer, even if you wait for an infinite amount of time and memory.

That's not great either, and in fact this is (probably) what happened to us on

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len ≥ 0": len ≥ 0,
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
	// new
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,

when we got

> mikino --z3_cmd "z3 -T:5" check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
|===| Error
| smt-level error:
| - smt solver reported `timeout`
| - during step check

We have been in an undecidable fragment all along (since we use non-linear arithmetic). But so far, we managed to only send Z3 checks it could handle. The last candidate we added, i % grouping = 0, apparently made our checks escape Z3's abilities.

And that's pretty much it, we will not prove done ⇒ i = len and probably not other interesting properties such as "the upper bound of the interval i..(i + grouping) must be ≤ len (interval exclusive on the upper bound)" (or simply i + grouping ≤ len) either.

Or maybe what we could do is...

Settling For The Next Best Thing

Our current system is very loose on what len and grouping could be. We cannot say much on grouping as it is given to the code at runtime. It can be anything (module the constructor's checks) and we have no control over it at compile-time (verification-time). But len is different.

It is actually not unknown at compile-time since it is a const, i.e. a value that can be computed when compiling ---at least when compiling a binary using this code, but not necessarily when compiling a library. See section Rust System for the full Rust code of the system. More precisely, different version of our case-study might be used: with len = 3, len = 7... But the point is that, due to how Rust works (monomorphization in particular), there is a finite number of actual len values and we know all of them. (Again, at least when compiling a binary.)

So, maybe, instead the loose constraint len ≥ 0 and trying to conduct a proof for any value of len (which does not work, as we have seen), we could check each possible value of len separately. Notice that len is used in a non-linear mod application, len % grouping:

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len ≥ 0": len ≥ 0,
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
	// new
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,

Checking for the concrete possible values of len instead would remove this non-linear mod and, maybe, simplify our checks enough that Z3 can handle them. Let's try with len = 8; we could remove the len state variable altogether, but we can try simply forcing it to be 8. To do this, first we need to change init slightly:

fn main() {
init {
    len = 8, // new
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

Nothing to do on trans, it does not mention len anyway. The candidate len ≥ 0 changes to become more precise though:

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len is 8": len = 8, // changed
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,

While we still have the non-linear len % grouping, the (candidate) invariant len = 8 might actually be enough for Z3 to handle the checks on this system. We shall see.

Full code in the Version 6 section. Crossing our fingers, we nervously run mikino:

> mikino --z3_cmd "z3 -T:5" check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
success: all candidate(s) are inductive

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - all candidates are inductive (preserved by the transition relation)
| - system is safe, all reachable states verify the candidate(s)

🎊 🎉 👏 🎊

Wrapping Up

We proved the lower bound of the interval in &arr[i..(i + grouping)] is legal 🎉. But that's not enough for the program to be safe, since we have not proved that the upper bound is legal. That is, prove that i + grouping ≤ len (interval still exclusive on the upper bound 😔).

By now you might be familiar enough with induction's step checks to be able to anticipate whether this candidate is going to be inductive or not.

fn main() {
candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"not done then i + grouping ≤ len": // new
		¬done ⇒ i + grouping ≤ len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len is 8": len = 8, // changed
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,

Full code in the Version 7 section.


> mikino --z3_cmd "z3 -T:5" check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
success: all candidate(s) are inductive

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - all candidates are inductive (preserved by the transition relation)
| - system is safe, all reachable states verify the candidate(s)


It might be disappointing that we had to choose a value for the length, i.e. that we did not prove that fold's array accesses are legal when len is 8. Unfortunately, in its current state, Z3 cannot handle to have len as an unknown value because of the non-linear applications of modulo.

This means that, assuming we are verifying a binary, we can conduct the same proof for all len values actually used by the program. It would be much better to verify fold for any length, but this illustrates the kind of trade-offs that are often necessary in a verification process due to the very high complexity (and sometimes undecidability) of the checks intrinsic to the verification approach.

Full Code for All Examples

Rust System

Expand this for the full code.

pub struct Wrap<T, const len: usize> {
    arr: [T; len],
    grouping: usize,
impl<T, const len: usize> Wrap<T, len> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(arr: [T; len], grouping: usize) -> Self {
        if len % grouping != 0 {
                "grouping value {} is not a multiple of array length ({})",
                grouping, len,
        if grouping < 1 {
            panic!("illegal grouping value {}, must be > 0", grouping)
        Self { arr, grouping }
    /// Grouped fold.
    pub fn fold<Acc>(&self, init: Acc, mut next: impl FnMut(Acc, &[T]) -> Acc) -> Acc {
        let (arr, grouping) = (&self.arr, self.grouping);
        let mut acc = init;
        let mut i = 0;
        while i < len {
            let next_i = i + grouping;
            acc = next(acc, &arr[i..next_i]);
            i = next_i

fn main() {
    // `len` ~~~~~~v
    let arr: [f64; 6] = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
    // `grouping` ~~~~~~~~~~~~v
    let wrap = Wrap::new(arr, 3);
    let value_1 = wrap.fold(0., |acc, arr| {
            "len: {} | arr[0]: {}, arr[1]: {}, arr[2]: {}",
        assert_eq!(arr.len(), 3);
        let new_acc = acc + arr[0] * arr[1] * arr[2];
        println!("acc: {}, new_acc: {}", acc, new_acc);
    println!("fold result: {}", value_1);


    // `len` ~~~~~~v
    let arr: [f64; 6] = [0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.];
    // `grouping` ~~~~~~~~~~~~v
    let wrap = Wrap::new(arr, 2);
    let value_2 = wrap.fold(0., |acc, arr| {
            "len: {} | arr[0]: {}, arr[1]: {}",
        assert_eq!(arr.len(), 2);
        let new_acc = acc + arr[0] * arr[1];
        println!("acc: {}, new_acc: {}", acc, new_acc);
    println!("fold result: {}", value_2);


len: 3 | arr[0]: 0, arr[1]: 1, arr[2]: 2
acc: 0, new_acc: 0
len: 3 | arr[0]: 3, arr[1]: 4, arr[2]: 5
acc: 0, new_acc: 60
fold result: 60


len: 2 | arr[0]: 0, arr[1]: 1
acc: 0, new_acc: 0
len: 2 | arr[0]: 2, arr[1]: 3
acc: 0, new_acc: 6
len: 2 | arr[0]: 4, arr[1]: 5
acc: 6, new_acc: 26
fold result: 26

Version 1

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len ≥ 0,
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"candidate": ¬(len = 8 ⋀ grouping = 4 ⋀ i = len),


> mikino check test.mkn
running BMC, looking for falsifications for 1 candidate(s)...
checking for falsifications at depth 0
checking for falsifications at depth 1
checking for falsifications at depth 2
found a falsification at depth 2:
- `candidate` = (not (and (= len 8) (= grouping 4) (= i len)))
  |=| Step 0
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 4
  |        i = 0
  |      len = 8
  |=| Step 1
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 4
  |        i = 4
  |      len = 8
  |=| Step 2
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 4
  |        i = 8
  |      len = 8
  |=| Z3 produced the following unexpected values
  | div0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 2
  | mod0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 0

|===| Bmc result
| - found a falsification for the following candidate(s)
|   `candidate`
| - system is unsafe

Version 2

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len ≥ 0,
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,


> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
failed: the following candidate(s) are not inductive:
- `done then i = len` = (=> done (= i len))
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = (- 1)
  |      len = 0
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 1
  |      len = 0

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - the following candidate(s) are not inductive (not preserved by the transition relation)
|   `done then i = len`
| - system might be unsafe, some candidate(s) are not inductive
| - the following candidate(s) hold in the initial state(s) and are inductive
|   and thus hold in all reachable states of the system:
|   `not done then i < len`

Version 3

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len ≥ 0,
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,


> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
failed: the following candidate(s) are not inductive:
- `done then i = len` = (=> done (= i len))
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 0
  |      len = 1
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 2
  |      len = 1
- `i ≥ 0` = (>= i 0)
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = (- 1)
  |        i = 0
  |      len = 1
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = false
  | grouping = (- 1)
  |        i = (- 1)
  |      len = 1

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - the following candidate(s) are not inductive (not preserved by the transition relation)
|   `done then i = len`
|   `i ≥ 0`
| - system might be unsafe, some candidate(s) are not inductive
| - the following candidate(s) hold in the initial state(s) and are inductive
|   and thus hold in all reachable states of the system:
|   `not done then i < len`

Version 4

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len ≥ 0,
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	// new
	"len ≥ 0": len ≥ 0,
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,


> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
failed: the following candidate(s) are not inductive:
- `done then i = len` = (=> done (= i len))
  |=| Step k
  |     done = false
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 3
  |      len = 4
  |=| Step k + 1
  |     done = true
  | grouping = 2
  |        i = 5
  |      len = 4
  |=| Z3 produced the following unexpected values
  | div0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 2
  | mod0 ((x!0 int) (x!1 int)) int = 0

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - the following candidate(s) are not inductive (not preserved by the transition relation)
|   `done then i = len`
| - system might be unsafe, some candidate(s) are not inductive
| - the following candidate(s) hold in the initial state(s) and are inductive
|   and thus hold in all reachable states of the system:
|   `grouping > 0`
|   `i ≥ 0`
|   `len grouping related`
|   `len ≥ 0`
|   `not done then i < len`

Version 5

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len ≥ 0,
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len ≥ 0": len ≥ 0,
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
	// new
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,


> mikino --z3_cmd "z3 -T:5" check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
|===| Error
| smt-level error:
| - smt solver reported `timeout`
| - during step check

Version 6

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len = 8, // new
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len is 8": len = 8, // changed
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,


> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
success: all candidate(s) are inductive

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - all candidates are inductive (preserved by the transition relation)
| - system is safe, all reachable states verify the candidate(s)

Version 7

Expand this for the full code.
fn main() {
svars {
	len grouping: int,
	i: int,
	done: bool,

init {
    len = 8, // new
	grouping ≥ 1,
	i = 0,
	done = ¬(i < len),
	len % grouping = 0,

// Encodes iteration `(pre i)`, NOT iteration `i`. That is, `trans` encodes the
// iteration where we access `arr` with the interval `(pre i)..((pre i) + grouping)`.
trans {
	'grouping = grouping,
	'len = len,
	// NEW value of the `done` flag, if `true` there will be no further iteration.
    'done = ¬('i < 'len),
	if done {
		// just maintain the value;
		'i = i
	} else {
		// otherwise, `i` is incremented by `grouping`.
		'i = i + grouping

candidates {
	"not done then i < len": ¬done ⇒ i < len,
	"not done then i + grouping ≤ len": // new
		¬done ⇒ i + grouping ≤ len,
	"done then i = len": done ⇒ i = len,

	"i ≥ 0": i ≥ 0,
	"len is 8": len = 8, // changed
	"grouping > 0": grouping > 0,
	"len grouping related": len % grouping = 0,
    "i % grouping = 0": i % grouping = 0,


> mikino check test.mkn
checking base case...
success: all candidate(s) hold in the base state

checking step case...
success: all candidate(s) are inductive

|===| Induction attempt result
| - all candidates hold in the initial state(s)
| - all candidates are inductive (preserved by the transition relation)
| - system is safe, all reachable states verify the candidate(s)