SMT Solvers

SMT solvers are basic building blocks for most modern verification tools. While studying SMT solvers is particularly rewarding for developing such tools, understanding SMT forces to grasp concepts that are very useful even for high-level users. Later chapters will rely heavily on SMT solvers and readers are encouraged to run and modify examples themselves, or even create new ones.

Let's go over a few theory-level notions before we actually start playing with SMT solvers. A Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solver is a solver for establishing whether some constraints expressed in Many-Sorted First Order Logic (MSFOL) are satisfiable. Let's unpack this.

First, MSFOL is built on FOL (First Order Logic), which basically means "boolean formulas". For instance, a ∧ (false ∨ b ∨ c) is a FOL formula, where is conjunction (&&) and is disjunction (||). So this formula evaluates to true if and only if a is true and either b or c is true (since false tends not to be true). We can represent this formula as a tree, where leaves are boolean literals and nodes are boolean operators.

 │       │
 a    ┌──∨──┬───────┐
      │     │       │
      │     │       │
    false   b       c

The leaves of the tree are atoms. MSFOL essentially extends FOL by allowing atoms to be formulas in other theories such as integers, strings, arrays, etc. For instance, with x and y integers and arr an array:

   │         │
 x > 7    ┌──∨────┬───────┐
          │       │       │
          │       │       │
        false   y ≤ x   arr[y] = x + 1

Note that the last atom, arr[y] = x + 1, mixes array selection arr[y] with addition over integers x + 1.

A brief discussion on notation and model theory

TL;DR: = is an operator over terms allowing to build formulas. We need a different symbol to express equivalence between terms: . This operator is meta in the sense that it does not build MSFOL formulas, it just allows us humans to discuss term equivalence outside/above the MSFOL framework.

Notice that our formulas can mention the equality relation =. This relation lives the world of terms that we construct formulas with, for instance arr[y] = x + 1. Hence, we need a meta-notion of equality/equivalence to express the fact that two terms should be the same.

We use the relation over terms for this. For instance, (x + 1) ≡ (1 + x) or "x + 1 is equivalent to 1 + x" is not a formula, it is a (valid or invalid) statement that both terms are equivalent. In model theory, which we will not discuss much here, t₁ ≡ t₂ means "whatever the valuation of the variables in t₁ and t₂, both terms evaluate to the same value". This means that (x + 1) ≡ (1 + x) can be thought of as ∀ x, x + 1 = 1 + x, which is a valid (true) statement.


Examples in the next sections (and the next chapter) will rely on the Z3 SMT solver to actually run. You can build it from source or recover a binary from the release page. The version should not matter too much for what we'll do, but for reference this guide used v4.8.12.

From this point forward I assume readers have a Z3 binary called z3 in their path. That is, running the command z3 -version should not fail and produce an output similar to

Z3 version 4.8.13 - 64 bit

While I recommend Z3, other efficient solvers exist and include Alt-Ergo, CVC4 and Yices 2. Solvers tend to be good at distinct kinds of problem from each other, and verification frameworks routinely run several of them in parallel, wait for the quickest answer, and discard solver instances that are still running.


Formula satisfiability is concerned about whether it is possible to make some formula evaluate to true. More precisely, is it possible to find a valuation for the variables appearing in the formula under which the formula is true. Such a valuation is called a model of the formula. Let us write a tiny example and start running Z3 to play with satisfiability directly.

To be precise, SAT stands for the boolean satisfiability problem, which deals with finding models for purely boolean formulas. "SMT" adds "Modulo Theory" to "Satisfiability" to specify that atoms of the formula can mention theories different from booleans (integers, reals, arrays, etc.) in its atoms, and that models must respect the rules of these theories.


For simplicity's sake, let's only allow atoms to mention integers. Consider the following formula.

(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)

   │         │
 x > 7    ┌──∨──────┐
          │         │
          │         │
        y = 2*x   x = 11

The first two lines declare "constants" x and y. As programmers, we can see them as "variables" in the sense that they represent an unknown value of type Int. This syntax comes from the SMT-LIB 2 standard, which is the standard scripting language for interacting with SMT solvers. Most, if not all, SMT solvers support SMT-LIB 2 input.

Of course, the ASCII art tree representing the formula is not legal SMT-LIB 2. An SMT-LIB 2 script declares constants (and more) and uses these constants to assert formulas, i.e. specify to the solver what the constraints are.

Also, SMT-LIB formulas are written using prefix notation (or Polish notation). For instance, y = 2*x would be written (= y (* 2 x)). This is a compromise between ease of printing/parsing and human readability. SMT-LIB is really meant to be used by programs to communicate, not for humans to actually write by hand. Still, it is readable enough for pedagogic and debugging purposes.

VS Code has an extension for SMT-LIB syntax highlighting (.smt2 files). The pieces of SMT-LIB code I will show in this book will not have syntax highlighting, unfortunately. I apologize for this problem, and encourage readers to copy these pieces of code in an editor that supports SMT-LIB using the button at the top-right of the code blocks.

Anyway, an SMT-LIB assertion of our running example would look like this:

(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)

(assert (and
	(> x 7)
	(or (= y (* 2 x)) (= x 11))


The assert command feeds a constraint to the solver. Next, we can ask the solver to check the satisfiability of all the constraints (of which there is just one here) with check-sat.

Playing with Z3: sat

Let's now run Z3 on this tiny example. Create a file test.smt2 and copy the content of the SMT-LIB script above. No special option is needed and you should get the following output.

❯ z3 test.smt2

Z3 simply answered sat, indicating that the formula is "satisfiable": there exists a model (a valuation of the variables) that make our constraints true. This is nice, but it would be better if Z3 could give us a model to make sure it is not lying to us (it's not). We can do so by adding a get-model command after the check-sat. (Note that get-model is only legal after a check-sat yielded sat.)

(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)

(assert (and
	(> x 7)
	(or (= y (* 2 x)) (= x 11))


After updating test.smt2, running Z3 again will produce a model. You might not get exactly the same model as the one reported here depending on the precise version of Z3 you are using and possibly other factors (such as your operating system).

❯ z3 test.smt2
  (define-fun y () Int
  (define-fun x () Int

The model is slightly cryptic. Z3 defines x and y as functions taking no arguments, which means that they are constants. This is because all functions are pure in SMT-LIB, meaning they always produce the same output when given the same inputs. Hence, a function with no arguments can only produce one value, and is therefore the same as a constant. In fact, (define-fun <ident> () <type> <val>) is the same as (define-const <ident> <type> <val>), and the (declare-const <ident> <type>) we used in the SMT-LIB script is equivalent to (declare-fun <ident> () <type>). Again, in SMT-LIB (and pure functional languages) a constant is just a function that takes no argument.

This valuation is a model because since x has value 8, then (> x 7) ≡ (> 8 7) holds and so does (= y (* 2 x)) ≡ (= 16 (* 2 8)) as y is 16 in the model.

Now, remember that we can assert more than one constraint, and that Z3 works on the conjunction of all constraints. In our running example, our only constraint is a conjunction, meaning we could write it as two constraints.

(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)

(assert (> x 7))
(assert (or (= y (* 2 x)) (= x 11)))


Let's now add the constraint that y is an odd number: (= (mod y 2) 1). This should void the previous model, and more generally any model that relies on making (= y (* 2 x)) true to satisfy the constraints. (Since y would need to be both even and odd.)

(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)

(assert (> x 7))
(assert (or (= y (* 2 x)) (= x 11)))
(assert (= (mod y 2) 1))


We now get

❯ z3 test.smt2
  (define-fun x () Int
  (define-fun y () Int

As expected, Z3 now has to make the second constraint true through (= x 11).

Playing with Z3: unsat

Let's add another constraint to make these constraints unsatisfiable. In the latest version of our example, Z3 has no choice but to have x be 11 since it is the only way to verify the second constraint (because the third constraint prevents y from being even).

We can simply constrain x to be even (which prevents x to be 11), which we will write as "x cannot be odd".

(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)

(assert (> x 7))
(assert (or (= y (* 2 x)) (= x 11)))
(assert (= (mod y 2) 1))

(assert (not (= (mod x 2) 1)))


Z3 knows exactly what we are doing and replies that the formula is unsatisfiable.

❯ z3 test.smt2
(error "line 11 column 10: model is not available")

We get an error though, because it does not make sense to ask for a model if the formula is unsatisfiable. "Unsatisfiable", or unsat, means "has no model" (i.e. no valuation of the variables can make all constraints true).

Now, what does this unsatisfiability result tell us? One way to see it is to consider the first three constraints as some form of context. That is, the first three constraints correspond to some point in a program where there are two unknown values x and y, and the first three constraints encode what we know to be true about these values.

The last constraint can be seen as a question. Say that at that point in the program, there is an assertion that x must be odd. We want to verify that this assert can never fail. From this point of view, then the latest version of our running example amounts to asking "given the context (first three constraints), is it possible for x to not be odd?". In other words, we are asking Z3 to find some values that both verify our context and falsify the program's assertion.

Z3 answers "no": in this context, it is not possible for x not to be odd. This means that Z3 proved for us that the program's assert statement can never fail (and can be compiled away).

What if, with different constraints, the negation of the program's assert statement was satisfiable? Then, as we saw in the previous section, Z3 can give us a model: a valuation of all the (relevant) variables involved in the check. this constitutes a counterexample, which shows how it is possible to verify the whole context but still falsify the program assertion (i.e satisfy the SMT-LIB-level (assert (not <program_assertion>))).


SMT solvers are extremely powerful, flexible and expressive tools. Powerful because they are highly optimized tools constantly improved by ongoing theoretical and practical research. Flexible because many different theories are available, allowing to manipulate integers, strings, arrays, algebraic data types, etc. And expressive because a great deal of verification problems are amenable to SMT without too much trouble.

One such verification problem is declarative transition system (induction-based) verification, as we will see in the following chapters.

The next section is optional, it is a repetition of the present section using mikino's version of SMT-LIB 2: hsmt. Hsmt is a Rust-flavored syntax for (a subset of) the SMT-LIB 2 scripting language. As we will see, mikino's primary functionality is performing SMT-based induction checks; hsmt is just a by-product feature that I thought could be useful for teaching what SMT is and how to interact with SMT solvers. Note that while mikino only supports a subset of SMT-LIB 2 (function definitions are not supported for example), it also adds new features such as conditional branching (if-then-else) over check-sat results.

If that's not interesting for you right now, feel free to move on directly to the next chapter.