BMC: Mikino

Mikino is a small transition system verification engine that relies on SMT solvers and everything we have seen so far (and will see later). It is designed to be relatively simple with user experience front and center: the goal is to have a tool that is gratifying to interact with to teach about induction-based verification.

Most examples from this point will rely on mikino, so I encourage you to install it so that you can mess around with my examples and get a better understanding. See the mikino appendix for setup instructions.

Input Format

Mikino takes as input a transition system in a format consistent but slightly different from what we have seen up to this point. Systems are written in files organized as follows, illustrated on our stopwatch running example.

First are state variable declarations. It is a list of declarations between braces introduced by the svars keyword and of form <var_1> <var_2> ... <var_n>: <type> with n ≥ 1.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// State variables. svars { /// Inputs of the system. start_stop reset: bool, /// Keeps track of whether we are counting. is_counting: bool, /// Counts time, output of the system. cnt: int, } }

Next is the initial predicate, introduced by the init keyword. Mikino does not support SMT-LIB-2-like (s-)expressions (anymore), and instead expects Rust-like expressions. Note that mikino supports common unicode operators such as , , , , and .

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Initial predicate. init { is_counting = start_stop, cnt ≥ 0, (reset ⇒ cnt = 0), } }

Here, we gave init a list of three comma-separated (with optional trailing comma) expressions. This list is understood as a conjunction , meaning the list above is equivalent to writing is_counting = start_stop ⋀ cnt ≥ 0 ⋀ (reset ⇒ cnt = 0).

The transition relation definition, introduced by the trans keyword, differs slightly. Remember that the transition relation relates two states: the previous one and the next one. In mikino, we refer to the previous version of a state variable svar by simply writing svar. If we want to refer to its next version, we must use the ' (prime) prefix operator: 'svar.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Transition relation. trans { // The *next* value of `is_counting` is equal to... 'is_counting = if 'start_stop { // ...if `'start_stop` is true, then the negation of // its *previous* value... ¬is_counting } else { // ...otherwise, it is equal to its previous value. is_counting }, 'cnt = if 'reset { 0 } else if 'is_counting { cnt + 1 } else { cnt }, } }

trans also accepts a comma-separated list of expressions understood as a conjunction .

Last are the candidate invariants, sometimes called Proof Objectives, introduced by the candidates keyword. They are given as a comma-separated list of named candidates of shape "string describing the candidate": <expr>. The name of a candidate is what mikino will use to refer to that candidate in its output.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Candidate invariants. candidates { "cnt is positive": cnt ≥ 0, "cnt ≤ 2": cnt ≤ 2, "cnt ≤ 4": cnt ≤ 4, } }

Mikino's input format is designed to look relatively pretty with Rust syntax highlighting (which is used in the snippets above). It is definitely not legal Rust syntax though, so make sure rustfmt does not run on it as it will fail.


Mikino is a proof engine, meaning that it can prove invariants over transition systems as we will see very soon. For now, let's just use its BMC mode. As discussed previously, BMC is not a proof technique (at least in infinite reachable state spaces), it is a refutation technique: the point of BMC is to produce counterexamples to candidate invariants thus disproving them.

Let's try mikino on the stopwatch system described above. The full code is available in the Version 1 section, the following assumes that code is in a test.mkn file. Notice that the candidates

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Candidate invariants. candidates { "cnt is positive": cnt ≥ 0, "cnt ≤ 2": cnt ≤ 2, "cnt ≤ 4": cnt ≤ 4, } }

feature "cnt is positive", which we will soon prove is an invariant of the system. Hence, mikino's BMC will not be able to find a counterexample for this candidate. We are thus going to run BMC with a maximum depth, i.e. we will give mikino a maximum number of unrollings to perform: 10. The remaining candidates however are falsifiable.

To put mikino in BMC mode, we need to pass it the bmc sub-command when we run it. We will also use the --bmc_max <int> flag that specifies a maximum BMC unrolling depth ≥ 0. If no maximum is given, mikino will run BMC until either all candidates are falsified or you end (Ctrl+C) the process manually (or it exhausts memory/time).

Mikino requires Z3 to run, you can retrieve a binary for your operating system on Z3's release page. Mikino, by default, assumes a Z3 binary is in your PATH with name z3. You can override this with the --z3_cmd command-line argument: mikino --z3_cmd "my_z3" ... or mikino --z3_cmd "./my_z3" ... if Z3 is not in your PATH but is in the current directory.

Let's try it. Mikino tries to improve its output's readability by using colors: unfortunately, this will not show in this plain text rendition. (As discussed when I introduced SMT, different versions of Z3 or even different operating system might produce different models. The same applies to mikino as its counterexamples are Z3 models.)

> mikino bmc --bmc_max 10 test.mkn running BMC, looking for falsifications for 3 candidate(s)... checking for falsifications at depth 0 found a falsification at depth 0: - `cnt ≤ 2` = (<= cnt 2) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 3 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| found a falsification at depth 0: - `cnt ≤ 4` = (<= cnt 4) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 5 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 1 checking for falsifications at depth 2 checking for falsifications at depth 3 checking for falsifications at depth 4 checking for falsifications at depth 5 checking for falsifications at depth 6 checking for falsifications at depth 7 checking for falsifications at depth 8 checking for falsifications at depth 9 checking for falsifications at depth 10 |===| Bmc result | - could not find falsifications for the following candidate(s) | `cnt is positive` | | - found a falsification for the following candidate(s) | `cnt ≤ 2` | `cnt ≤ 4` | | - system is unsafe |===|

Pro tip: use the --smt_log <DIR> flag to specify a directory where mikino will create an SMT-LIB 2 file per solver it uses, and log all the commands issued to that solver. For instance,

> mikino bmc --smt_log smt_traces --bmc_max 10 test.mkn > tree smt_traces/ smt_traces └── bmc.smt2

This can be useful to inspect the exact checks mikino is performing and modify/relaunch them.

Mikino incrementally unrolls BMC just like we discussed in the previous chapter. It starts at depth 0, which means 0 transitions away from the initial states, which really means the initial states. Right away, it falsifies all our candidates but the first one. This is because of our initial predicate:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Initial predicate. init { is_counting = start_stop, cnt ≥ 0, (reset ⇒ cnt = 0), } }

The system can start with any value for cnt as long as i) it is positive and ii) reset is not pressed. Mikino's output makes sense, but can we modify the system so that falsifiable candidates can only be falsified by unrolling more than 0 times?

We sure can, by changing init so that cnt always starts at 0.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Initial predicate. init { is_counting = start_stop, cnt = 0, } }

We do not need to look at reset anymore since cnt will be 0 regardless. The full code for this new version is available in the Version 2 section. We run mikino in BMC mode again, and this time we get

> mikino bmc --bmc_max 10 test.mkn running BMC, looking for falsifications for 3 candidate(s)... checking for falsifications at depth 0 checking for falsifications at depth 1 checking for falsifications at depth 2 checking for falsifications at depth 3 found a falsification at depth 3: - `cnt ≤ 2` = (<= cnt 2) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 1 | cnt = 1 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = true |=| Step 2 | cnt = 2 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 3 | cnt = 3 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 4 checking for falsifications at depth 5 found a falsification at depth 5: - `cnt ≤ 4` = (<= cnt 4) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 1 | cnt = 1 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = true |=| Step 2 | cnt = 2 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 3 | cnt = 3 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 4 | cnt = 4 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 5 | cnt = 5 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 6 checking for falsifications at depth 7 checking for falsifications at depth 8 checking for falsifications at depth 9 checking for falsifications at depth 10 |===| Bmc result | - could not find falsifications for the following candidate(s) | `cnt is positive` | | - found a falsification for the following candidate(s) | `cnt ≤ 2` | `cnt ≤ 4` | | - system is unsafe |===|

Mikino is not able to falsify the falsifiable candidates in the initial states (depth 0, i.e. zero unrollings of the transition relation) anymore, which was the whole point of the modification to init we just made. Mikino proceeds to check for falsifications at increasing depth. Once it reaches depth 3, a falsification for cnt ≤ 2 is found and a counterexample is produced. The counterexample shows the whole trace, from an initial state to a state falsifying the candidate because cnt = 3 and 3 ≤ 2 is not true.

Mikino keeps going with the remaining candidates. Although it does not appear in the output, after finding a counterexample at depth 3 mikino checks the remaining candidates (without cnt ≤ 2) at depth 3. We got one counterexample for one candidate, but there might be a different counterexample for another candidate at the same depth.

This is not the case here, and mikino proceeds to unroll the transition relation some more. It finds another counterexample at depth 5 for cnt ≤ 4 and displays the whole trace, as expected.

Let's modify our candidates, full code available in the Version 3 section.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// Candidate invariants, or "Proof Objectives" (`po_s`). candidates { "cnt is positive": cnt ≥ 0, "reset works": reset ⇒ cnt = 0, "is_counting implies cnt > 0": (is_counting ⋀ ¬start_stop) ⇒ cnt > 0, } }

You can place your bets as to which of these candidates are actual invariants. The third candidate is a bit strange, we will discuss why it is written that way shortly. Again, BMC cannot prove that any of them are indeed invariants, but it can disprove some of them if it finds a counterexample at some depth.

> mikino bmc --bmc_max 10 test.mkn running BMC, looking for falsifications for 3 candidate(s)... checking for falsifications at depth 0 checking for falsifications at depth 1 found a falsification at depth 1: - `is_counting implies cnt > 0` = (=> (and is_counting (not start_stop)) (> cnt 0)) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = true |=| Step 1 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = true | reset = true | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 2 checking for falsifications at depth 3 checking for falsifications at depth 4 checking for falsifications at depth 5 checking for falsifications at depth 6 checking for falsifications at depth 7 checking for falsifications at depth 8 checking for falsifications at depth 9 checking for falsifications at depth 10 |===| Bmc result | - could not find falsifications for the following candidate(s) | `cnt is positive` | `reset works` | | - found a falsification for the following candidate(s) | `is_counting implies cnt > 0` | | - system is unsafe |===|

Candidate is_counting implies cnt > 0 was falsified. The idea of this candidate is that, when the system is_counting, cnt should increase and thus be strictly positive (more on that in the note below). Mikino shows us this is not true however, because reset has higher priority in our transition relation and causes cnt to be 0 regardless of is_counting's value.

We had to somewhat artificially write the candidate as (is_counting ⋀ ¬start_stop) ⇒ cnt > 0. Based on the paragraph above, the is_counting ⋀ ¬start_stop part should really be is_counting. The problem with this is that we actually ignore is_counting in the initial state.

Hence, we would get a initial state counterexample where start_stop is true, meaning is_counting is true, but cnt ignores it and is just 0. As authors, we wanted to show a counterexample where reset prevents cnt from increasing despite start_stop being true, and thus had to distort the candidate a little bit.

A better way to write this candidate is is_counting ⇒ 'cnt > cnt. It would still be falsifiable, for the same reason and with the same counterexample, but it would make more sense. Sadly, mikino does not currently support "two-state candidates", i.e. candidates that refer to a previous state.

Checking two-state candidates differs slightly from regular (one-state) candidates in that they make no sense in the initial states (depth 0) because there is no previous state there. Hence, a two states invariant defined as two_state_expr is understood as being the expression true in the initial states (which holds, obviously), and two_state_expr at depth > 0 since there is a previous state to refer to.

Full Code for All Examples

Version 1

Expand this for the full code.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// State variables. svars { /// Inputs of the system. start_stop reset: bool, /// Keeps track of whether we are counting. is_counting: bool, /// Counts time, output of the system. cnt: int, } /// Initial predicate. init { is_counting = start_stop, cnt ≥ 0, (reset ⇒ cnt = 0), } /// Transition relation. trans { // The *next* value of `is_counting` is equal to... 'is_counting = if 'start_stop { // ...if `'start_stop` is true, then the negation of // its *previous* value... ¬is_counting } else { // ...otherwise, it is equal to its previous value. is_counting }, 'cnt = if 'reset { 0 } else if 'is_counting { cnt + 1 } else { cnt }, } /// Candidate invariants. candidates { "cnt is positive": cnt ≥ 0, "cnt ≤ 2": cnt ≤ 2, "cnt ≤ 4": cnt ≤ 4, } }


> mikino bmc --bmc_max 10 test.mkn running BMC, looking for falsifications for 3 candidate(s)... checking for falsifications at depth 0 found a falsification at depth 0: - `cnt ≤ 2` = (<= cnt 2) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 3 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| found a falsification at depth 0: - `cnt ≤ 4` = (<= cnt 4) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 5 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 1 checking for falsifications at depth 2 checking for falsifications at depth 3 checking for falsifications at depth 4 checking for falsifications at depth 5 checking for falsifications at depth 6 checking for falsifications at depth 7 checking for falsifications at depth 8 checking for falsifications at depth 9 checking for falsifications at depth 10 |===| Bmc result | - could not find falsifications for the following candidate(s) | `cnt is positive` | | - found a falsification for the following candidate(s) | `cnt ≤ 2` | `cnt ≤ 4` | | - system is unsafe |===|

Version 2

Expand this for the full code.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// State variables. svars { /// Inputs of the system. start_stop reset: bool, /// Keeps track of whether we are counting. is_counting: bool, /// Counts time, output of the system. cnt: int, } /// Initial predicate. init { is_counting = start_stop, cnt = 0, } /// Transition relation. trans { // The *next* value of `is_counting` is equal to... 'is_counting = if 'start_stop { // ...if `'start_stop` is true, then the negation of // its *previous* value... ¬is_counting } else { // ...otherwise, it is equal to its previous value. is_counting }, 'cnt = if 'reset { 0 } else if 'is_counting { cnt + 1 } else { cnt }, } /// Candidate invariants. candidates { "cnt is positive": cnt ≥ 0, "cnt ≤ 2": cnt ≤ 2, "cnt ≤ 4": cnt ≤ 4, } }


> mikino bmc --bmc_max 10 test.mkn running BMC, looking for falsifications for 3 candidate(s)... checking for falsifications at depth 0 checking for falsifications at depth 1 checking for falsifications at depth 2 checking for falsifications at depth 3 found a falsification at depth 3: - `cnt ≤ 2` = (<= cnt 2) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 1 | cnt = 1 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = true |=| Step 2 | cnt = 2 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 3 | cnt = 3 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 4 checking for falsifications at depth 5 found a falsification at depth 5: - `cnt ≤ 4` = (<= cnt 4) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = false | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 1 | cnt = 1 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = true |=| Step 2 | cnt = 2 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 3 | cnt = 3 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 4 | cnt = 4 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| Step 5 | cnt = 5 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 6 checking for falsifications at depth 7 checking for falsifications at depth 8 checking for falsifications at depth 9 checking for falsifications at depth 10 |===| Bmc result | - could not find falsifications for the following candidate(s) | `cnt is positive` | | - found a falsification for the following candidate(s) | `cnt ≤ 2` | `cnt ≤ 4` | | - system is unsafe |===|

Version 3

Expand this for the full code.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// State variables. svars { /// Inputs of the system. start_stop reset: bool, /// Keeps track of whether we are counting. is_counting: bool, /// Counts time, output of the system. cnt: int, } /// Initial predicate. init { is_counting = start_stop, cnt = 0, } /// Transition relation. trans { // The *next* value of `is_counting` is equal to... 'is_counting = if 'start_stop { // ...if `'start_stop` is true, then the negation of // its *previous* value... ¬is_counting } else { // ...otherwise, it is equal to its previous value. is_counting }, 'cnt = if 'reset { 0 } else if 'is_counting { cnt + 1 } else { cnt }, } /// Candidate invariants, or "Proof Objectives" (`po_s`). candidates { "cnt is positive": cnt ≥ 0, "reset works": reset ⇒ cnt = 0, "is_counting implies cnt > 0": (is_counting ⋀ ¬start_stop) ⇒ cnt > 0, } }


> mikino bmc --bmc_max 10 test.mkn running BMC, looking for falsifications for 3 candidate(s)... checking for falsifications at depth 0 checking for falsifications at depth 1 found a falsification at depth 1: - `is_counting implies cnt > 0` = (=> (and is_counting (not start_stop)) (> cnt 0)) |=| Step 0 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = true | reset = false | start_stop = true |=| Step 1 | cnt = 0 | is_counting = true | reset = true | start_stop = false |=| checking for falsifications at depth 2 checking for falsifications at depth 3 checking for falsifications at depth 4 checking for falsifications at depth 5 checking for falsifications at depth 6 checking for falsifications at depth 7 checking for falsifications at depth 8 checking for falsifications at depth 9 checking for falsifications at depth 10 |===| Bmc result | - could not find falsifications for the following candidate(s) | `cnt is positive` | `reset works` | | - found a falsification for the following candidate(s) | `is_counting implies cnt > 0` | | - system is unsafe |===|