
This preface is a high-level introduction to formal verification. It then goes into the details of what a formal verification tool looks like, and which aspects of such tools we will discuss in later posts.

Formal logics deal with reasoning in the context of a formal framework. For example, a type system is a formal framework. Strongly-typed programming languages rely on type systems to (dis)prove that programs are well-typed. For example, consider the following Rust function.

fn main() {
fn demo(n: usize) -> usize {
    let mut res = n;
    if n % 2 == 0 {
        res = 2*n;
    } else {
        res = 2*n + 1;
    return res;
println!("demo(7): {}", demo(7))

When the Rust compiler type-checks this function, it goes through its body and aggregates some constraints. These constraints are an abstraction of the definition that the type system can reason about to (dis)prove that the program respects some type-related properties. For instance, let mut res = n; is abstracted as "res has the same type as n". The fact that, at this point, res is equal to n is not relevant for type-checking.

Rust's most peculiar feature is the notion of ownership and the associated borrow-checker. Similar to type-checking, borrow-checking abstracts the actual code to encode it in a framework so that it can reason about the program. Type-checking's core notion is that of types, and the equivalent for borrow-checking is lifetimes, i.e. the length of time for which some data exists and can be used.

Understanding lifetimes and the borrow-checker is not required for the next chapters. It is presented here as an example of encoding a problem in a framework where constraints can be constructed. Looking at these constraints, a tool (the borrow-checker here) can draw conclusion regarding the (un)safety of the program.

Consider the following Rust function, where 'a is a lifetime parameter.

fn main() {
fn demo<'a>(n: &'a mut usize) -> &'a mut usize {
    let mut res = *n;
    res += 1;
    // error[E0515]: cannot return reference to local variable `res`
    return &mut res;
    //     ^^^^^^^^ returns a reference to data owned by the current function

Now, this code does not compile because of the notion of ownership. Here, the function's body owns res since it created (allocated) it and, since it does not transfer res itself to the caller (only &mut res), res is freed when we exit the body of the function (res's owner):

  • i) res only lives for the lifetime 'demo (lifetime of the body of demo)
  • ii) demo returns a mutable reference to res
  • iii) the output of demo is a mutable reference of the same lifetime 'a as its input

The compiler can then infer that demo's output has lifetime 'demo from i) and ii), and thus 'a must be equal to 'demo from iii). However, it follows from iii) that 'a must, in general, live strictly longer (be valid for longer) than 'demo. So, we have 'a > 'demo and since 'a = 'demo, we reach a contradiction: 'demo > 'demo. This means that there is no solution to the constraints, and the compiler proceeds to reject the program by telling us that res does not live long enough.

Type-checking and borrow-checking are examples of verification processes. In both cases, the semantics of the program is encoded in a proof system. The encoding of the program and the rules of the proof system let the compiler build a set of constraints.

It is interesting to note that formal verification, at its core, really consists in searching for a proof of correctness. As we saw, the borrow-checker aggregates constraints and then looks for a solution. In the paragraph above, we were looking for an interpretation of the different lifetimes of the program that verifies, or "satisfies" all the constraint.

Searching for a proof, which consists in trying to solve some constraints is done by a solver. From our point of view, the solver is our main building block. It is the block responsible for producing an actual answer from the encoding of the verification problem.

Now, the real question is "what does it mean for the constraints to have a solution, or to have none?". In the case of type-checking, the type constraints have a solution if and only if the program is well-typed. It says very little about memory-safety and thread-safety on its own, which is why type-checking is followed by borrow-checking in the Rust compiler.

The borrow-checker on the other hand builds constraints such that the existence of a solution implies the absence of Undefined Behavior (UB) in the program. At least as long as there are no unsafe blocks in it.

Properties and Specification

The main point of the discussion above is to highlight a well-known fact in formal verification. There is no such thing as verifying a program: all we can do is verify that some properties hold for a program. This might seem like a trivial distinction, but it has consequences that verification novices tend to overlook.

Type-checking and borrow-checking verify built-in properties: the program is well-typed and cannot exhibit UB. We do not need to write a specification to tell them to verify these properties. (Arguably, the type/ownership information we write throughout the program acts as a partial/local specification.)

As a consequence, if we want to verify something the compiler is not able to do, we need two things. First, we need some kind of specification, i.e. the properties we want to prove. We might want to prove relatively general properties, for instance that no division by zero can occur. Similar to type-checking and borrow-checking, this kind of property is built-in: whatever the program to verify is, the property stays the same.

But our properties might depend on the exact program that goes through the verification process. For example, we might want to prove input/output contracts on the functions of the programs we analyze: the output of fun_1 is positive, the output of fun_2 is strictly greater than its second input... In this case, programs will need some kind of annotation to specify these contracts. Contrary to built-in properties, these program-specific properties are an input of the verification tool.

Solvers and Encoding

The second thing we need is a solver in which we can reason about the properties we are interested in, on the programs we are interested in. In general, the solver will not accept the programs we want to solve directly: we need to perform some encoding to generate the constraints for the solver.

The endgame is to build a verification tool that looks something like this:

                              │   Verification Tool   │
 ┌─────────────────────┐      │                       │
 │   Program to check  │      │     ┌──────────┐      │
 │and properties if not├──────┼─────► Encoding │      │
 │      built-in       │      │     └────┬─────┘      │
 └─────────────────────┘      │          │constraints │
                              │          │            │
                              │      ┌───▼─────┐      │
                              │      │ Solving │      │
                              │      └───┬─────┘      │
                              │          │success     │
                              │          │or failure  │
 ┌──────────────────────┐     │  ┌───────▼─────────┐  │
 │ User-friendly output ◄─────┼──┤ Post-processing │  │
 └──────────────────────┘     │  └─────────────────┘  │
                              │                       │


An important thing we have to consider is the expressiveness of the solver: it must be able to represent and reason about our programs well enough that it is able to check our properties.

Spoiler alert: verification is expensive. Usable, practical formal verification requires quite a lot of clever engineering at every level. Also, generally speaking, the more expressive a solver is the more expensive using it will be. Roughly speaking, ideally, a good/efficient solver for a verification process is a solver that can handle exactly what we need and nothing else.

This is in fact how verification projects start, usually. Verification experts will take a very long look at the kind of programs and properties targeted by the project and establish a list of suitable solvers. Crucial aspects to look for in this process include

  • types of the values manipulated: booleans, integers, floats, hash sets, lists, user-defined types...
  • operations over these values: linear multiplication, non-linear multiplication, modulo...
  • control flow: recursion, iterators, loops, pattern-matching, switch-case...

Delimiting some kind of expressiveness perimeter to describe what we want the solver to support is crucial and quite technical. The immediate danger is to get this perimeter wrong, and later realize that aspects we missed make the solver we selected useless. This is why it tends to be difficult to extend the expressiveness of a verification framework in directions not identified in early stages.

If, when we chose the solver, all we had were booleans and integers with the usual operations over them, it is for example very unlikely that we will be able to handle hash sets without huge changes in the verification framework such as changing the solver.

Soundness (of the Encoding)

Solvers have a notion of soundness. Roughly, a solver is sound if it can only prove valid results (meaning it cannot prove things that are "wrong"). Since we are interested in using (not designing) solvers, let's not go into more details on the notion of solver soundness and only consider sound solvers.

There is a second notion of soundness however, which concerns the encoding. The encoding is the process of going from an input program (and specification) to whatever kind of system the solver can work on. This step will typically abstract the semantics of the program, as generally speaking we cannot represent its exact semantics in the solver's input language.

The process of encoding is sound if whenever we prove that the encoded program verifies some property Prop, then necessarily the original program verifies Prop as well. In case it is not clear, if the goal is formal verification then we need the encoding to be sound. Otherwise, a proof on the encoded program tells us nothing of the real program, i.e. the one we want to verify in the first place.

This is not to say that unsound encodings are necessarily useless. They can be useful if we are interested solely in finding bugs for instance. Since we will not try to prove anything, it is fine for the encoding to be unsound as long as it allows us to find actual/potential bugs.


I hope I got across the point that setting up a verification process in a (semi-)industrial context requires a great deal of inspection. It requires assessing very precisely what kind of program we want to analyze, and what kind of property we want to check. Widening the perimeter of programs/properties supported can be arbitrarily complex.

Another important point is that the actual verification framework should be written very carefully. While the solver is usually very trustworthy, any issue in the steps between the input program and specification and the solving (parsing, pre-processing and encoding) potentially voids any successful proof attempt. The solver must work on a correct encoding of the problem for the result to mean anything.

Note that the problem is less severe for failed proof attempts that produce a counterexample (an executable witness of a falsification of the property). Checking that the counterexample makes sense for the original program is easy and fast. But a proof of correctness relies on the encoding being sound and correctly implemented.

There are ways to mitigate this kind of problem. Soundness can be formally proved. The frontend can be made redundant by implementing it twice by two different teams in two different languages (two or more), and checking they produce exactly the same constraints. Solver-side, proof logging consists in having the solver log the logical steps of the actual proof it found so that they can be checked by one or more separate tools.


The following posts dive into SMT-based transition system induction, with some property strengthening at the end. We will first get to know SMT solvers, which are powerful, flexible and generally quite amazing tools. Next are (declarative) transition systems, which are the kind of programs we will analyze. They are relatively simple to understand and require little encoding to analyze them, meaning the encoding will be understandable when we look at it.

Next let's discuss bounded model checking, which on its own cannot (usually) prove anything: it just finds counterexamples (bugs). The three posts after that discuss basic and more advanced induction techniques.