
Let's get a little bit abstract and meta. The incremental BMC approach we have seen in previous chapters can itself be seen as a transition system. To do this formally, we would need a whole bunch of notions from logics which are far beyond this book's scope. No matter, we can discuss BMC as a transition system informally, with words. Writing counterexample constantly is quite tedious, we will use the much shorter cex (plural cex-s) contraction instead. Also, assume there is only one candidate for simplicity.

We can see BMC as having a state: the unrolling depth k from the initial state at which it currently is. We can say it produces a boolean output that's true if a cex for the candidate exists at depth k. BMC's starting point is "check the initial states for a cex (of the candidate)", which we can rephrase as

  • init: unroll the system at depth 0 from the initial state and check for cex.

A BMC transition amounts to unrolling the transition relation one step further (depth k), and check for falsification at k. Rephrased to echo init's formulation, we get

  • trans(k-1, k): from an unrolling at k-1 from the initial states with no cex, unroll to k and check for a cex (with k > 0).

So now we have a representation of BMC as a transition system with its init predicate and trans relation.

It would be interesting to find a candidate invariant for BMC and try to prove it over the transition system representation of BMC we just introduced. As some readers have probably intuited, BMC actually has the property that it always finds the shortest cex possible in terms of depth (number of unrollings). More precisely, it finds one of them: if BMC produces a cex (trace of k states) of length k, there might be other cex-s of length k (and of length i > k). However, there cannot exist a shorter cex (of length i < k). More generally:

  • candidate(k): when BMC is unrolled at k from the initial states, then no cex of length 0 ≤ i < k exists.

To be clear, our goal is to find a way to prove that candidate is an invariant for BMC, which is represented as a transition system by the init predicate and trans relation above.

The question now is "How can we prove that BMC verifies candidate?", or "What would such a proof look like?". Back when we discussed transition system, we managed to prove a few properties regarding the stopwatch system's transition relation. For instance, we previously proved that assuming cnt_0 > 7, then we cannot have cnt_1 = 0 without reset_1 being true if state 1 is a successor of state 0.

So we could start building a proof for candidate by checking if it is a consequence of trans: is it true that trans(k-1, k) ⇒ candidate(k)?. Let's assume we have an unrolling at depth k-1 from the initial states with no cex; by trans, the next BMC step is to unroll to k and check for a cex at k. Looking at candidate now, is it the case that no cex of length i < k can exist?

Well no, looking only at the assumptions we made we cannot draw that conclusion: trans tells us there is no cex at k-1, but that's it. We know nothing of potential cex-s at i < k - 1. So, candidate is not a consequence of trans. All hope is not lost: our tiny proofs over the stopwatch system actually made assumptions about the previous state. "Assuming cnt_0 > 7, then we cannot have cnt_1 = 0 without ..."

Instead of checking if candidate is a consequence of trans (which it is not as we just saw) we could check trans preserves candidate. Since trans relates succeeding states k-1 and k, we say that trans preserves candidate if candidate(k-1) ∧ trans(k-1, k) ⇒ candidate(k). That is, "states verifying candidate cannot, in one application of trans, reach a state falsifying candidate".

Is it the case though? We take the same assumptions as above, when we looked at a transition from k-1 to k, and also assume candidate at k-1: "no cex of length i < k-1 exists". By trans, we unroll to k and check for a cex at k. Can there be cex of length i < k? No: trans tells us there was no cex at k-1, and our new candidate-assumption in the previous state tells us no cex of length i < kh-1 exists.

Sweet, trans preserves candidate: from a state verifying candidate, we can only reach states that also verify candidate. Hence, a state verifying candidate cannot lead to a state falsifying it by repeated applications of trans. Is this enough to decide candidate to be an invariant for BMC? No, unless we show all our initial states verify candidate.

Imagine for instance we got BMC wrong and started at depth 1 instead of 0, with exactly the same trans. Then, since we never checked for a cex at 0, candidate has no reason to be true at 1. More generally, if our initial states do not all verify candidate, then the fact that trans preserves candidate is not helpful because it says nothing about transitions from a state that does not verify candidate.

Do(es) BMC's initial state(s) verify candidate then? That is, when BMC is unrolled at 0 from the initial states, is it possible that a cex of length i with 0 ≤ i < 0 exists? Well, since there is no i such that 0 ≤ i < 0, then no.

Putting both results together we have

  • BMC's starting point verifies candidate, i.e. init ⇒ candidate(0), and
  • BMC's notion of transition preserves candidate, i.e. candidate(k-1) ∧ trans(k-1, k) ⇒ candidate(k).

Then, by induction, executions of BMC cannot ever falsify candidate.

One Last Short SMT Dive

To sum up, given a transition system 𝕋 with state variables s and specified by (init(s), trans(s, s')), we can invoke induction to prove that candidate(s) is an invariant for 𝕋 if we have shown both base and step:

  • base: for all s, init(s) ⇒ candidate(s);
  • step: for all s and s', candidate(s) ∧ trans(s, s') ⇒ candidate(s').

We can rephrase these two in terms of SMT solving and formula (un)satisfiability:

  • base: init(s) ∧ ¬candidate(s) is unsatisfiable;
  • step: candidate(s) ∧ trans(s, s') ∧ ¬candidate(s') is unsatisfiable.

We all know what this means: it is finally time to achieve our dream of proving that the stopwatch's counter is always positive. I will use the version that starts from cnt = 0, not the one where it can take an arbitrary positive value. Both versions work for this proof, but the former is better for obtaining non-trivial (length 0) counterexamples if we need to.

Readers eager to learn by doing can start from any of the previous SMT examples involving BMC and try to conduct the proof themselves. The SMT examples for BMC have definitions for both init and trans ready to use. The easy version consists in having an SMT-LIB script for the base case, and another one for the step case. Solution in the Stopwatch Base and Stopwatch Step sections.

Bonus points if you can do both with just one script, using activation literals. Perfect score if you can do both checks using only one activation literal, solely for the purpose of (de)activating init.

Perfect score solution in the Stopwatch Actlit section.


SMT examples for BMC from previous chapters already have definitions for the stopwatch's init and trans. For convenience and readability, we define a candidate predicate over the system's counter:

(define-fun candidate ((|s.cnt| Int)) Bool
    (>= |s.cnt| 0)

In the base check, we are only concerned with the initial states. All we need to do

  • is declare our state variables,
  • assert that they are a legal initial state,
  • assert that they falsify our candidate, and
  • ask whether this is satisfiable.
(declare-const start_stop_0 Bool)
(declare-const reset_0 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_0 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_0 Int)

(assert (init start_stop_0 reset_0 is_counting_0 cnt_0))
(assert (not (candidate cnt_0)))

; Is there a state that's initial but does not verify `candidate`?

Z3 easily answers our question.

Full code in the Stopwatch Base section below.

> z3 test.smt2

Done: we proved the base case, step is next, let's move on.


For the step check, which we are doing separately (in a different file) from base, we first need to declare two states since we need to check that trans preserves candidate.

; Previous state.
(declare-const start_stop_0 Bool)
(declare-const reset_0 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_0 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_0 Int)
; Next state.
(declare-const start_stop_1 Bool)
(declare-const reset_1 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_1 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_1 Int)

Next, we want to ask whether it is possible to have

  • state 0 verify candidate,
  • state 1 be a successor of state 0, and
  • state 0 falsify candidate.
(assert (candidate cnt_0))
(assert (trans
    start_stop_0 reset_0 is_counting_0 cnt_0
    start_stop_1 reset_1 is_counting_1 cnt_1
(assert (not (candidate cnt_1)))

; Is there a state verifying `candidate` that can
; reach a state falsifying it in one transition?

And that's it. Unless Z3 decides to answer sat for some reason, we are done.

Full code in the Stopwatch Step section below.

> play drumroll.wav
> z3 test.smt2

Done and done. Both base and step hold, and thus we can finally invoke induction and conclude that cnt ≥ 0 is an invariant for the stopwatch system.

Before we move on to mikino's induction mode, some readers might want to check out Section Stopwatch Actlit below. In it, we conduct base and step in succession in a single file using an activation literal. That's not all we do however, there is a clever trick that we use for the checks. The trick is discussed in details in the comments.

Full Code For All Examples

Stopwatch Base

Expand this for the full code.
; Initial predicate.
(define-fun init
        (|s.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s.reset| Bool)
        (|s.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s.cnt| Int)

        (= |s.is_counting| |s.start_stop|)
        (=> |s.reset| (= |s.cnt| 0))
        (>= |s.cnt| 0)

(define-fun candidate ((|s.cnt| Int)) Bool
    (>= |s.cnt| 0)

(declare-const start_stop_0 Bool)
(declare-const reset_0 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_0 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_0 Int)

(assert (init start_stop_0 reset_0 is_counting_0 cnt_0))
(assert (not (candidate cnt_0)))

; Is there a state that's initial but does not verify `candidate`?


> z3 test.smt2

Stopwatch Step

Expand this for the full code.
; Initial predicate.
(define-fun init
        (|s.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s.reset| Bool)
        (|s.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s.cnt| Int)

        (= |s.is_counting| |s.start_stop|)
        (=> |s.reset| (= |s.cnt| 0))
        (>= |s.cnt| 0)
(define-fun trans
        ; "Previous" state.
        (|s.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s.reset| Bool)
        (|s.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s.cnt| Int)
        ; "Next" state.
        (|s'.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s'.reset| Bool)
        (|s'.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s'.cnt| Int)

        (=> |s'.start_stop|
            (= |s'.is_counting| (not |s.is_counting|))
        (=> (not |s'.start_stop|)
            (= |s'.is_counting| |s.is_counting|)
        (= |s'.cnt|
            (ite |s'.reset|
                (ite |s'.is_counting|
                    (+ |s.cnt| 1)

(define-fun candidate ((|s.cnt| Int)) Bool
    (>= |s.cnt| 0)

; Previous state.
(declare-const start_stop_0 Bool)
(declare-const reset_0 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_0 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_0 Int)
; Next state.
(declare-const start_stop_1 Bool)
(declare-const reset_1 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_1 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_1 Int)

(assert (candidate cnt_0))
(assert (trans
    start_stop_0 reset_0 is_counting_0 cnt_0
    start_stop_1 reset_1 is_counting_1 cnt_1
(assert (not (candidate cnt_1)))

; Is there a state verifying `candidate` that can
; reach a state falsifying it in one transition?


> z3 test.smt2

Stopwatch Actlit

Expand this for the full code.

Until now, we performed the step check of an induction proof by giving ourselves a state 0 and a state 1 such that

  • trans(s_0, s_1): state 1 is state 0's successor,
  • candidate(s_0): state 0 verifies the candidate,
  • ¬candidate(s_1): state 1 falsifies the candidate.

Now, the example below swaps the state indices 0 and 1. That is:

  • trans(s_1, s_0): state 0 is state 1's successor,
  • candidate(s_1): state 1 verifies the candidate,
  • ¬candidate(s_0): state 0 falsifies the candidate.

This does not really change anything by itself, the check is same except that the indices have changed. We do need to be careful to extract the counterexample correctly though.

The reason we present this version is that this reverse-unrolling version lets us keep state 0 as the last state of the trace, i.e. the state on which the falsification occurs. In normal unrolling, if we wanted to unroll the transition relation more, we would need to introduce s_2, deactivate ¬candidate(s_1), assert candidate(s_1), and conditionally assert ¬candidate(s_2).

With reverse-unrolling we can just say s_2 is s_1's previous state, and assert candidate(s_2). We are not unrolling more than once here (a process called k-induction), but this reverse-unrolling trick is still convenient w.r.t. the base check. The base check asserts ¬candidate(s_0), which step also needs.

; Initial predicate.
(define-fun init
        (|s.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s.reset| Bool)
        (|s.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s.cnt| Int)

        (= |s.is_counting| |s.start_stop|)
        (=> |s.reset| (= |s.cnt| 0))
        (>= |s.cnt| 0)
(define-fun trans
        ; "Previous" state.
        (|s.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s.reset| Bool)
        (|s.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s.cnt| Int)
        ; "Next" state.
        (|s'.start_stop| Bool)
        (|s'.reset| Bool)
        (|s'.is_counting| Bool)
        (|s'.cnt| Int)

        (=> |s'.start_stop|
            (= |s'.is_counting| (not |s.is_counting|))
        (=> (not |s'.start_stop|)
            (= |s'.is_counting| |s.is_counting|)
        (= |s'.cnt|
            (ite |s'.reset|
                (ite |s'.is_counting|
                    (+ |s.cnt| 1)

(define-fun candidate ((|s.cnt| Int)) Bool
    (>= |s.cnt| 0)

(declare-const start_stop_0 Bool)
(declare-const reset_0 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_0 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_0 Int)

; Wait, shouldn't this be under an activation literal?
(assert (not (candidate cnt_0)))
; No because we're being very clever. More on that in the
; step check below.

(echo "base check, expecting `unsat`")
(declare-const base_actlit Bool)
(assert (=> base_actlit
    (init start_stop_0 reset_0 is_counting_0 cnt_0)
(check-sat-assuming (base_actlit))

(declare-const start_stop_1 Bool)
(declare-const reset_1 Bool)
(declare-const is_counting_1 Bool)
(declare-const cnt_1 Int)

(echo "step check, expecting `unsat`")
        ; State `1` is first?
        start_stop_1 reset_1 is_counting_1 cnt_1
        ; State `0` is its successor?
        start_stop_0 reset_0 is_counting_0 cnt_0
(assert (candidate cnt_1))
; Most unhorthodox. We are reverse-unrolling™.
; When we checked for base above, we asserted `(not (candidate cnt_0))`
; **unconditionnaly**. So at this point, we have
; - candidate(s_1)
; - trans(s_1, s_0)
; - ¬candidate(s_0)
; By unrolling backwards, with `s_0` the *last* state, we can reverse-unroll
; without changing anything, just adding a state `s_2` and asserting
; `trans(s_2, s_1)`.
; This is useful when doing "k-induction", which requires unrolling more than
; once in step (and base), and because SMT-solvers work by **learning** facts
; about the SMT instance they work on. These facts are *kept between checks*.
; So, Z3 will learn facts from the three assertions above in the `check-sat`
; below. If we reverse-unroll once more by adding an `s_2` as the predecessor
; of `s_1`, then Z3 will be able to re-use facts it learnt since we only added
; to the instance, but did not change anything that was there.


(echo "induction proof complete")


> z3 test.smt2
base check, expecting `unsat`
step check, expecting `unsat`
induction proof complete