Module Cobol_unit.Types

type 'a named_n_ordered = {
  1. named : 'a Cobol_unit__.Unit_qualmap.TYPES.qualmap;
  2. list : 'a list;

A type to manage sets of items in both named and ordered form. Note that in many cases anonymous elements of list many not belong to named.

type unit_config = {
  1. unit_currency_signs : Cobol_common.Basics.CharSet.t;
  2. unit_decimal_point : char;

Corresponds to the contents of the CONFIGURATION SECTION.

type data_definitions = {
  1. data_items : Cobol_data.Types.data_definition named_n_ordered;
  2. data_records : Cobol_data.Types.record list;
type cobol_unit = {
  1. unit_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.with_loc;
  2. unit_parent_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.with_loc option;
  3. unit_config : unit_config;
  4. unit_data : data_definitions;
  5. unit_procedure : procedure;

Type of a main COBOL compilation unit

type group = Stdlib.Set.Make(Cobol_unit__.Unit_collections.M).t
type +'a group_map = 'a Stdlib.Map.Make(Cobol_unit__.Unit_collections.M).t