Module Cobol_ptree

type 'a with_loc = 'a Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc = {
  1. payload : 'a;
  2. loc : srcloc;
val compare_with_loc : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> -> 'a with_loc -> 'a with_loc ->
type 'a nel = 'a NEL.t
val compare_nel : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> -> 'a nel -> 'a nel ->
val pp_nel : 'a Pretty.printer -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a NEL.t -> unit
type permutation_duo =
  1. | AB
  2. | BA
and trio_head =
  1. | A3
  2. | B3
  3. | C3
and permutation_trio = trio_head * permutation_duo
and quartet_head =
  1. | A4
  2. | B4
  3. | C4
  4. | D4
and permutation_quartet = quartet_head * permutation_trio
val compare_permutation_duo : permutation_duo -> permutation_duo ->
val compare_trio_head : trio_head -> trio_head ->
val compare_permutation_trio : permutation_trio -> permutation_trio ->
val compare_quartet_head : quartet_head -> quartet_head ->
val compare_permutation_quartet : permutation_quartet -> permutation_quartet ->
val prepend_as_trio : [< `A of 'a * ('b * 'c * permutation_duo) | `B of 'b * ('a * 'c * permutation_duo) | `C of 'c * ('a * 'b * permutation_duo) ] -> 'a * 'b * 'c * permutation_trio
val prepend_as_quartet : [< `A of 'a * ('b * 'c * 'd * permutation_trio) | `B of 'b * ('a * 'c * 'd * permutation_trio) | `C of 'c * ('a * 'b * 'd * permutation_trio) | `D of 'd * ('a * 'b * 'c * permutation_trio) ] -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * permutation_quartet
val fold_duo : permutation_duo -> ('a * 'b) -> (('a -> 'c -> 'c) * ('b -> 'c -> 'c)) -> 'c -> 'c
val fold_trio : (trio_head * permutation_duo) -> ('a * 'b * 'c) -> (('a -> 'd -> 'd) * ('b -> 'd -> 'd) * ('c -> 'd -> 'd)) -> 'd -> 'd
val fold_quartet : (quartet_head * (trio_head * permutation_duo)) -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) -> (('a -> 'e -> 'e) * ('b -> 'e -> 'e) * ('c -> 'e -> 'e) * ('d -> 'e -> 'e)) -> 'e -> 'e
val unit_acc : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit -> unit
val iter_duo : permutation_duo -> ('a * 'b) -> (('a -> unit) * ('b -> unit)) -> unit
val iter_trio : (trio_head * permutation_duo) -> ('a * 'b * 'c) -> (('a -> unit) * ('b -> unit) * ('c -> unit)) -> unit
val iter_quartet : (quartet_head * (trio_head * permutation_duo)) -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) -> (('a -> unit) * ('b -> unit) * ('c -> unit) * ('d -> unit)) -> unit
type integer = string
val compare_integer : integer -> integer ->
type fixed = {
  1. fixed_integral : string;

    Integer part

  2. fixed_fractional : string;

    Fractional part

val compare_fixed : fixed -> fixed ->
type floating = {
  1. float_significand : fixed;
  2. float_exponent : string;
val compare_floating : floating -> floating ->
type boolean = {
  1. bool_base : [ `Bool | `Hex ];
  2. bool_value : string;
val compare_boolean : boolean -> boolean ->
val pp_integer : string Pretty.printer
val fixed_of_strings : string -> string -> fixed
val pp_fixed : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> fixed -> unit
val floating_of_strings : string -> string -> string -> floating
val pp_floating : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> floating -> unit
val boolean_of_string : ?base:[ `Bool | `Hex ] -> string -> boolean
type name = string
val pp_name : string Pretty.printer
val pp_name' : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> unit

Term attributes

type alnum_ = [
  1. | `AlphaNum
type bool_ = [
  1. | `Bool
type fixed_ = [
  1. | `Fixed
type float_ = [
  1. | `Float
type int_ = [
  1. | `Int
type name_ = [
  1. | `Name
type national_ = [
  1. | `National
type 'a qual_ = [
  1. | `Qual of 'a
type object_view_ = [
  1. | `ObjectView
type object_ref_ = [
  1. | `ObjectRef
type qualident_ = [ `Ident ] qual_
type address_ = [
  1. | `Address
type counter_ = [
  1. | `Counter
type inline_call_ = [
  1. | `InlineCall
type inline_invoke_ = [
  1. | `InlineInvoke
type length_of_ = [
  1. | `LengthOf
type arith_value_ = length_of_
type refmod_scalar_ident_ = [
  1. | `RefmodScalarIdent
type base_ident_ = [
  1. | scalar_ident_
  2. | object_view_
type refmod_ident_ = [
  1. | `RefmodIdent
type ident_ = [
  1. | base_ident_
  2. | refmod_ident_
type qualname_ = [
  1. | name_
  2. | name qual_
type num_ = [
  1. | int_
  2. | fixed_
  3. | float_
type nonnum_ = [
  1. | alnum_
  2. | national_
  3. | bool_
type strlit_ = [
  1. | alnum_
  2. | national_
type lit_ = [
  1. | nonnum_
  2. | bool_
  3. | num_
type simple_ = [
  1. | `Simple
type complex_ = [
  1. | `Complex
type strict_ = [
  1. | `Strict
type loose_ = [
  1. | `Loose
type alphanum_quote =
  1. | Simple_quote
  2. | Double_quote
val compare_alphanum_quote : alphanum_quote -> alphanum_quote ->
type alphanum_repr =
  1. | Native_bytes
  2. | Null_terminated_bytes
val compare_alphanum_repr : alphanum_repr -> alphanum_repr ->
type intrinsic_name =
  1. | ABS
  3. | ACOS
  4. | ANNUITY
  5. | ASIN
  6. | ATAN
  8. | BIT_OF
  9. | BIT_TO_CHAR
  12. | CHAR
  15. | CONCAT
  18. | CONTENT_OF
  19. | CONVERT
  20. | COS
  27. | DISPLAY_OF
  28. | E
  35. | EXP
  36. | EXP10
  44. | HEX_OF
  45. | HEX_TO_CHAR
  47. | INTEGER
  53. | LENGTH
  54. | LENGTH_AN
  59. | LOG
  60. | LOG10
  61. | LOWER_CASE
  63. | MAX
  64. | MEAN
  65. | MEDIAN
  66. | MIDRANGE
  67. | MIN
  68. | MOD
  72. | MODULE_ID
  82. | NUMVAL
  83. | NUMVAL_C
  84. | NUMVAL_F
  85. | ORD
  86. | ORD_MAX
  87. | ORD_MIN
  88. | PI
  90. | RANDOM
  91. | RANGE
  92. | REM
  93. | REVERSE
  96. | SIGN
  97. | SIN
  98. | SQRT
  104. | SUM
  105. | TAN
  109. | TEST_NUMVAL
  110. | TEST_NUMVAL_C
  111. | TEST_NUMVAL_F
  112. | TRIM
  113. | UPPER_CASE
  114. | VARIANCE
  116. | YEAR_TO_YYYY
val compare_intrinsic_name : intrinsic_name -> intrinsic_name ->
val show_intrinsic_name : intrinsic_name -> string
val pp_intrinsic_name : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> intrinsic_name -> unit
type alphanum = {
  1. str : string;
  2. quotation : alphanum_quote;
  3. hexadecimal : bool;
  4. runtime_repr : alphanum_repr;
val compare_alphanum : alphanum -> alphanum ->
val pp_alphanum : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> alphanum -> unit
type national = string
val compare_national : national -> national ->
val pp_national : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> national -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_national : national -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type _ term =
  1. | Alphanum : alphanum -> [> alnum_ ] term
  2. | Integer : string -> [> int_ ] term
  3. | National : national -> [> national_ ] term
  4. | NumFig : int_ figurative -> [> int_ ] term
  5. | Fig : [ nonnum_ | strlit_ ] figurative -> [> strlit_ ] term
  6. | Name : name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> [> name_ ] term
  7. | Qual : name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc * qualname_ term -> [> name qual_ ] term
  8. | Address : address -> [> address_ ] term
  9. | Counter : counter -> [> counter_ ] term
  10. | InlineCall : inline_call -> [> inline_call_ ] term
  11. | InlineInvoke : inline_invocation -> [> inline_invoke_ ] term
  12. | LengthOf : [ ident_ | lit_ ] term -> [> length_of_ ] term
  13. | ObjectView : object_view -> [> object_view_ ] term
  14. | ObjectRef : object_ref -> [> object_ref_ ] term
  15. | QualIdent : qualident -> [> qualident_ ] term
  16. | RefMod : base_ident_ term * refmod -> [> refmod_ident_ ] term
  17. | ScalarRefMod : scalar_ident_ term * refmod -> [> refmod_scalar_ident_ ] term
  18. | StrConcat : strlit_ term * strlit_ term -> [> strlit_ ] term
  19. | Concat : nonnum_ term * nonnum_ term -> [> nonnum_ ] term

Now comes the type of all/most terms

and _ figurative =
  1. | Zero : [< int_ | nonnum_ ] figurative
  2. | Space : [> strlit_ ] figurative
  3. | Quote : [> strlit_ ] figurative
  4. | LowValue : [> strlit_ ] figurative
  5. | HighValue : [> strlit_ ] figurative
  6. | All : nonnumlit -> [< nonnum_ ] figurative

and then particular instantiations.

and ident = ident_ term

As per ISO/IEC 2014: reference to a data item.

and qualname = qualname_ term

(Qualified) name (should be `qualref` for "qualified reference" instead).

and literal = lit_ term

Any sort of literal (Boolean, alphanumeric, national, numeric, figurative)

and numlit = num_ term
and ident_or_alphanum = [ ident_ | alnum_ ] term
and ident_or_intlit = [ ident_ | int_ ] term
and ident_or_literal = [ ident_ | lit_ ] term
and ident_or_nonnum = [ ident_ | nonnum_ ] term
and ident_or_numlit = [ ident_ | num_ ] term
and ident_or_strlit = [ ident_ | strlit_ ] term
and name_or_alphanum = [ name_ | alnum_ ] term
and name_or_string = [ name_ | strlit_ ] term
and name_or_literal = [ name_ | lit_ ] term
and nonnumlit = nonnum_ term
and qualname_or_alphanum = [ qualname_ | alnum_ ] term
and qualname_or_intlit = [ qualname_ | int_ ] term
and qualname_or_literal = [ qualname_ | lit_ ] term
and strlit = strlit_ term
and strlit_or_intlit = [ strlit_ | int_ ] term
and binop =
  1. | BPlus
  2. | BMinus
  3. | BMul
  4. | BDiv
  5. | BPow
  6. | BAnd
  7. | BOr
  8. | BXor
and unop =
  1. | UPlus
  2. | UMinus
  3. | UNot
and expression =
  1. | Atom of scalar
  2. | Unop of unop * expression
  3. | Binop of expression * binop * expression
and _ cond =
  1. | Expr : expression -> [> simple_ ] cond

    expression used as a condition

  2. | Relation : binary_relation -> [> simple_ ] cond

    simple binary relation

  3. | Abbrev : abbrev_combined_relation -> [> simple_ ] cond

    abbreviated relation

  4. | ClassCond : expression * class_ -> [> simple_ ] cond

    class condition

  5. | SignCond : expression * signz -> [> simple_ ] cond
  6. | Omitted : expression -> [> simple_ ] cond
  7. | Not : _ cond -> [> complex_ ] cond
    NOT c
  8. | Logop : _ cond * logop * _ cond -> [> complex_ ] cond
    c <AND/OR> c'

Any form of condition

and binary_relation = expression * relop * expression
e <relop> e'
and abbrev_combined_relation = bool * binary_relation * logop * flat_combined_relation

An abbreviated combined relation describes a non-parenthesized condition:

  • e <relop> e' <AND/OR> <abbreviated-suffix>

    if not neg holds (the first item in the tuple);

  • NOT e <relop> e' <AND/OR> <abbreviated-suffix>


and flat_combined_relation =
  1. | FlatAmbiguous of relop option * expression
    <relop>? e
  2. | FlatNotExpr of expression
    NOT e
  3. | FlatRel of bool * binary_relation
    NOT? e <relop> e'
  4. | FlatOther of condition
    <non-relational/parenthesized condition>
  5. | FlatComb of flat_combined_relation as 'x * logop * 'x
    a' <AND/OR> a''

Suffix of non-parenthesized relational combined conditions (



and condition = [ simple_ | complex_ ] cond
and simple_condition = simple_ cond
and logop =
  1. | LAnd
  2. | LOr
and relop =
  1. | Gt
  2. | Lt
  3. | Eq
  4. | Ne
  5. | Ge
  6. | Le
and class_ =
  1. | AlphabetOrClass of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | Alphabetic
  3. | AlphabeticLower
  4. | AlphabeticUpper
  5. | ClassBoolean
  6. | FarthestFromZero
  7. | FloatInfinity
  8. | FloatNotANumber
  9. | FloatNotANumberQuiet
  10. | FloatNotANumberSignaling
  11. | InArithmeticRange
  12. | NearestToZero
  13. | ClassNumeric
and inline_call =
  1. | CallFunc of {
    1. func : name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. args : effective_arg list;
  2. | CallGenericIntrinsic of {
    1. func : intrinsic_name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. args : effective_arg list;
  3. | CallTrim of {
    1. arg : effective_arg;
    2. tip : trimming_tip option;
  4. | CallLength of {
    1. arg : ident_or_nonnum;
    2. physical : bool;
  5. | CallNumvalC of ident_or_nonnum list
  6. | CallLocaleDate of locale_func_args
  7. | CallLocaleTime of locale_func_args
  8. | CallLocaleTimeFromSeconds of locale_func_args
  9. | CallFormattedDatetime of formatted_func_args
  10. | CallFormattedTime of formatted_func_args
and formatted_func_args = {
  1. formatted_func_args : effective_arg list;
  2. formatted_func_system_offset : bool;
and locale_func_args = {
  1. locale_func_args : effective_arg;
  2. locale_func_locale : qualname option;
and trimming_tip =
  1. | Leading
  2. | Trailing
and effective_arg =
  1. | ArgExpr of expression
  2. | ArgOmitted
and qualident = {
  1. ident_name : qualname Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. ident_subscripts : subscript list;
and subscript =
  1. | SubSAll
  2. | SubSExpr of expression
  3. | SubSIdx of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc * sign * string
and _ sign_cond =
  1. | SgnPositive : [< strict_ | loose_ ] sign_cond
  2. | SgnNegative : [< strict_ | loose_ ] sign_cond
  3. | SgnZero : [< loose_ ] sign_cond
and sign = strict_ sign_cond
and signz = loose_ sign_cond
and refmod = {
  1. refmod_left : expression Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. refmod_length : expression Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and inline_invocation = {
  1. invoke_class : ident;
  2. invoke_meth : literal;
  3. invoke_args : effective_arg list;
and object_view = {
  1. object_view_ident : ident;
  2. object_view_spec : object_view_spec;
and object_view_spec =
  1. | ObjViewAmbiguous of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | ObjViewFactory of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  3. | ObjViewOnly of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  4. | ObjViewFactoryOnly of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  5. | ObjViewUniversal
and object_ref =
  1. | ExceptionObject
  2. | Null
  3. | Self
  4. | Super of name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option
and address =
  1. | DataAddress of ident
  2. | ProgAddress of ident_or_literal
and counter = {
  1. counter_kind : counter_kind;
  2. counter_name : name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and counter_kind =
  1. | LineageCounter
  2. | PageCounter
  3. | LineCounter
module COMPARE : sig ... end
include module type of struct include COMPARE end
type 'a compare_fun = 'a -> 'a -> int
val compare_struct : int -> int Stdlib.Lazy.t -> int
val compare_name : string -> string -> int
val compare_term : 'a. 'a Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_expression : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression ->
val compare_expression' : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc ->
val compare_binary_relation : (Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression) -> (Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression) ->
val compare_abbrev_combined_relation : (bool * (Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression) * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.logop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.flat_combined_relation) -> (bool * (Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression) * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.logop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.flat_combined_relation) ->
val compare_flat_combined_relation : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.flat_combined_relation -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.flat_combined_relation ->
val compare_cond : 'a 'b. 'a Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond -> 'b Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond ->
val compare_relop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop -> int
val compare_logop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.logop -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.logop ->
val compare_class_ : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.class_ -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.class_ ->
val compare_qualident : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualident -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualident ->
val compare_subscript : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.subscript -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.subscript ->
val compare_refmod : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod ->
val compare_sign : [ `Strict ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.sign_cond compare_fun
val compare_signz : [ `Loose ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.sign_cond compare_fun
val compare_object_ref : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_ref -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_ref -> int
val compare_object_view : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_view -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_view ->
val compare_object_view_spec : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_view_spec -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_view_spec ->
val compare_inline_invoke : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.inline_invocation -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.inline_invocation -> int
val compare_inline_call : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.inline_call -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.inline_call ->
val compare_locale_func_args : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.locale_func_args -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.locale_func_args ->
val compare_formatted_func_args : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.formatted_func_args -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.formatted_func_args ->
val compare_effective_arg : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.effective_arg -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.effective_arg ->
val compare_address : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.address -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.address -> int
val compare_counter : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.counter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.counter -> int
val compare_ident : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_trimming_tip : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.trimming_tip -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.trimming_tip -> int
val compare_qualname : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_ident_or_numlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_ident_or_alphanum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_ident_or_intlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_ident_or_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_ident_or_nonnum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_ident_or_strlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_name_or_alphanum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_name_or_string : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_name_or_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_qualname_or_alphanum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_qualname_or_intlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_qualname_or_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_strlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_strlit_or_intlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_scalar : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.scalar_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.arith_value_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term compare_fun
val compare_condition : 'a Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond -> 'b Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond ->
module FMT : sig ... end
include module type of struct include FMT end

Manual prettty-printing for terms

Manual prettty-printing for terms

val pp_boolean : Cobol_ptree__.Numericals.boolean Pretty.printer
val pp_term : 'k. 'k Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_figurative : 'k. 'k Cobol_ptree__.Terms.figurative Pretty.printer
val pp_subscript : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.subscript Fmt.t
val pp_refmod : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod -> unit
val pp_qualident : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualident -> unit
val pp_qualname : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_qualname' : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> unit
val pp_address : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.address -> unit
val pp_inline_call : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.inline_call -> unit
val pp_trimming_tip : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.trimming_tip Fmt.t
val pp_inline_invocation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.inline_invocation -> unit
val pp_effective_arg : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.effective_arg Fmt.t
val pp_object_view : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_view -> unit
val pp_object_ref : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.object_ref -> unit
val pp_counter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.counter -> unit
val pp_scalar : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.scalar_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.arith_value_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_expression : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression Fmt.t
val pp_expression' : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc Fmt.t
val pretty_expression : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression -> Cobol_ptree__.Unparse.Expression.t
val pretty_unop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.unop -> Cobol_ptree__.Unparse.Expression.unary_op
val show_unop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.unop -> string
val pp_unop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.unop Fmt.t
val pretty_binop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.binop -> Cobol_ptree__.Unparse.Expression.binary_op
val show_binop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.binop -> string
val pp_binop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.binop Fmt.t
val pp_binary_relation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop * Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression) -> unit
val pp_cond : 'k. ?pos:bool -> 'k Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond Pretty.printer
val pp_flat_combined_relation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.flat_combined_relation -> unit
val pp_condition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.simple_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.complex_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond -> unit
val not_ : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> bool -> unit
val show_relop : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop -> string
val pp_relop : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.relop -> unit
val show_class_ : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.class_ -> string
val pp_class_ : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.class_ -> unit
val pp_sign : 'k. 'k Cobol_ptree__.Terms.sign_cond Pretty.printer
val pp_signz : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a Cobol_ptree__.Terms.sign_cond -> unit
val pp_logop : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Terms.logop -> unit
val pp_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_literal' : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> unit
val pp_ident : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer

Pretty-printing for named unions of term types (some are yet to be renamed)

val pp_ident_or_alphanum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_ident_or_intlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_ident_or_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_ident_or_nonnum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_ident_or_numlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_ident_or_strlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_strlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_name_or_string : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_name_or_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_name_or_alphanum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_strlit_or_intlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_qualname_or_literal : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_qualname_or_intlit : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
val pp_qualname_or_alphanum : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Pretty.printer
module UPCAST : sig ... end

Exlicit term upcasting utilities, that should all reduce to identity.

type rounding =
  1. | RoundingNotAny
  2. | RoundingDefault
  3. | RoundingMode of rounding_mode
and rounding_mode =
  1. | AwayFromZero
  2. | NearestAwayFromZero
  3. | NearestEven
  4. | NearestTowardZero
  5. | TowardGreater
  6. | TowardLesser
  7. | Truncation
  8. | Prohibited
val compare_rounding : rounding -> rounding ->
val compare_rounding_mode : rounding_mode -> rounding_mode ->
val pp_rounding_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> rounding_mode -> unit
val pp_rounding : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> rounding -> unit
type procedure_name = qualname
val compare_procedure_name : procedure_name -> procedure_name ->
val pp_procedure_name : qualname Pretty.printer
type informational_paragraphs = informational_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and informational_paragraph_header =
  1. | Author
  2. | DateCompiled
  3. | DateModified
  4. | DateWritten
  5. | Installation
  6. | Remarks
  7. | Security
and comment_entry = string list
val compare_informational_paragraphs : informational_paragraphs -> informational_paragraphs ->
val compare_informational_paragraph : informational_paragraph -> informational_paragraph ->
val compare_informational_paragraph_header : informational_paragraph_header -> informational_paragraph_header ->
val compare_comment_entry : comment_entry -> comment_entry ->
type options_paragraph = options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and options_clause =
  1. | Arithmetic of arithmetic_mode
  2. | EntryConvention of entry_convention
and arithmetic_mode =
  1. | Native
  2. | Standard
  3. | StandardBinary
  4. | StandardDecimal
and entry_convention =
  1. | COBOL
val compare_options_paragraph : options_paragraph -> options_paragraph ->
val compare_options_clause : options_clause -> options_clause ->
val compare_arithmetic_mode : arithmetic_mode -> arithmetic_mode ->
val compare_entry_convention : entry_convention -> entry_convention ->
val pp_entry_convention : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> entry_convention -> unit
val pp_arithmetic_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> arithmetic_mode -> unit
val pp_options_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> options_clause -> unit
val pp_options_paragraph : options_paragraph Fmt.t
val pp_informational_paragraph_header : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> informational_paragraph_header -> unit
val pp_comment_entry : comment_entry Pretty.printer
val pp_informational_paragraph : informational_paragraph Pretty.printer
val pp_informational_paragraphs : informational_paragraphs Pretty.printer
type environment_division = {
  1. env_configuration : configuration_section Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. env_input_output : input_output_section Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. env_order : Cobol_ptree__.Common.permutation_duo;
and configuration_section = {
  1. source_computer_paragraph : source_computer_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. object_computer_paragraph : object_computer_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. special_names_paragraph : special_names_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  4. repository_paragraph : repository_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. conf_sec_order : Cobol_ptree__.Common.quartet_head * (Cobol_ptree__.Common.trio_head * Cobol_ptree__.Common.permutation_duo);
and source_computer_paragraph = source_computer option
and source_computer = {
  1. source_computer_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. source_computer_with_debugging_mode : bool;
and object_computer_paragraph = object_computer option
and object_computer = {
  1. object_computer_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. object_computer_clauses : object_computer_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and object_computer_clause =
  1. | ComputerMemorySize of string * memory_size_unit
  2. | ComputerCharClassification of {
    1. alphanumeric : locale option;
    2. national : locale option;
  3. | ComputerSegmentLimit of string
and memory_size_unit =
  1. | MemoryWords
  2. | MemoryCharacters
  3. | MemoryModules
and locale =
  1. | CharClassificationName of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | CharClassificationLocale
  3. | CharClassificationSystemDefault
  4. | CharClassificationUserDefault
and special_names_paragraph = special_names_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and special_names_clause =
  1. | AlphabetName of {
    1. alphabet_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. category : character_category;
    3. characters : character_set;
  2. | ClassName of {
    1. class_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. category : character_category;
    3. characters : character_range list;
    4. source_charset : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. | CRTStatus of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  4. | Cursor of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  5. | DecimalPointIsComma
  6. | DynLenStruct of {
    1. name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. kind : dyn_len_struct_kind;
  7. | MnemonicName of {
    1. implementor_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. mnemonic_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
    3. status : status_switch option;
  8. | SymbolicChars of {
    1. category : character_category;
    2. character_maps : symbolic_characters_map list;
    3. source_charset : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and symbolic_characters_map = string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list * string list
and character_category =
  1. | Alphanumeric
  2. | National
and character_range =
  1. | CharacterRange of range_items
and characters_range =
  1. | CharactersRange of character_range
and range_items = {
  1. start_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. end_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
and character_set =
  1. | CharSetLocale of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option
  2. | CharSetNative
  3. | CharSetStandard_1
  4. | CharSetStandard_2
  5. | CharSetUCS_4
  6. | CharSetUTF_8
  7. | CharSetUTF_16
  8. | CharSetCharacters of characters_range list
and dyn_len_struct_kind =
  1. | DynLenPrefixed of {
    1. signed : bool;
    2. short : bool;
  2. | DynLenDelimited
  3. | DynLenPhysical of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and status_switch =
  1. | StatusSwitchOn of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | StatusSwitchOff of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  3. | StatusSwitch of {
    1. on_ : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. off : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
and repository_paragraph = specifier list
and specifier =
  1. | IntrinsicFunctionSpecifier of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  2. | IntrinsicFunctionAllSpecifier
and expands = {
  1. expands_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. expands_using : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and input_output_section = {
  1. file_control_paragraph : file_control_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. io_control_paragraph : io_control_paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and file_control_paragraph = select list
and select = {
  1. select_optional : bool;
  2. select_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. select_clauses : select_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and select_clause =
  1. | SelectAccessMode of access_mode
  2. | SelectCollatingSequenceOfKey of {
    1. keys : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
    2. alphabet : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. | SelectLockMode of {
    1. mode : lock_mode;
    2. with_lock : with_lock;
  4. | SelectOrganization of organization
  5. | SelectRecordDelimiter of record_delimiter
  6. | SelectRelativeKey of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  7. | SelectReserve of string
and access_mode =
  1. | AccessModeDynamic
  2. | AccessModeRandom
  3. | AccessModeSequential
and lock_mode =
  1. | LockManual
  2. | LockAutomatic
and with_lock =
  1. | WithLockNone
  2. | WithLock of {
    1. multiple : bool;
and organization =
  1. | OrganizationIndexed
  2. | OrganizationRelative
  3. | OrganizationSequential
and record_delimiter =
  1. | Standard_1
and io_control_paragraph = io_control_entry option
and io_control_entry = {
  1. io_control_rerun_clauses : rerun_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. io_control_same_area_clauses : same_area_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  3. io_control_multiple_file_clauses : multiple_file_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and rerun_clause = {
  1. rerun_on : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. rerun_every : rerun_frequency;
and rerun_frequency =
  1. | RerunEndOf of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | RerunRecords of string * string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  3. | RerunClockUnits of string
  4. | RerunCond of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and same_area_clause = {
  1. same_area_source : area_source;
  2. same_area_file_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. same_area_file_names : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and area_source =
  1. | AreaSourceFile
  2. | AreaSourceRecord
  3. | AreaSourceSortMerge
and multiple_file_clause = file_portion list
and file_portion = {
  1. file_portion_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. file_portion_position : string option;
val compare_environment_division : environment_division -> environment_division ->
val compare_configuration_section : configuration_section -> configuration_section ->
val compare_source_computer_paragraph : source_computer_paragraph -> source_computer_paragraph ->
val compare_source_computer : source_computer -> source_computer ->
val compare_object_computer_paragraph : object_computer_paragraph -> object_computer_paragraph ->
val compare_object_computer : object_computer -> object_computer ->
val compare_object_computer_clause : object_computer_clause -> object_computer_clause ->
val compare_memory_size_unit : memory_size_unit -> memory_size_unit ->
val compare_locale : locale -> locale ->
val compare_special_names_paragraph : special_names_paragraph -> special_names_paragraph ->
val compare_special_names_clause : special_names_clause -> special_names_clause ->
val compare_symbolic_characters_map : symbolic_characters_map -> symbolic_characters_map ->
val compare_character_category : character_category -> character_category ->
val compare_character_range : character_range -> character_range ->
val compare_characters_range : characters_range -> characters_range ->
val compare_range_items : range_items -> range_items ->
val compare_character_set : character_set -> character_set ->
val compare_dyn_len_struct_kind : dyn_len_struct_kind -> dyn_len_struct_kind ->
val compare_status_switch : status_switch -> status_switch ->
val compare_repository_paragraph : repository_paragraph -> repository_paragraph ->
val compare_specifier : specifier -> specifier ->
val compare_expands : expands -> expands ->
val compare_input_output_section : input_output_section -> input_output_section ->
val compare_file_control_paragraph : file_control_paragraph -> file_control_paragraph ->
val compare_select : select -> select ->
val compare_select_clause : select_clause -> select_clause ->
val compare_access_mode : access_mode -> access_mode ->
val compare_lock_mode : lock_mode -> lock_mode ->
val compare_with_lock : with_lock -> with_lock ->
val compare_organization : organization -> organization ->
val compare_record_delimiter : record_delimiter -> record_delimiter ->
val compare_io_control_paragraph : io_control_paragraph -> io_control_paragraph ->
val compare_io_control_entry : io_control_entry -> io_control_entry ->
val compare_rerun_clause : rerun_clause -> rerun_clause ->
val compare_rerun_frequency : rerun_frequency -> rerun_frequency ->
val compare_same_area_clause : same_area_clause -> same_area_clause ->
val compare_area_source : area_source -> area_source ->
val compare_multiple_file_clause : multiple_file_clause -> multiple_file_clause ->
val compare_file_portion : file_portion -> file_portion ->
val pp_file_portion : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_portion -> unit
val pp_multiple_file_clause : multiple_file_clause Fmt.t
val pp_area_source_opt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> area_source -> unit
val pp_same_area_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> same_area_clause -> unit
val pp_rerun_frequency : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> rerun_frequency -> unit
val pp_rerun_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> rerun_clause -> unit
val pp_io_control_entry : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> io_control_entry -> unit
val pp_io_control_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> io_control_entry option -> unit
val pp_expands : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> expands -> unit
val pp_status_switch : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> status_switch -> unit
val pp_dyn_len_struct_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> dyn_len_struct_kind -> unit
val pp_range_items : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> range_items -> unit
val pp_locale : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> locale -> unit
val pp_memory_size_unit : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> memory_size_unit -> unit
val pp_object_computer_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> object_computer_clause -> unit
val pp_object_computer : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> object_computer -> unit
val pp_object_computer_paragraph : object_computer_paragraph Fmt.t
val pp_source_computer : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> source_computer -> unit
val pp_source_computer_paragraph : source_computer_paragraph Fmt.t
val pp_specifier_aux : string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option -> expands option -> unit
val pp_specifier : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> specifier -> unit
val pp_repository_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> specifier list -> unit
val pp_character_category : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> character_category -> unit
val pp_character_category_opt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> character_category -> unit
val pp_character_range : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> character_range -> unit
val pp_characters_range : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> characters_range -> unit
val pp_character_set : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> character_set -> unit
val pp_symbolic_characters_map : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list * string list) -> unit
val pp_special_names_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> special_names_clause -> unit
val pp_special_names_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> special_names_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
val pp_configuration_section : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> configuration_section -> unit
val pp_record_delimiter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> record_delimiter -> unit
val pp_organization : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> organization -> unit
val pp_with_lock : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> with_lock -> unit
val pp_lock_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> lock_mode -> unit
val pp_access_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> access_mode -> unit
val pp_select_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> select_clause -> unit
val pp_select : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> select -> unit
val pp_file_control_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> select list -> unit
val pp_input_output_section : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> input_output_section -> unit
val pp_environment_division : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> environment_division -> unit
type format_clause =
  1. | Bit
  2. | Character
  3. | Numeric
val compare_format_clause : format_clause -> format_clause ->
val pp_format_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> format_clause -> unit
type file_block_contents =
  1. | FileBlockContainsCharacters
  2. | FileBlockContainsRecords
val compare_file_block_contents : file_block_contents -> file_block_contents ->
val pp_file_block_contents : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_block_contents -> unit
type record_clause =
  1. | FixedLength of string
  2. | FixedOrVariableLength of {
    1. min_length : string;
    2. max_length : string;
val compare_record_clause : record_clause -> record_clause ->
val pp_depending_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> unit
val pp_record_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> record_clause -> unit
type recording_mode =
  1. | ModeFixedOrVariable
  2. | ModeSpanned
  3. | ModeFixed
  4. | ModeVariable
val compare_recording_mode : recording_mode -> recording_mode ->
val pp_recording_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> recording_mode -> unit
type label_clause =
  1. | LabelStandard
  2. | LabelOmitted
val compare_label_clause : label_clause -> label_clause ->
val pp_label_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> label_clause -> unit
type file_data_clause = string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_file_data_clause : file_data_clause -> file_data_clause ->
val pp_file_data_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
type file_linage_clause = {
  1. file_linage_lines : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. file_linage_with_footing_at : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. file_linage_lines_at_top : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  4. file_linage_lines_at_bottom : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
val compare_file_linage_clause : file_linage_clause -> file_linage_clause ->
val pp_file_linage_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_linage_clause -> unit
type data_level = int
val compare_data_level : data_level -> data_level ->
val pp_data_level : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> int -> unit
type condition_name_value = {
  1. condition_name_value : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. condition_name_through : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_condition_name_value : condition_name_value -> condition_name_value ->
val pp_condition_name_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> condition_name_value -> unit
type data_name =
  1. | DataName of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | DataFiller
val compare_data_name : data_name -> data_name ->
val pp_data_name : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_name -> unit
type locale_phrase = {
  1. locale_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. locale_size : string;
val compare_locale_phrase : locale_phrase -> locale_phrase ->
val pp_locale_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> locale_phrase -> unit
type sign_clause = {
  1. sign_position : sign_position;
  2. sign_separate_character : bool;
and sign_position =
  1. | LeadingSign
  2. | TrailingSign
val compare_sign_clause : sign_clause -> sign_clause ->
val compare_sign_position : sign_position -> sign_position ->
val pp_sign_position : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sign_position -> unit
val pp_sign_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sign_clause -> unit
type report_screen_usage_clause =
  1. | Display
  2. | National
val compare_report_screen_usage_clause : report_screen_usage_clause -> report_screen_usage_clause ->
val pp_report_screen_usage_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_screen_usage_clause -> unit
type external_clause = [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option
val compare_external_clause : external_clause -> external_clause ->
val pp_external_clause : external_clause Fmt.t
type group_usage_clause =
  1. | GroupUsageBit
  2. | GroupUsageNational
val compare_group_usage_clause : group_usage_clause -> group_usage_clause ->
val pp_group_usage_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> group_usage_clause -> unit
type data_occurs_clause =
  1. | OccursFixed of {
    1. times : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. key_is : sort_spec list;
    3. indexed_by : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. | OccursDynamic of {
    1. capacity_in : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
    2. from : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
    3. to_ : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
    4. initialized : bool Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    5. key_is : sort_spec list;
    6. indexed_by : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and sort_spec = {
  1. sort_key_direction : sort_direction;
  2. sort_key_names : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term list;
and sort_direction =
  1. | SortAscending
  2. | SortDescending
val compare_data_occurs_clause : data_occurs_clause -> data_occurs_clause ->
val compare_sort_spec : sort_spec -> sort_spec ->
val compare_sort_direction : sort_direction -> sort_direction ->
val pp_sort_direction : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sort_direction -> unit
val pp_sort_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sort_spec -> unit
val pp_indexed_by : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Fmt.t
val pp_indexed_by_opt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
val pp_data_occurs_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_occurs_clause -> unit
type data_varying = {
  1. data_varying : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. data_varying_from : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression option;
  3. data_varying_by : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression option;
val compare_data_varying : data_varying -> data_varying ->
val pp_data_varying : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_varying -> unit
val pp_varying_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_varying list -> unit
type select_when_clause =
  1. | SelectWhen of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | SelectWhenOther
val compare_select_when_clause : select_when_clause -> select_when_clause ->
val pp_select_when_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> select_when_clause -> unit
type synchronized_clause =
  1. | SynchronizedLeft
  2. | SynchronizedRight
  3. | SynchronizedDefault
val compare_synchronized_clause : synchronized_clause -> synchronized_clause ->
val pp_synchronized_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> synchronized_clause -> unit
type property_clause = {
  1. property_with_no : property_kind option;
  2. property_is_final : bool;
and property_kind =
  1. | PropertyGet
  2. | PropertySet
val compare_property_clause : property_clause -> property_clause ->
val compare_property_kind : property_kind -> property_kind ->
val pp_property_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> property_kind -> unit
val pp_property_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> property_clause -> unit
type usage_clause =
  1. | Binary
  2. | BinaryChar of signedness option
  3. | BinaryShort of signedness option
  4. | BinaryLong of signedness option
  5. | BinaryDouble of signedness option
  6. | Bit
  7. | Display
  8. | FloatBinary32 of endianness_mode option
  9. | FloatBinary64 of endianness_mode option
  10. | FloatBinary128 of endianness_mode option
  11. | FloatDecimal16 of encoding_endianness
  12. | FloatDecimal34 of encoding_endianness
  13. | FloatExtended
  14. | FloatLong
  15. | FloatShort
  16. | Index
  17. | National
  18. | ObjectReference of object_reference_kind option
  19. | PackedDecimal
  20. | Pointer of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option
  21. | ProcedurePointer
  22. | FunctionPointer of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  23. | ProgramPointer of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option
  24. | UsagePending of [ `Comp0 | `Comp1 | `Comp2 | `Comp3 | `Comp5 | `Comp6 | `CompX | `CompN | `Comp9 | `Comp10 | `Comp15 | `BinaryCLong of signedness option ]
  25. | Type of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and signedness =
  1. | Signed
  2. | Unsigned
and endianness_mode =
  1. | HighOrderLeft
  2. | HighOrderRight
and encoding_mode =
  1. | BinaryEncoding
  2. | DecimalEncoding
and encoding_endianness = {
  1. encoding_mode : encoding_mode option;
  2. endianness_mode : endianness_mode option;
and object_reference_kind =
  1. | ActiveClass of {
    1. factory_of : bool;
  2. | NamedClass of {
    1. class_or_interface_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
    2. factory_of : bool;
    3. only : bool;
val compare_usage_clause : usage_clause -> usage_clause ->
val compare_signedness : signedness -> signedness ->
val compare_endianness_mode : endianness_mode -> endianness_mode ->
val compare_encoding_mode : encoding_mode -> encoding_mode ->
val compare_encoding_endianness : encoding_endianness -> encoding_endianness ->
val compare_object_reference_kind : object_reference_kind -> object_reference_kind ->
val pp_signedness : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> signedness -> unit
val pp_endianness_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> endianness_mode -> unit
val pp_encoding_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> encoding_mode -> unit
val pp_encoding_endianness : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> encoding_endianness -> unit
val pp_object_reference_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> object_reference_kind -> unit
val pp_usage_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> usage_clause -> unit
type validation_clause =
  1. | Class of class_clause
  2. | Varying of data_varying list
and class_clause =
  1. | Alphabetic
  2. | AlphabeticLower
  3. | AlphabeticUpper
  4. | Boolean
  5. | Numeric
  6. | ClassOrAlphabet of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and validate_when =
  1. | ValidateWhenError
  2. | ValidateWhenNoError
and validation_stage =
  1. | ValidationStageFormat
  2. | ValidationStageContent
  3. | ValidationStageRelation
val compare_validation_clause : validation_clause -> validation_clause ->
val compare_class_clause : class_clause -> class_clause ->
val compare_validate_when : validate_when -> validate_when ->
val compare_validation_stage : validation_stage -> validation_stage ->
val pp_class_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> class_clause -> unit
val pp_validate_when : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> validate_when -> unit
val pp_validation_stage : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> validation_stage -> unit
val pp_default_clause : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option Fmt.t
val pp_destination_clause : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term list Fmt.t
val pp_invalid_when_clause : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.simple_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.complex_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond list Fmt.t
val pp_present_when_clause : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.simple_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.complex_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond Fmt.t
val pp_validation_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> validation_clause -> unit
type data_value_clause =
  1. | ValueTable of table_data_value list
and table_data_value = {
  1. table_data_values : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. table_data_from : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.subscript list;
  3. table_data_to : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.subscript list;
val compare_data_value_clause : data_value_clause -> data_value_clause ->
val compare_table_data_value : table_data_value -> table_data_value ->
val pp_table_data_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> table_data_value -> unit
val pp_data_value_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_value_clause -> unit
type report_data_name_or_final =
  1. | ReportFinal
val compare_report_data_name_or_final : report_data_name_or_final -> report_data_name_or_final ->
val pp_report_data_name_or_final : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_data_name_or_final -> unit
type report_type_clause =
  1. | Detail
  2. | ReportHeading
  3. | ReportFooting
  4. | PageHeading
  5. | PageFooting
  6. | ControlHeading of (report_data_name_or_final * bool) option
  7. | ControlFooting of report_data_name_or_final option
val compare_report_type_clause : report_type_clause -> report_type_clause ->
val pp_report_type_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_type_clause -> unit
type next_group_clause =
  1. | ReportNextAbsolute of string
  2. | ReportNextRelative of string
  3. | ReportNextNextPage of bool
val compare_next_group_clause : next_group_clause -> next_group_clause ->
val pp_next_group_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> next_group_clause -> unit
type column_position =
  1. | ColumnAbsolute of string
  2. | ColumnRelative of string
val compare_column_position : column_position -> column_position ->
val pp_column_position : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> column_position -> unit
type alignment =
  1. | AlignLeft
  2. | AlignRight
  3. | AlignCenter
val compare_alignment : alignment -> alignment ->
val pp_alignment : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> alignment -> unit
type line_position =
  1. | LineAbsolute of string * bool
  2. | LineRelative of string
  3. | LineOnNextPage
val compare_line_position : line_position -> line_position ->
val pp_line_position : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> line_position -> unit
type sum_phrase = {
  1. sum_operands : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression list;
  2. sum_upon_items : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_sum_phrase : sum_phrase -> sum_phrase ->
val pp_sum_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sum_phrase -> unit
type polarity =
  1. | Plus
  2. | Minus
val compare_polarity : polarity -> polarity ->
val pp_polarity : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> polarity -> unit
type blank_clause =
  1. | Line
  2. | Screen
val compare_blank_clause : blank_clause -> blank_clause ->
val pp_blank_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> blank_clause -> unit
type erase_clause =
  1. | EndOfLine
  2. | EndOfScreen
val compare_erase_clause : erase_clause -> erase_clause ->
val pp_erase_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> erase_clause -> unit
type screen_attribute_clause =
  1. | Bell
  2. | Highlight
  3. | Lowlight
  4. | ReverseVideo
  5. | Underline
val compare_screen_attribute_clause : screen_attribute_clause -> screen_attribute_clause ->
val pp_screen_attribute_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> screen_attribute_clause -> unit
type screen_line_column_clause
val compare_screen_line_column_clause : screen_line_column_clause -> screen_line_column_clause ->
val pp_screen_line_column_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> screen_line_column_clause -> unit
type source_destination_clause
val compare_source_destination_clause : source_destination_clause -> source_destination_clause ->
val pp_source_destination_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> source_destination_clause -> unit
type valueof_clause = {
  1. valueof_valued : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. valueof_value : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualname_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
val compare_valueof_clause : valueof_clause -> valueof_clause ->
val pp_valueof_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> valueof_clause -> unit
type report_clause =
  1. | Global
  2. | Control of {
    1. final : bool;
    2. controls : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  3. | PageLimit of {
    1. lines : string option;
    2. columns : string option;
    3. heading : string option;
    4. first_detail : string option;
    5. last_control_heading : string option;
    6. last_detail : string option;
    7. footing : string option;
val compare_report_clause : report_clause -> report_clause ->
val pp_report_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_clause -> unit
type constant_value =
  1. | ConstByteLength of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | ConstLength of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  3. | ConstFrom of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
val compare_constant_value : constant_value -> constant_value ->
val pp_constant_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> constant_value -> unit
type comm_clause =
  1. | CommSymbolic of comm_channel * string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | CommDestinationCount of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  3. | CommDestinationTable of string * string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  4. | CommMessageCount of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  5. | CommMessageDate of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  6. | CommMessageTime of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  7. | CommTextLength of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  8. | CommStatusKey of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  9. | CommEndKey of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  10. | CommErrorKey of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and comm_channel =
  1. | CommQueue
  2. | CommSubQueue1
  3. | CommSubQueue2
  4. | CommSubQueue3
  5. | CommSource
  6. | CommTerminal
  7. | CommDestination
val compare_comm_clause : comm_clause -> comm_clause ->
val compare_comm_channel : comm_channel -> comm_channel ->
val pp_comm_channel : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> comm_channel -> unit
val pp_comm_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> comm_clause -> unit
type comm_direction =
  1. | CommInput of {
    1. initial : bool;
    2. items : data_name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. | CommOutput
  3. | CommIO of {
    1. initial : bool;
    2. items : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_comm_direction : comm_direction -> comm_direction ->
val pp_comm_direction : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> comm_direction -> unit
type picture_string = string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
val pp_picture_string : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> unit
val show_picture_string : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> string
val compare_picture_string : Stdlib.String.t Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> Stdlib.String.t Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc ->
type picture_clause = {
  1. picture_string : picture_string;
  2. picture_locale : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.locale_phrase option;
  3. picture_depending : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_picture_clause : picture_clause -> picture_clause ->
val pp_picture_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> picture_clause -> unit
type data_clause =
  1. | DataAligned
  2. | DataAnyLength
  3. | DataBased
  4. | DataBlankWhenZero
  5. | DataConstantRecord
  6. | DataType of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  7. | DataDynamicLength of {
    1. structure_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
    2. limit : string option;
  8. | DataGlobal
  9. | DataJustified
  10. | DataPicture of picture_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  11. | DataRedefines of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  12. | DataSameAs of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  13. | DataTypedef of {
    1. strong : bool;
val compare_data_clause : data_clause -> data_clause ->
val pp_data_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_clause -> unit
type report_group_clause =
  1. | ReportPicture of picture_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | ReportJustified
  3. | ReportBlankWhenZero
  4. | ReportGroupIndicate
val compare_report_group_clause : report_group_clause -> report_group_clause ->
val pp_step_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val pp_report_group_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_group_clause -> unit
type screen_clause =
  1. | ScreenAuto
  2. | ScreenBlankWhenZero
  3. | ScreenFull
  4. | ScreenGlobal
  5. | ScreenJustified
  6. | ScreenPicture of picture_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  7. | ScreenRequired
  8. | ScreenOccurs of string
  9. | ScreenSecure
  10. | ScreenGrid
  11. | ScreenLeftLine
  12. | ScreenOverLine
  13. | ScreenZeroFill
val compare_screen_clause : screen_clause -> screen_clause ->
val pp_screen_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> screen_clause -> unit
val pp_item : 'a Fmt.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> int -> Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.data_name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option -> 'a list -> unit
type data_item = {
  1. data_level : int Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. data_name : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.data_name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. data_clauses : data_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_data_item : data_item -> data_item ->
val pp_data_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_item -> unit
type constant_item = {
  1. constant_level : int Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. constant_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. constant_global : bool;
  4. constant_value : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.constant_value Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
val compare_constant_item : constant_item -> constant_item ->
val pp_constant_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> constant_item -> unit
type rename_item = {
  1. rename_level : int Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. rename_to : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. rename_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  4. rename_thru : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_rename_item : rename_item -> rename_item ->
val pp_rename_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> rename_item -> unit
type condition_name_item = {
  1. condition_name_level : int Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. condition_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. condition_name_values : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.condition_name_value list;
  4. condition_name_alphabet : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. condition_name_when_false : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.bool_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.num_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
val compare_condition_name_item : condition_name_item -> condition_name_item ->
val pp_condition_name_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> condition_name_item -> unit
type screen_item = {
  1. screen_level : int;
  2. screen_data_name : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.data_name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. screen_clauses : screen_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_screen_item : screen_item -> screen_item ->
val pp_screen_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> screen_item -> unit
type report_group_item = {
  1. report_level : int;
  2. report_data_name : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.data_name Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. report_group_clauses : report_group_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_report_group_item : report_group_item -> report_group_item ->
val pp_report_group_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_group_item -> unit
type exec_declarations = Cobol_common.Exec_block.t
val compare_exec_declarations : exec_declarations -> exec_declarations ->
val pp_exec_declarations : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_common.Exec_block.t -> unit
type data_ = [
  1. | `data
type constant_ = [
  1. | `const
type rename_ = [
  1. | `rename
type condition_name_ = [
  1. | `condition_name
type screen_ = [
  1. | `screen
type report_group_ = [
  1. | `report_group
type exec_ = [
  1. | `exec
type _ item_descr =
  1. | Constant : constant_item -> [> constant_ ] item_descr
  2. | Data : data_item -> [> data_ ] item_descr
  3. | Renames : rename_item -> [> rename_ ] item_descr
  4. | CondName : condition_name_item -> [> condition_name_ ] item_descr
  5. | Screen : screen_item -> [> screen_ ] item_descr
  6. | ReportGroup : report_group_item -> [> report_group_ ] item_descr
  7. | Exec : exec_declarations -> [> exec_ ] item_descr
val pp_item_descr : 'k item_descr Pretty.printer
val compare_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
type data_item_descr = data_ item_descr
and constant_item_descr = constant_ item_descr
and working_item_descr = [ constant_ | data_ | rename_ | condition_name_ | exec_ ] item_descr
and report_item_descr = [ constant_ | report_group_ ] item_descr
and screen_item_descr = [ constant_ | screen_ ] item_descr
val pp_data_item_descr : 'a item_descr Pretty.printer
val pp_constant_item_descr : 'a item_descr Pretty.printer
val pp_working_item_descr : 'a item_descr Pretty.printer
val pp_report_item_descr : 'a item_descr Pretty.printer
val pp_screen_item_descr : 'a item_descr Pretty.printer
val pp_any_item_descr : 'a item_descr Pretty.printer
val compare_data_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_constant_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_working_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_report_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_screen_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_any_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val item_descr_level : 'k item_descr -> int
type working_storage_item_descr = working_item_descr
type linkage_item_descr = working_item_descr
type file_item_descr = working_item_descr
type communication_item_descr = working_item_descr
type local_storage_item_descr = working_item_descr
val compare_working_storage_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_linkage_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_file_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_communication_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
val compare_local_storage_item_descr : 'a item_descr -> 'b item_descr -> int
type file_descr = {
  1. file_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. file_clauses : file_clauses;
  3. file_items : file_item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and file_fd_clause =
  1. | FileGlobal
  2. | FileData of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  3. | FileReport of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and file_sd_clause =
  1. | FileSDData of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  2. | FileSDGlobal
val compare_file_descr : file_descr -> file_descr ->
val compare_file_clauses : file_clauses -> file_clauses ->
val compare_file_fd_clause : file_fd_clause -> file_fd_clause ->
val compare_file_sd_clause : file_sd_clause -> file_sd_clause ->
val pp_file_fd_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_fd_clause -> unit
val pp_file_sd_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_sd_clause -> unit
val pp_close_boxes : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val pp_close_boxes_until : 'a -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a list -> 'a list
val pp_item_descr_list : int list -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
val pp_file_descr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_descr -> unit
type communication_descr = {
  1. comm_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. comm_clauses : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.comm_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  3. comm_items : communication_item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  4. comm_direction : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.comm_direction;
val compare_communication_descr : communication_descr -> communication_descr ->
val pp_comm_direction_items : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.comm_direction -> unit
val pp_communication_descr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> communication_descr -> unit
type report_descr = {
  1. report_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. report_clauses : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.report_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  3. report_items : report_item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_report_descr : report_descr -> report_descr ->
val pp_report_descr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> report_descr -> unit
type file_section = file_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_file_section : file_section -> file_section ->
type working_storage_section = working_storage_item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_working_storage_section : working_storage_section -> working_storage_section ->
val compare_linkage_section : linkage_section -> linkage_section ->
type communication_section = communication_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_communication_section : communication_section -> communication_section ->
type local_storage_section = local_storage_item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_local_storage_section : local_storage_section -> local_storage_section ->
type report_section = report_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_report_section : report_section -> report_section ->
val compare_screen_section : screen_section -> screen_section ->
val pp_section : string -> 'a Pretty.printer -> 'a Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Fmt.t
val pp_item_section : string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
val pp_file_section : file_section Fmt.t
val pp_working_storage_section : working_storage_section Fmt.t
val pp_linkage_section : linkage_section Fmt.t
val pp_communication_section : communication_section Fmt.t
val pp_local_storage_section : local_storage_section Fmt.t
val pp_report_section : report_section Fmt.t
val pp_screen_section : screen_section Fmt.t
type data_division = {
  1. file_sections : Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.file_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. working_storage_sections : [ Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.constant_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.data_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.rename_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.condition_name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.exec_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  3. linkage_sections : [ Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.constant_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.data_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.rename_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.condition_name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.exec_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  4. communication_sections : Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.communication_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  5. local_storage_sections : [ Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.constant_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.data_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.rename_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.condition_name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.exec_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  6. report_sections : Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.report_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  7. screen_sections : [ Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.constant_ | Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.screen_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Data_sections.item_descr Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_data_division : data_division -> data_division ->
val pp_data_division : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> data_division -> unit
type alphabet_specification = {
  1. alphanumeric : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. national : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_alphabet_specification : alphabet_specification -> alphabet_specification ->
val pp_character_classification : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ('a option * 'a option) -> unit
val pp_alphabet_specification : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> alphabet_specification -> unit
type 'a rounded = {
  1. rounded : 'a;
  2. rounded_rounding : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.rounding;
and 'a rounded_list = 'a rounded list
val compare_rounded : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> -> 'a rounded -> 'a rounded ->
val compare_rounded_list : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> -> 'a rounded_list -> 'a rounded_list ->
val pp_rounded : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a rounded -> unit
val pp_rounded_list : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a rounded list Fmt.t
type rounded_ident = [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded
type rounded_idents = [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded_list
val pp_rounded_ident : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded -> unit
val pp_rounded_idents : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded list Fmt.t
val compare_rounded_ident : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded ->
val compare_rounded_idents : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded_list -> [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded_list ->
type position
val compare_position : position -> position ->
val pp_position : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> position -> unit
type call_using_clause = {
  1. call_using_by : call_using_by option;
  2. call_using_expr : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression option;

    OMITTED if None

and call_using_by =
  1. | CallUsingByReference
  2. | CallUsingByContent
  3. | CallUsingByValue
val compare_call_using_clause : call_using_clause -> call_using_clause ->
val compare_call_using_by : call_using_by -> call_using_by ->
val pp_call_using_by : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> call_using_by -> unit
val pp_call_using_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> call_using_clause -> unit
type retry_clause =
  1. | RetryForever
val compare_retry_clause : retry_clause -> retry_clause ->
val pp_retry_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> retry_clause -> unit
type mcs_command_operands = {
  1. mcs_command_kind : mcs_kind;
  2. mcs_command_target : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. mcs_command_key : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
and mcs_kind =
  1. | MCSInput
  2. | MCSOutput
  3. | MCSInputOutput
val compare_mcs_command_operands : mcs_command_operands -> mcs_command_operands ->
val compare_mcs_kind : mcs_kind -> mcs_kind ->
val pp_mcs_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> mcs_kind -> unit
val pp_modifier_opt : string -> 'a Fmt.t -> 'a option Fmt.t
val pp_mcs_command_operands : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> mcs_command_operands -> unit
type stage =
  1. | After
  2. | Before
val compare_stage : stage -> stage ->
val pp_stage : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> stage -> unit
type write_target =
  1. | WriteTargetFile of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
val compare_write_target : write_target -> write_target ->
val pp_write_target : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> write_target -> unit
type date_time =
  1. | Date of bool
  2. | Day of bool
  3. | DayOfWeek
  4. | Time
val compare_date_time : date_time -> date_time ->
val pp_date_time : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> date_time -> unit
type basic_arithmetic_operands
val compare_basic_arithmetic_operands : basic_arithmetic_operands -> basic_arithmetic_operands ->
val pp_arithmetic_operands : ?modifier:string -> sep:string -> 'a Fmt.t -> 'b Fmt.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (('a * 'b) * (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) list) -> unit
val pp_giving : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term rounded list -> 'a Fmt.t list
val pp_basic_arithmetic_operands : ?sep:string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> basic_arithmetic_operands -> unit
type divide_operands
val compare_divide_operands : divide_operands -> divide_operands ->
val pp_remainder_opt : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option -> 'a Fmt.t list
val pp_divide_operands : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> divide_operands -> unit
type selection_subject =
  1. | SubjectConst of bool
val compare_selection_subject : selection_subject -> selection_subject ->
val pp_selection_subject : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> selection_subject -> unit
type selection_object =
  1. | SelOmitted of {
    1. negated : bool;
  2. | SelConst of bool
  3. | SelAny
val compare_selection_object : selection_object -> selection_object ->
val pp_selection_object : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> selection_object -> unit
type multiply_operands
val compare_multiply_operands : multiply_operands -> multiply_operands ->
val pp_multiply_operands : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> multiply_operands -> unit
type open_mode =
  1. | OpenInput
  2. | OpenOutput
  3. | OpenInputOutput
  4. | OpenExtend
val compare_open_mode : open_mode -> open_mode ->
val pp_open_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> open_mode -> unit
type sharing_mode =
  1. | SharingAllOther
  2. | SharingNoOther
  3. | SharingReadOnly
val compare_sharing_mode : sharing_mode -> sharing_mode ->
val pp_sharing_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sharing_mode -> unit
type file_option =
  1. | FileOptReversed
  2. | FileOptWithNoRewind
val compare_file_option : file_option -> file_option ->
val pp_file_option : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> file_option -> unit
type raise_operand =
  1. | RaiseException of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
val compare_raise_operand : raise_operand -> raise_operand ->
val pp_raise_operand : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> raise_operand -> unit
type raising =
  1. | RaisingException of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | RaisingLastException
val compare_raising : raising -> raising ->
val pp_raising : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> raising -> unit
type read_direction =
  1. | ReadNext
  2. | ReadPrevious
val compare_read_direction : read_direction -> read_direction ->
val pp_read_direction : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> read_direction -> unit
type read_lock_behavior =
  1. | ReadAdvancingOnLock
  2. | ReadIgnoringLock
  3. | ReadRetry of retry_clause
val compare_read_lock_behavior : read_lock_behavior -> read_lock_behavior ->
val pp_read_lock_behavior : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> read_lock_behavior -> unit
type mcs_awaiting_item =
  1. | MCSMessage
  2. | MCSSegment
val compare_mcs_awaiting_item : mcs_awaiting_item -> mcs_awaiting_item ->
val pp_mcs_awaiting_item : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> mcs_awaiting_item -> unit
type search_condition
val compare_search_condition : search_condition -> search_condition ->
val pp_search_condition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> search_condition -> unit
type advancing_phrase =
  1. | AdvancingPage of {
    1. stage : stage;
val compare_advancing_phrase : advancing_phrase -> advancing_phrase ->
val pp_advancing_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> advancing_phrase -> unit
type set_attribute_switch = {
  1. set_attribute : screen_attribute;
  2. set_attribute_switch_value : on_off;
and screen_attribute =
  1. | ScreenBell
  2. | ScreenHighlight
  3. | ScreenLowlight
  4. | ScreenReverseVideo
  5. | ScreenUnderline
and set_ambiguous_method =
  1. | SetMethodUp
  2. | SetMethodDown
  3. | SetMethodTo
and on_off =
  1. | On
  2. | Off
and locale_category =
  1. | LcAll
  2. | LcCollate
  3. | LcCtype
  4. | LcMessages
  5. | LcMonetary
  6. | LcNumeric
  7. | LcTime
and set_save_locale =
  1. | SetSaveLocaleLcAll
  2. | SetSaveLocaleUserDefault
and set_locale_target =
  1. | SetLocaleTarget of locale_category
  2. | SetLocaleTargetUserDefault
and set_locale_source =
  1. | SetLocaleSourceUserDefault
  2. | SetLocaleSourceSystemDefault
and float_content =
  1. | FarthestFromZero of bool
  2. | NearestToZero of bool
  3. | FloatInfinity
  4. | FloatNotANumber
  5. | FloatNotANumberSignaling
val compare_set_attribute_switch : set_attribute_switch -> set_attribute_switch ->
val compare_screen_attribute : screen_attribute -> screen_attribute ->
val compare_set_ambiguous_method : set_ambiguous_method -> set_ambiguous_method ->
val compare_on_off : on_off -> on_off ->
val compare_locale_category : locale_category -> locale_category ->
val compare_set_save_locale : set_save_locale -> set_save_locale ->
val compare_set_locale_target : set_locale_target -> set_locale_target ->
val compare_set_locale_source : set_locale_source -> set_locale_source ->
val compare_float_content : float_content -> float_content ->
val pp_screen_attribute : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> screen_attribute -> unit
val pp_on_off : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> on_off -> unit
val pp_set_attribute_switch : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_attribute_switch -> unit
val pp_set_ambiguous_method : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_ambiguous_method -> unit
val pp_locale_category : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> locale_category -> unit
val pp_set_save_locale : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_save_locale -> unit
val pp_set_locale_target : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_locale_target -> unit
val pp_set_locale_source : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_locale_source -> unit
val pp_float_content : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> float_content -> unit
type start_position =
  1. | StartPositionFirst
  2. | StartPositionLast
val compare_start_position : start_position -> start_position ->
val pp_start_position : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> start_position -> unit
type string_source = {
  1. string_source : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. string_delimiter : string_delimiter option;
and string_delimiter =
  1. | StringDelimiterSize
val compare_string_source : string_source -> string_source ->
val compare_string_delimiter : string_delimiter -> string_delimiter ->
val pp_string_delimiter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string_delimiter -> unit
val pp_string_source : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string_source -> unit
type unstring_delimiter = {
  1. unstring_delimiter : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. unstring_delimiter_by_all : bool;
val compare_unstring_delimiter : unstring_delimiter -> unstring_delimiter ->
val pp_unstring_delimiter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unstring_delimiter -> unit
type unstring_target = {
  1. unstring_target : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. unstring_target_delimiter : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. unstring_target_count : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
val compare_unstring_target : unstring_target -> unstring_target ->
val pp_unstring_target : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unstring_target -> unit
type 'a procedure_range = {
  1. procedure_start : 'a;
  2. procedure_end : 'a option;
val compare_procedure_range : 'a. ('a -> 'a -> -> 'a procedure_range -> 'a procedure_range ->
val pp_procedure_range : 'a Fmt.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a procedure_range -> unit
type allocate_stmt = {
  1. allocate_kind : allocate_kind;
  2. allocate_initialized : bool;
  3. allocate_returning : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and allocate_kind =
  1. | AllocateDataItem of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
val compare_allocate_stmt : allocate_stmt -> allocate_stmt ->
val compare_allocate_kind : allocate_kind -> allocate_kind ->
val pp_allocate_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> allocate_kind -> unit
val pp_allocate_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> allocate_stmt -> unit
and alter_operands = {
  1. alter_source : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. alter_target : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
val compare_alter_stmt : alter_stmt -> alter_stmt ->
val compare_alter_operands : alter_operands -> alter_operands ->
val pp_alter_operands : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> alter_operands -> unit
val pp_alter_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> alter_operands Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
type close_stmt = close_phrase list
and close_phrase = {
  1. close_item : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. close_format : close_format option;
and close_format =
  1. | CloseUnitReel of bool
  2. | CloseWithLock
  3. | CloseWithNoRewind
val compare_close_stmt : close_stmt -> close_stmt ->
val compare_close_phrase : close_phrase -> close_phrase ->
val compare_close_format : close_format -> close_format ->
val pp_close_format : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> close_format -> unit
val pp_close_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> close_phrase -> unit
val pp_close_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> close_phrase list -> unit
type enter_stmt = {
  1. enter_language : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. enter_routine : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_enter_stmt : enter_stmt -> enter_stmt ->
val pp_enter_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> enter_stmt -> unit
type entry_by_clause =
  1. | EntryByReference of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  2. | EntryByValue of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_entry_by_clause : entry_by_clause -> entry_by_clause ->
type entry_stmt
val compare_entry_stmt : entry_stmt -> entry_stmt ->
val pp_entry_by_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> entry_by_clause -> unit
val pp_entry_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> entry_stmt -> unit
type exit_stmt =
  1. | ExitSimple
  2. | ExitPerform of bool
  3. | ExitParagraph
  4. | ExitSection
val compare_exit_stmt : exit_stmt -> exit_stmt ->
val pp_exit_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exit_stmt -> unit
type initialize_stmt = {
  1. init_items : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term list;
  2. init_filler : bool;
  3. init_category : init_category option;
  4. init_replacings : init_replacing list;
  5. init_to_default : bool;
and init_category =
  1. | InitAll
  2. | InitCategory of init_data_category
and init_replacing = {
  1. init_replacing_category : init_data_category;
  2. init_replacing_replacement_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
and init_data_category =
  1. | InitCategoryAlphabetic
  2. | InitCategoryAlphanumeric
  3. | InitCategoryAlphanumericEdited
  4. | InitCategoryBoolean
  5. | InitCategoryDataPointer
  6. | InitCategoryFunctionPointer
  7. | InitCategoryProcedurePointer
  8. | InitCategoryNational
  9. | InitCategoryNationalEdited
  10. | InitCategoryNumeric
  11. | InitCategoryNumericEdited
  12. | InitCategoryObjectReference
  13. | InitCategoryProgramPointer
val compare_initialize_stmt : initialize_stmt -> initialize_stmt ->
val compare_init_category : init_category -> init_category ->
val compare_init_replacing : init_replacing -> init_replacing ->
val compare_init_data_category : init_data_category -> init_data_category ->
val pp_init_data_category : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> init_data_category -> unit
val pp_init_category : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> init_category -> unit
val pp_init_replacing : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> init_replacing -> unit
val pp_initialize_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> initialize_stmt -> unit
type invoke_stmt = {
  1. invoke_target : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. invoke_method : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.strlit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  3. invoke_using : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.call_using_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  4. invoke_returning : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_invoke_stmt : invoke_stmt -> invoke_stmt ->
val pp_invoke_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> invoke_stmt -> unit
type inspect_stmt = {
  1. inspect_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. inspect_spec : inspect_spec;
and inspect_spec =
  1. | InspectTallying of tallying list
  2. | InspectReplacing of replacing list
  3. | InspectBoth of tallying list * replacing list
  4. | InspectConverting of converting
and tallying = {
  1. tallying_target : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qualident;
  2. tallying_clauses : tallying_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and tallying_clause =
  1. | TallyingCharacters of inspect_where list
  2. | TallyingRange of tallying_range * tallying_spec list
and tallying_range =
  1. | TallyAll
  2. | TallyLeading
and tallying_spec = {
  1. tallying_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. tallying_where : inspect_where list;
and replacing_clause =
  1. | ReplacingRange of replacing_range * replacing_range_spec list
and replacing_range =
  1. | ReplaceAll
  2. | ReplaceLeading
  3. | ReplaceFirst
and replacing_range_spec = {
  1. replacing_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. replacing_by : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  3. replacing_where : inspect_where list;
and converting = {
  1. converting_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. converting_to : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  3. converting_where : inspect_where list;
and inspect_where = inspect_direction * inspect_reference
and inspect_direction =
  1. | InspectAfter
  2. | InspectBefore
and inspect_reference
val compare_inspect_stmt : inspect_stmt -> inspect_stmt ->
val compare_inspect_spec : inspect_spec -> inspect_spec ->
val compare_tallying : tallying -> tallying ->
val compare_tallying_clause : tallying_clause -> tallying_clause ->
val compare_tallying_range : tallying_range -> tallying_range ->
val compare_tallying_spec : tallying_spec -> tallying_spec ->
val compare_replacing : replacing -> replacing ->
val compare_replacing_clause : replacing_clause -> replacing_clause ->
val compare_replacing_range : replacing_range -> replacing_range ->
val compare_replacing_range_spec : replacing_range_spec -> replacing_range_spec ->
val compare_converting : converting -> converting ->
val compare_inspect_where : inspect_where -> inspect_where ->
val compare_inspect_direction : inspect_direction -> inspect_direction ->
val compare_inspect_reference : inspect_reference -> inspect_reference ->
val pp_replacing_range : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> replacing_range -> unit
val pp_inspect_direction : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> inspect_direction -> unit
val pp_inspect_where : (inspect_direction * [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term) Fmt.t
val pp_converting : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> converting -> unit
val pp_replacing_range_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> replacing_range_spec -> unit
val pp_replacing_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> replacing_clause -> unit
val pp_tallying_range : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> tallying_range -> unit
val pp_tallying_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> tallying_spec -> unit
val pp_tallying_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> tallying_clause -> unit
val pp_tallying : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> tallying -> unit
val pp_inspect_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> inspect_spec -> unit
val pp_inspect_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> inspect_stmt -> unit
type merge_stmt = {
  1. merge_file : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. merge_keys : Cobol_ptree__.Data_descr.sort_spec list;
  3. merge_collating : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.alphabet_specification option;
  4. merge_using : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  5. merge_target : merge_or_sort_target;
and merge_or_sort_target =
  1. | Giving of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_merge_stmt : merge_stmt -> merge_stmt ->
val compare_merge_or_sort_target : merge_or_sort_target -> merge_or_sort_target ->
val pp_merge_or_sort_target : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> merge_or_sort_target -> unit
val pp_merge_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> merge_stmt -> unit
type move_stmt
val compare_move_stmt : move_stmt -> move_stmt ->
val pp_move_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> move_stmt -> unit
type open_stmt = open_phrase list
and open_phrase = {
  1. open_mode : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.open_mode;
  2. open_sharing : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.sharing_mode option;
  3. open_retry : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.retry_clause option;
  4. open_files : named_file_option list;
and named_file_option = {
  1. named_file_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. named_file_option : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.file_option option;
val compare_open_stmt : open_stmt -> open_stmt ->
val compare_open_phrase : open_phrase -> open_phrase ->
val compare_named_file_option : named_file_option -> named_file_option ->
val pp_named_file_option : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> named_file_option -> unit
val pp_open_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> open_phrase -> unit
val pp_open_stmt : open_phrase list Fmt.t
type release_stmt = {
  1. release_item : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. release_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
val compare_release_stmt : release_stmt -> release_stmt ->
val pp_release_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> release_stmt -> unit
type send_stmt = {
  1. send_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. send_operands : send_operands;
and send_operands
and message_ending_indicator =
  1. | EndingIndicatorESI
  2. | EndingIndicatorEMI
  3. | EndingIndicatorEGI
val compare_send_stmt : send_stmt -> send_stmt ->
val compare_send_operands : send_operands -> send_operands ->
val compare_message_ending_indicator : message_ending_indicator -> message_ending_indicator ->
val pp_message_ending_indicator : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> message_ending_indicator -> unit
val pp_send_operands : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> send_operands -> unit
val pp_send_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> send_stmt -> unit
type set_stmt =
  1. | SetSwitch of set_switch_spec list
  2. | SetCondition of set_condition_spec list
  3. | SetSavedException
and set_switch_spec = {
  1. set_switch_targets : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term list;
  2. set_switch_value : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.on_off;
and set_condition_spec = {
  1. set_condition_targets : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term list;
  2. set_condition_value : bool;
val compare_set_stmt : set_stmt -> set_stmt ->
val compare_set_switch_spec : set_switch_spec -> set_switch_spec ->
val compare_set_condition_spec : set_condition_spec -> set_condition_spec ->
val pp_set_condition_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_condition_spec -> unit
val pp_set_switch_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_switch_spec -> unit
val pp_set_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set_stmt -> unit
type sort_stmt
and sort_source =
  1. | SortUsing of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_sort_stmt : sort_stmt -> sort_stmt ->
val compare_sort_source : sort_source -> sort_source ->
val pp_sort_source : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sort_source -> unit
val pp_sort_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> sort_stmt -> unit
type stop_stmt =
  1. | StopArg of stop_arg option
  2. | StopRun of stop_run_return option
  3. | StopError
and stop_arg
and stop_run_return =
  1. | StopReturningStatus of stop_run_status
and stop_run_status = {
  1. status_kind : status_kind;
  2. status_value : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.scalar_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.arith_value_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
and status_kind =
  1. | StatusError
  2. | StatusNormal
val compare_stop_stmt : stop_stmt -> stop_stmt ->
val compare_stop_arg : stop_arg -> stop_arg ->
val compare_stop_run_return : stop_run_return -> stop_run_return ->
val compare_stop_run_status : stop_run_status -> stop_run_status ->
val compare_status_kind : status_kind -> status_kind ->
val pp_status_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> status_kind -> unit
val pp_stop_run_status : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> stop_run_status -> unit
val pp_stop_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> stop_stmt -> unit
type terminate_stmt = string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
val compare_terminate_stmt : terminate_stmt -> terminate_stmt ->
val pp_terminate_stmt : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Fmt.t
type transform_stmt = {
  1. transform_ident : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. transform_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  3. transform_to : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.nonnum_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
val compare_transform_stmt : transform_stmt -> transform_stmt ->
val pp_transform_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> transform_stmt -> unit
type unlock_stmt = {
  1. unlock_file : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. unlock_record : bool;
val compare_unlock_stmt : unlock_stmt -> unlock_stmt ->
val pp_unlock_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unlock_stmt -> unit
type goto_stmt
val compare_goto_stmt : goto_stmt -> goto_stmt ->
val pp_goto_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> goto_stmt -> unit
type resume_stmt =
  1. | ResumeNextStatement
val compare_resume_stmt : resume_stmt -> resume_stmt ->
val pp_resume_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> resume_stmt -> unit
type handler = statements
and dual_handler = {
  1. dual_handler_pos : handler;

    positive case

  2. dual_handler_neg : handler;

    negative case

and evaluate_stmt = {
  1. eval_subjects : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.selection_subject list;
  2. eval_branches : evaluate_branch list;
  3. eval_otherwise : statements;
and evaluate_branch = {
  1. eval_selection : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.selection_object list list;
  2. eval_actions : statements;
and perform_target_stmt = {
  1. perform_target : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc Cobol_ptree__.Operands.procedure_range;
  2. perform_mode : perform_mode option;
and perform_inline_stmt = {
  1. perform_inline_mode : perform_mode option;
  2. perform_statements : statements;
and perform_mode =
  1. | PerformForever
and varying_phrase = {
  1. varying_ident : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. varying_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.scalar_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.arith_value_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  3. varying_by : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.scalar_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.arith_value_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  4. varying_until : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.simple_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.complex_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond;
and search_stmt = {
  1. search_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. search_varying : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. search_at_end : handler;
  4. search_when_clauses : search_when_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and search_when_clause = {
  1. search_when_cond : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.simple_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.complex_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond;
  2. search_when_stmts : statements;
and search_all_stmt = {
  1. search_all_item : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. search_all_at_end : handler;
  3. search_all_conditions : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.search_condition list;
  4. search_all_action : statements;
and if_stmt = {
  1. condition : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.simple_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.complex_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.cond;
  2. then_branch : statements;
  3. else_branch : statements;
and accept_stmt =
  1. | AcceptMsgCount of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and accept_misc =
  1. | AcceptLineNumber
  2. | AcceptLines
  3. | AcceptColumns
  4. | AcceptUserName
  5. | AcceptEscapeKey
  6. | AcceptExceptionStatus
and accept_clause =
  1. | AcceptFromCRT
  2. | AcceptModeBlock
  3. | AcceptWith of accept_with_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and accept_with_clause =
  1. | AcceptAuto
  2. | AcceptFull
  3. | AcceptGrid
  4. | AcceptLeftLine
  5. | AcceptOverLine
  6. | AcceptRequired
  7. | AcceptSecure
  8. | AcceptTimeout
  9. | AcceptLeftJustify
  10. | AcceptRightJustify
  11. | AcceptSpaceFill
  12. | AcceptTrailingSign
  13. | AcceptUpdate
  14. | AcceptUpper
  15. | AcceptLower
  16. | AcceptZeroFill
and display_stmt = {
  1. display_items_clauses : display_items_clauses list;
  2. no_advancing : bool;
  3. on_exception : dual_handler;
and display_items_clauses = {
  1. display_items : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term list;
  2. display_clauses : display_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and display_clause =
  1. | DisplayUpon of display_target Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | DisplayModeIsBlock
  3. | DisplayWith of display_with_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and display_target =
  1. | DisplayUponName of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  2. | DisplayUponDeviceViaMnemonic of display_device_mnemonic Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and display_device_mnemonic =
  1. | DisplayDeviceEnvName
  2. | DisplayDeviceEnvValue
  3. | DisplayDeviceArgNumber
  4. | DisplayDeviceCommandLine
and display_with_clause =
  1. | DisplayGrid
  2. | DisplayLeftLine
  3. | DisplayOverLine
and basic_arithmetic_stmt = {
  1. basic_arith_operands : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.basic_arithmetic_operands;
  2. basic_arith_on_size_error : dual_handler;
and compute_stmt = {
  1. compute_targets : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_ptree__.Operands.rounded list;
  2. compute_expr : Cobol_ptree__.Terms.expression;
  3. compute_on_size_error : dual_handler;
and delete_stmt = {
  1. delete_targets : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. delete_retry : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.retry_clause option;
  3. delete_on_invalid_key : dual_handler;
and divide_stmt = {
  1. divide_operands : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.divide_operands;
  2. divide_on_size_error : dual_handler;
and multiply_stmt = {
  1. multiply_operands : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.multiply_operands;
  2. multiply_on_size_error : dual_handler;
and receive_stmt = {
  1. receive_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. receive_kind : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.mcs_awaiting_item;
  3. receive_into : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  4. receive_on_no_data : dual_handler;
and return_stmt = {
  1. return_file : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. return_into : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. return_at_end : dual_handler;
and rewrite_stmt = {
  1. rewrite_to : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.write_target;
  2. rewrite_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. rewrite_retry : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.retry_clause option;
  4. rewrite_lock : bool option;
  5. rewrite_invalid_key_handler : dual_handler;
and start_stmt = {
  1. start_file : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. start_position : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.start_position option;
  3. start_on_invalid_key : dual_handler;
and string_stmt = {
  1. string_sources : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.string_source list;
  2. string_target : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  3. string_pointer : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  4. string_on_overflow : dual_handler;
and unstring_stmt = {
  1. unstring_source : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term;
  2. unstring_delimiters : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.unstring_delimiter list;
  3. unstring_targets : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.unstring_target list;
  4. unstring_pointer : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  5. unstring_tallying : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  6. unstring_on_overflow : dual_handler;
and write_stmt = {
  1. write_to : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.write_target;
  2. write_from : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. write_advancing : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.advancing_phrase option;
  4. write_retry : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.retry_clause option;
  5. write_lock : bool option;
  6. write_error_handler : (write_error * dual_handler) option;
and write_error =
  1. | WriteAtEndOfPage
  2. | WriteInvalidKey
and call_stmt = {
  1. call_static : bool;
  2. call_prefix : call_prefix;
  3. call_using : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.call_using_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  4. call_returning : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. call_error_handler : call_error_handler option;
and call_prefix
and call_proto =
  1. | CallProtoNested
and call_error_handler =
  1. | CallOnOverflow of handler
  2. | CallOnException of dual_handler
and read_stmt = {
  1. read_file : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. read_direction : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.read_direction option;
  3. read_into : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  4. read_lock_behavior : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.read_lock_behavior option;
  5. read_lock : bool option;
  6. read_key : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.qual_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  7. read_error_handler : (read_error * dual_handler) option;
and read_error =
  1. | ReadAtEnd
  2. | ReadInvalidKey
and goback_stmt = {
  1. goback_raising : Cobol_ptree__.Operands.raising option;
  2. goback_returning : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.int_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and statement =
  1. | Accept of accept_stmt
  2. | Add of basic_arithmetic_stmt
  3. | Call of call_stmt
  4. | Compute of compute_stmt
  5. | Continue
  6. | Delete of delete_stmt
  7. | Display of display_stmt
  8. | Divide of divide_stmt
  9. | Evaluate of evaluate_stmt
  10. | ExecBlock of Cobol_common.Exec_block.t
  11. | Free of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  12. | Generate of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  13. | GoTo of goto_stmt
  14. | GoBack of goback_stmt
  15. | If of if_stmt
  16. | Initiate of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  17. | LoneGoTo
  18. | Multiply of multiply_stmt
  19. | NextSentence
  20. | PerformTarget of perform_target_stmt
  21. | PerformInline of perform_inline_stmt
  22. | Purge of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
  23. | Read of read_stmt
  24. | Receive of receive_stmt
  25. | Resume of resume_stmt
  26. | Return of return_stmt
  27. | Rewrite of rewrite_stmt
  28. | Search of search_stmt
  29. | SearchAll of search_all_stmt
  30. | Start of start_stmt
  31. | String of string_stmt
  32. | Subtract of basic_arithmetic_stmt
  33. | Suppress
  34. | Terminate of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
  35. | Unstring of unstring_stmt
  36. | Write of write_stmt
val compare_handler : handler -> handler ->
val compare_dual_handler : dual_handler -> dual_handler ->
val compare_evaluate_stmt : evaluate_stmt -> evaluate_stmt ->
val compare_evaluate_branch : evaluate_branch -> evaluate_branch ->
val compare_perform_target_stmt : perform_target_stmt -> perform_target_stmt ->
val compare_perform_inline_stmt : perform_inline_stmt -> perform_inline_stmt ->
val compare_perform_mode : perform_mode -> perform_mode ->
val compare_varying_phrase : varying_phrase -> varying_phrase ->
val compare_search_stmt : search_stmt -> search_stmt ->
val compare_search_when_clause : search_when_clause -> search_when_clause ->
val compare_search_all_stmt : search_all_stmt -> search_all_stmt ->
val compare_if_stmt : if_stmt -> if_stmt ->
val compare_accept_stmt : accept_stmt -> accept_stmt ->
val compare_accept_misc : accept_misc -> accept_misc ->
val compare_accept_clause : accept_clause -> accept_clause ->
val compare_accept_with_clause : accept_with_clause -> accept_with_clause ->
val compare_display_stmt : display_stmt -> display_stmt ->
val compare_display_items_clauses : display_items_clauses -> display_items_clauses ->
val compare_display_clause : display_clause -> display_clause ->
val compare_display_target : display_target -> display_target ->
val compare_display_device_mnemonic : display_device_mnemonic -> display_device_mnemonic ->
val compare_display_with_clause : display_with_clause -> display_with_clause ->
val compare_basic_arithmetic_stmt : basic_arithmetic_stmt -> basic_arithmetic_stmt ->
val compare_compute_stmt : compute_stmt -> compute_stmt ->
val compare_delete_stmt : delete_stmt -> delete_stmt ->
val compare_divide_stmt : divide_stmt -> divide_stmt ->
val compare_multiply_stmt : multiply_stmt -> multiply_stmt ->
val compare_receive_stmt : receive_stmt -> receive_stmt ->
val compare_return_stmt : return_stmt -> return_stmt ->
val compare_rewrite_stmt : rewrite_stmt -> rewrite_stmt ->
val compare_start_stmt : start_stmt -> start_stmt ->
val compare_string_stmt : string_stmt -> string_stmt ->
val compare_unstring_stmt : unstring_stmt -> unstring_stmt ->
val compare_write_stmt : write_stmt -> write_stmt ->
val compare_write_error : write_error -> write_error ->
val compare_call_stmt : call_stmt -> call_stmt ->
val compare_call_prefix : call_prefix -> call_prefix ->
val compare_call_proto : call_proto -> call_proto ->
val compare_call_error_handler : call_error_handler -> call_error_handler ->
val compare_read_stmt : read_stmt -> read_stmt ->
val compare_read_error : read_error -> read_error ->
val compare_goback_stmt : goback_stmt -> goback_stmt ->
val compare_statement : statement -> statement ->
val compare_statements : statements -> handler ->
val show_handler : handler -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_dual_handler : dual_handler -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_evaluate_stmt : evaluate_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_evaluate_branch : evaluate_branch -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_perform_target_stmt : perform_target_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_perform_inline_stmt : perform_inline_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_perform_mode : perform_mode -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_varying_phrase : varying_phrase -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_search_stmt : search_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_search_when_clause : search_when_clause -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_search_all_stmt : search_all_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_if_stmt : if_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_accept_stmt : accept_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_accept_misc : accept_misc -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_accept_clause : accept_clause -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_accept_with_clause : accept_with_clause -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_display_stmt : display_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_display_items_clauses : display_items_clauses -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_display_clause : display_clause -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_display_target : display_target -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_display_device_mnemonic : display_device_mnemonic -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_display_with_clause : display_with_clause -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_basic_arithmetic_stmt : basic_arithmetic_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_compute_stmt : compute_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_delete_stmt : delete_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_divide_stmt : divide_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_multiply_stmt : multiply_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_receive_stmt : receive_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_return_stmt : return_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_rewrite_stmt : rewrite_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_start_stmt : start_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_string_stmt : string_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_unstring_stmt : unstring_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_write_stmt : write_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_write_error : write_error -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_call_stmt : call_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_call_prefix : call_prefix -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_call_proto : call_proto -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val pp_call_error_handler : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> call_error_handler -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_call_error_handler : call_error_handler -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_read_stmt : read_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_read_error : read_error -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val pp_goback_stmt : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> goback_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_goback_stmt : goback_stmt -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_statement : statement -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_statements : statements -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val pp_display_device_mnemonic : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> display_device_mnemonic -> unit
val pp_display_target : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> display_target -> unit
val pp_read_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> read_error -> unit
val pp_write_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> write_error -> unit
val pp_call_proto : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> call_proto -> unit
val pp_call_prefix : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> call_prefix -> unit
val pp_dual_handler : statement Pretty.printer -> ?close:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) -> ?on:unit Fmt.t -> ?off:unit Fmt.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> dual_handler -> unit
val pp_branching_stmt : string -> ?pos:unit Fmt.t -> ?neg:unit Fmt.t -> 'a Fmt.t -> statement Pretty.printer -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ('a * (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) list * dual_handler option) -> unit
val opt_clause : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a option -> 'b Fmt.t list
val list_clause : 'a list Fmt.t -> 'a list -> 'b Fmt.t list
val pp_arithmetic_stmt : string -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> statement Pretty.printer -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ('a * dual_handler) -> unit
val pp_handler : statements Fmt.t
val pp_evaluate_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> evaluate_stmt -> unit
val pp_evaluate_branch : evaluate_branch Fmt.t
val pp_perform_target_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> perform_target_stmt -> unit
val pp_perform_inline_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> perform_inline_stmt -> unit
val pp_perform_mode : perform_mode Fmt.t
val pp_varying_phrase : varying_phrase Pretty.printer
val pp_search_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> search_stmt -> unit
val pp_search_all_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> search_all_stmt -> unit
val pp_search_when_clause : search_when_clause Pretty.printer
val pp_if_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> if_stmt -> unit
val pp_accept_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> accept_stmt -> unit
val pp_accept_misc : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> accept_misc -> unit
val pp_accept_clause : accept_clause Pretty.printer
val pp_accept_with_clause : accept_with_clause Pretty.printer
val pp_display_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> display_stmt -> unit
val pp_display_items_clauses : display_items_clauses Fmt.t
val pp_display_clause : display_clause Pretty.printer
val pp_display_with_clause : display_with_clause Pretty.printer
val pp_basic_arithmetic_stmt : sep:string -> string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> basic_arithmetic_stmt -> unit
val pp_call_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> call_stmt -> unit
val pp_compute_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> compute_stmt -> unit
val pp_delete_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> delete_stmt -> unit
val pp_divide_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> divide_stmt -> unit
val pp_multiply_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> multiply_stmt -> unit
val pp_read_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> read_stmt -> unit
val pp_receive_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> receive_stmt -> unit
val pp_return_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> return_stmt -> unit
val pp_rewrite_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> rewrite_stmt -> unit
val pp_start_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> start_stmt -> unit
val pp_string_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string_stmt -> unit
val pp_unstring_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unstring_stmt -> unit
val pp_write_stmt : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> write_stmt -> unit
val pp_statement : statement Pretty.printer
val pp_statements : statements Fmt.t
val pp_dump_statements : statements Fmt.t
type procedure_division = {
  1. procedure_args : procedure_args option;
  2. procedure_returning : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.base_ident_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.refmod_ident_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. procedure_raising_phrases : raising_phrase Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  4. procedure_declaratives : declarative Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  5. procedure_paragraphs : paragraph Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and procedure_by_clause =
  1. | ByReference of by_reference list
  2. | ByValue of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and procedure_calling_style =
  1. | ProcedureArgsUsed
  2. | ProcedureArgsChained
and procedure_args = {
  1. procedure_calling_style : procedure_calling_style Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. procedure_by_clause : procedure_by_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and by_reference = {
  1. by_reference : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. by_reference_optional : bool;
and raising_phrase = {
  1. raising : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. raising_factory : bool;
and declarative = {
  1. declarative_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. declarative_segment : string option;
  3. declarative_use : declarative_use option;
  4. declarative_sentences : Cobol_ptree__.Branching_statements.statement Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and declarative_use =
  1. | UseAfterFileException of {
    1. global : bool;
    2. trigger : use_file_exception_on;
  2. | UseForDebugging of use_for_debugging_target list
  3. | UseAfterIOException of use_after_exception list
  4. | UseAfterExceptionObject of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
and use_for_debugging_target =
  1. | UseForDebuggingAllProcedures
and use_file_exception_on =
  1. | UseFileExceptionOnNames of string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and use_after_exception = {
  1. use_after_exception : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. use_after_exception_on_files : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
and paragraph = {
  1. paragraph_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. paragraph_is_section : bool;
  3. paragraph_segment : string option;
  4. paragraph_sentences : Cobol_ptree__.Branching_statements.statement Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_procedure_division : procedure_division -> procedure_division ->
val compare_procedure_by_clause : procedure_by_clause -> procedure_by_clause ->
val compare_procedure_calling_style : procedure_calling_style -> procedure_calling_style ->
val compare_procedure_args : procedure_args -> procedure_args ->
val compare_by_reference : by_reference -> by_reference ->
val compare_raising_phrase : raising_phrase -> raising_phrase ->
val compare_declarative : declarative -> declarative ->
val compare_declarative_use : declarative_use -> declarative_use ->
val compare_use_for_debugging_target : use_for_debugging_target -> use_for_debugging_target ->
val compare_use_file_exception_on : use_file_exception_on -> use_file_exception_on ->
val compare_use_after_exception : use_after_exception -> use_after_exception ->
val compare_paragraph : paragraph -> paragraph ->
val pp_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> paragraph -> unit
val pp_use_after_exception : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> use_after_exception -> unit
val pp_use_file_exception_on : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> use_file_exception_on -> unit
val pp_use_for_debugging_target : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> use_for_debugging_target -> unit
val pp_declarative_use : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> declarative_use -> unit
val pp_declarative : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> declarative -> unit
val pp_declaratives : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> declarative Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
val pp_by_reference : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> by_reference -> unit
val pp_procedure_calling_style : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> procedure_calling_style -> unit
val pp_procedure_by_clause : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> procedure_by_clause -> unit
val pp_procedure_args : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> procedure_args -> unit
val pp_raising_phrase : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> raising_phrase -> unit
val pp_procedure_division : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> procedure_division -> unit
type program_unit = {
  1. program_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. program_as : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. program_level : program_level;
  4. program_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. program_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  6. program_data : Cobol_ptree__.Data_division.data_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  7. program_proc : Cobol_ptree__.Proc_division.procedure_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  8. program_end_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and program_level =
  1. | ProgramPrototype
and program_mode = {
  1. prog_is_common : bool;
  2. prog_kind : program_kind Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
and program_kind =
  1. | Initial
  2. | Recursive
val compare_program_unit : program_unit -> program_unit ->
val compare_program_level : program_level -> program_level ->
val compare_program_mode : program_mode -> program_mode ->
val compare_program_kind : program_kind -> program_kind ->
val pp_program_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> program_kind -> unit
val pp_program_mode : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> program_mode -> unit
val pp_program_unit : program_unit Pretty.printer
type function_unit = {
  1. function_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. function_as : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. function_is_proto : bool;
  4. function_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. function_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  6. function_data : Cobol_ptree__.Data_division.data_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  7. function_proc : Cobol_ptree__.Proc_division.procedure_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  8. function_end_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
val compare_function_unit : function_unit -> function_unit ->
val pp_id_paragraph : ?end_:bool -> ?end_name: [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> string -> string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) option list -> unit
val pp_function_id_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ([ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc * [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option * bool) -> unit
val pp_function_unit : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> function_unit -> unit
type method_definitions = method_definition Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list
and method_definition = {
  1. method_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. method_kind : method_kind;
  3. method_override : bool;
  4. method_final : bool;
  5. method_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  6. method_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  7. method_data : Cobol_ptree__.Data_division.data_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  8. method_proc : Cobol_ptree__.Proc_division.procedure_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  9. method_end_name : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
and method_kind
val compare_method_definitions : method_definitions -> method_definitions ->
val compare_method_definition : method_definition -> method_definition ->
val compare_method_kind : method_kind -> method_kind ->
val pp_method_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> method_kind -> unit
val pp_method_id_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc * method_kind * bool * bool) -> unit
val pp_method_definition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> method_definition -> unit
type factory_definition = {
  1. factory_implements : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. factory_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. factory_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  4. factory_data : Cobol_ptree__.Data_division.data_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. factory_methods : method_definitions Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_factory_definition : factory_definition -> factory_definition ->
val pp_object_procedure_division : method_definitions Pretty.printer
val pp_implements : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list -> unit
val pp_factory_definition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> factory_definition -> unit
type instance_definition = {
  1. instance_implements : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  2. instance_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  3. instance_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  4. instance_data : Cobol_ptree__.Data_division.data_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  5. instance_methods : method_definitions Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
val compare_instance_definition : instance_definition -> instance_definition ->
val pp_instance_definition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> instance_definition -> unit
type class_definition = {
  1. class_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. class_as : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. class_final : bool;
  4. class_inherits : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  5. class_usings : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  6. class_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  7. class_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  8. class_factory : factory_definition Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  9. class_instance : instance_definition Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  10. class_end_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
val compare_class_definition : class_definition -> class_definition ->
val pp_class_id_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ([ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc * [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option * bool * string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list * 'a list) -> unit
val pp_class_definition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> class_definition -> unit
type interface_definition = {
  1. interface_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
  2. interface_as : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option;
  3. interface_inherits : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  4. interface_usings : string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
  5. interface_options : Cobol_ptree__.Misc_sections.options_clause Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  6. interface_env : Cobol_ptree__.Env_division.environment_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  7. interface_methods : method_definitions Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  8. interface_end_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc;
val compare_interface_definition : interface_definition -> interface_definition ->
val pp_interface_id_paragraph : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ([ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc * [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.alnum_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.national_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term option * string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list * string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list) -> unit
val pp_interface_definition : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> interface_definition -> unit
type compilation_unit =
  1. | Program of program_unit
  2. | Function of function_unit
  3. | ClassDefinition of class_definition
  4. | InterfaceDefinition of interface_definition
val compare_compilation_unit : compilation_unit -> compilation_unit ->
val pp_compilation_unit : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> compilation_unit -> unit
type control_division = unit
val compare_control_division : control_division -> control_division ->
type compilation_group = {
  1. control_division : control_division Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc option;
  2. compilation_units : compilation_unit Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc list;
val compare_compilation_group : compilation_group -> compilation_group ->
val pp_compilation_group : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> compilation_group -> unit
val show_compilation_group : compilation_group -> string
val program_name : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term -> string
val program_name' : [ Cobol_ptree__.Terms.name_ | Cobol_ptree__.Terms.lit_ ] Cobol_ptree__.Terms.term Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc -> string Cobol_common.Srcloc.with_loc
module Visitor : sig ... end
module Terms_visitor : sig ... end
module Proc_division_visitor : sig ... end
module Terms_helpers : sig ... end

Some utilities to construct or rewrite terms (mostly conditions for now)

module Dummies : sig ... end

Defines some dummy nodes that can be used to fill in missing parts of the parse tree.