Module Pretty

module Types : sig ... end
include module type of Types
type simple = (unit, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format
type ('a, 'b) func = ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
type 'a proc = ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format -> 'a
type 'a printer = Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a formatting = Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a
type delayed = unit formatting
val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a proc
val out : 'a proc
val error : 'a proc
val delayed : ('a, delayed) func
val delayed_to : (delayed -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) func
val pp_set_margin : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> int -> unit
val blast_margin : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
val to_string : ('a, string) func
val string_to : (string -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) func
val failwith : ('a, 'b) func
val invalid_arg : ('a, 'b) func
val styles : list -> 'a printer -> 'a printer
val char : char printer
val string : string printer
val text : string printer
val int64 : int64 printer
val option : 'a printer -> 'a option printer
val list : ?fopen:simple -> ?fsep:simple -> ?fclose:simple -> ?fempty:simple -> 'a printer -> 'a list printer
val stack : 'a printer -> 'a list printer
val path : string list printer
val record : ?opening:'a printer -> ?closing:'a printer -> 'a printer list -> 'a printer
val delayed_record : ?opening:unit printer -> ?closing:unit printer -> unit printer list -> delayed
val vfield : ?label:string printer -> ?sep:unit printer -> string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b printer -> 'a printer
type 'a conditional_field =
  1. | T of 'a printer
  2. | C of 'a -> bool * 'a printer
  3. | I of 'a -> bool * 'a printer * 'a printer
  4. | C' of bool * 'a printer
  5. | I' of bool * 'a printer * 'a printer
val record_with_conditional_fields : ?opening:'a printer -> ?closing:'a printer -> 'a conditional_field list -> 'a printer
module Simple : sig ... end
val init_formatters : ?style_renderer:Fmt.style_renderer -> ?utf_8:bool -> unit -> unit