Module Cobol_preproc.Directives

type compiler_directive =
  1. | CDir_source of Src_format.any Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.with_loc
type copy_statement =
  1. | CDirCopy of {
    1. library : library;
    2. suppress_printing : bool;
    3. replacing : replacing Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.with_loc list;
and replace_statement =
  1. | CDirReplace of {
    1. also : bool;
    2. replacing : replacing Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.with_loc list;
  2. | CDirReplaceOff of {
    1. last : bool;
and partial_subst = {
  1. partial_subst_dir : replacing_direction;
  2. partial_subst_len : int;
  3. partial_subst_regexp : Str.regexp;
and replacing_direction =
  1. | Leading
  2. | Trailing
type partial_replacing = {
  1. repl_dir : replacing_direction;
  2. repl_strict : bool;