Module Cobol_preproc.Src_format

type free =
  1. | UnlimitedLines
type fixed =
  1. | LimitedLines
type _ paging =
  1. | FreePaging : free paging
  2. | FixedWidth : fixed_paging_params -> fixed paging
and fixed_paging_params = {
  1. cut_at_col : int;
  2. alphanum_padding : char option;
type 'k source_format = 'k indicator_position * 'k paging
and _ indicator_position =
  1. | NoIndic : free indicator_position
  2. | FixedIndic : fixed indicator_position
  3. | XOpenIndic : fixed indicator_position
  4. | CRTIndic : fixed indicator_position
  5. | TrmIndic : fixed indicator_position
  6. | CBLXIndic : fixed indicator_position
and any =
  1. | SF : 'k source_format -> any
type comment_entry_termination =
  1. | Newline
  2. | Period
  3. | AreaB of {
    1. first_area_b_column : int;
exception INVALID of string
val equal : 'k source_format -> 'r source_format -> bool
val from_config : Cobol_config.source_format -> any
val decypher : dialect:Cobol_config.dialect -> string -> any


val guess_from : contents_prefix:string -> any
val comment_entry_termination : _ source_format -> comment_entry_termination
val first_area_b_column : _ source_format -> int option