This module aims to implement mangling functions for the COBOL AST.
This exception is raised when a not mangled name is given in a context where it is expected for the name to be mangled
val mangle_data_name :
default_loc:Cobol_common.Srcloc.srcloc ->
Cobol_ptree.data_name Cobol_ptree.with_loc option ->
Cobol_ptree.data_name Cobol_ptree.with_loc option
This function mangles an entry name option, by changing every None
or Some (Filler)
entries into Some (Name "Filler<n>")
where <n> is incremented every time a new None
or Some (Filler)
entry is encountered. It does not change any other entry_name
val mangled_data_name :
Cobol_ptree.data_name Cobol_ptree.with_loc option ->
This function returns the name as a string if it is in the form of Some (Name name)
and raises the Not_mangled
exception if the pattern of the entry_name
is different.