Module Diagnostics.Set

type t = diagnostics

Persistent set of diagnostics

val pp : t Pretty.printer
val pp_above : level:severity -> t Pretty.printer
val none : t
val one : diagnostic -> t
val maybe : diagnostic option -> t
val two : diagnostic -> diagnostic -> t
val cons : diagnostic -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val has_errors : t -> bool
val map : (diagnostic -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list
val fold : (diagnostic -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val diag : Cobol_common__.Diagnostics_sigs.severity -> ?loc:Srcloc.srcloc -> (_, t) Pretty.func
val hint : ?loc:Srcloc.srcloc -> (_, t) Pretty.func
val note : ?loc:Srcloc.srcloc -> (_, t) Pretty.func
val info : ?loc:Srcloc.srcloc -> (_, t) Pretty.func
val warn : ?loc:Srcloc.srcloc -> (_, t) Pretty.func
val error : ?loc:Srcloc.srcloc -> (_, t) Pretty.func
val blind : diagnostic -> t
type serializable

Sets of diagnostics with values that do not contain any closure or module, and that can thus be marshalled/unmarshalled safely.

The ability to perform delayed formatting is lost when translating from "regular" diagnostics into serializable ones, as the translation applies the formatting as if into a string without any right-margin.

val apply_delayed_formatting : t -> serializable
val of_serializable : serializable -> t