
Memthol is a visualizer and analyzer for program profiling. It works on memory dumps containing information about the size and (de)allocation date of (some of) the allocations performed by some execution of a program.

For information regarding building memthol, features, browser compatibility... refer to the memthol repository.

This tutorial deals with the BUI (Browser User Interface) aspect of the profiling. How the dumps are generated is outside of the scope of this document. Currently, memthol accepts memory dumps produced by Memtrace (github repository here). A memtrace dump for a program execution is a single Common Trace Format (CTF) file.

This tutorial uses CTF files from the memthol repository. All paths mentioned in the examples are from its root.

Memthol is written in Rust and is composed of

  • a server, written in pure Rust, and
  • a client, written in Rust and compiled to web assembly.

The server contains the client, which it will serve at some address on some port when launched.

Running Memthol

Memthol must be given a path to a CTF file generated by memtrace.

> ls rsc/dumps/ctf/flamba.ctf
> memthol rsc/dumps/ctf/flamba.ctf
|===| Starting
| url: http://localhost:7878
| target: `rsc/dumps/ctf/flamba.ctf`