Managing Multiple Accounts

The main job of ft is to manage accounts: it can create new key-pairs, associate them with names, compute addresses with key-pairs and query information for such accounts.

Creating Accounts

To create a new account, you may use:

$ ft account create user10
{ "public": "fcb4663820d060d605d8642f590ea68b69e2bc039168a5887325e749385afe05",
"secret": "b6056a37deac87aa4889ed092d593762fed7641adff1621281337ae2fa8da26b" }
Key for user "user10" generated

To be able to use this account, you may want to associate a contract with that account:

$ ft account set user10 --surf
"name": "user10",
"passphrase": "pumpkin juice main spray accident wisdom scene organ lesson suit pen swear",
"pair": {
  "public": "fcb4663820d060d605d8642f590ea68b69e2bc039168a5887325e749385afe05",
  "secret": "b6056a37deac87aa4889ed092d593762fed7641adff1621281337ae2fa8da26b"
"account": {
  "address": "0:28b049f29b97c5a473f68198f413d0e516509c60a842020ed5e92185eeae0ada",
  "contract": "SetcodeMultisigWallet2"

Here, we used the option --surf to associate the same contract that on the Surf wallet. It is equivalent to using --contract SetcodeMultisigWallet2. It works because ft knowns about a predefined set of contracts, among which the one used by Surf (you can use ft list to check the full list).

It is possible to query the balance for such an account:

$  ft account info user10
Account "user10": 999.944_105_999 TONs

You can use the argument -v to display more information.

However, FreeTON accounts do not exist until a smart contract has been deployed on their address. Such a deployment is only possible if the address balance has been credited with a minimal amount, that mainly depends on the size of the smart contract. We will explain how to perform these operations in the following Multisig section.

Note that you may create an account by providing only its address and contract:

$ ft account create user13 \
  --address 0:28b049f29b97c5a473f68198f413d0e516509c60a842020ed5e92185eeae0ada \
  --contract SetcodeMultisigWallet2
Account created.
  "name": "user13",
  "account": {
    "address": "0:28b049f29b97c5a473f68198f413d0e516509c60a842020ed5e92185eeae0ada",
    "contract": "SetcodeMultisigWallet2"

Note that, since ft does not know the key-pair for this account, it won’t be able to sign operations originating from this account.

Multisig Accounts

Most accounts on FreeTON are Multisig accounts, i.e. accounts holding a multi-signature contract. Most of them are actually allowing only one signature, but still, they share the same contract code.

The most used Multisig contracts are:

  • SafeMultisigWallet : a multisig wallet, formally verified
  • SetcodeMultisigWallet2 : an extension of the multisig wallet, allowing to change the set of owners. This is the contract used by the TON Surf wallet

To manage Multisig accounts, you should use the ft multisig sub-command.


To create a Multisig account, the account address must already have some tokens on it to pay for the smart contract deployment.

To create a single-owner multisig

# ft multisig create my-account

To create a multi-owners multisig:

# ft multisig create my-account owner2 owner3 owner4

To create a multi-owners multisig with 2 signs required:

# ft multisig create my-account owner2 owner3 --req 2

To create a multi-owners multisig not self-owning:

# ft multisig create my-account owner1 owner2 owner3 --not-owner

Verify that it worked:

# ft account info my-account -v


To get the list of signers:

# ft multisig list custodians my-account


Should be like that:

# ft multisig transfer 100.000 --from my-account --to other-account

If the target is not an active account:

# ft multisig transfer 100.000 --from my-account --to other-account --sponsor

To send all the balance:

# ft multisig transfer all --from my-account --to other-account


Display transactions waiting for confirmations:

# ft multisig list transactions my-account


Get the transaction ID from above, and use:

# ft multisig confirm my-account TX_ID