Sub-commands and Arguments

Common arguments to all sub-commands:

  • -q or --quiet Set verbosity level to 0
  • --switch STRING Set switch
  • -v or --verbose Increase verbosity level

Overview of sub-commands:

account copy from
  Copy accounts from another switch to the current one

account create
  Create new accounts in the wallet

account history
  Get account info (local or from blockchain).

account info
  Get account info (local or from blockchain).

account list
  List all known accounts in the current switch

account remove
  Delete accounts from the wallet

account rename
  This command renames accounts in the wallet

account set
  Modify the information associated with accounts in the wallet

account state
  Get account info (local or from blockchain).

account whois
  Find accounts matching a string

  Call contracts

  Call tonos-cli, use -- to separate arguments. Use 'ft exec -- CMD ARGS' for other commands.

  Modify configuration

contract abi
  Print contract ABI

contract abi impl
  Generate an implementation source file from a contract ABI

contract abi intf
  Generate an interface source file from a contract ABI

contract build
  Build a contract

contract deploy
  Deploy contracts

contract import
  Import a contract

contract list
  List known contracts

contract new
  Generate a new contract source file

contract new interface
  Generate a new contract interface source file

  Crawl all transactions to an address and fill a psql database

debot fetch
  Call tonos-cli fetch DEBOT

debot new
  Create a debot

  Display useful documentation files (stored in ~/.ft/doc/)

doc list
  List useful documentation files stored in ~/.ft/doc/

  Call command with substitution on arguments, use -- before the command.

  Initialize with TON Labs binary tools, compiled from sources.

  Inspect information stored on the blockchain: display information on accounts, blocks, messages and transactions.

multisig confirm transaction
  Confirm transactions on a multisig-wallet

multisig confirm update
  Confirm updates on a multisig-wallet

multisig create
  Manage a multisig-wallet (create, confirm, send)

multisig debot
  Executes the multisig debot

multisig execute update
  Update a multisig wallet with setcode

multisig info
  Display info on a multisig wallet

multisig list custodians
  List owners/custodians of a multisig wallet

multisig list transactions
  Display waiting transactions in a multisig wallet

multisig list updates
  Display waiting transactions in a multisig wallet

multisig new
  Create an independant multisig-wallet, similarly to 'multisig create', but not owner and perform crediting

multisig transfer
  Transfer TONs from a multisig wallet to another account

multisig update
  Update a multisig wallet with setcode

node give
  Give TONs to accounts on sandbox networks

node live
  Open Node Live block explorer webpage

node start
  Start the node of a local sandbox switch

node stop
  Stop the local node of a sandbox switch

node update
  Update Docker image of TONOS SE for new features. You must recreate sandbox switches to benefit from the new image.

node web
  Open Node GraphQL webpage

  Perform substitutions on the output

print error
  Display error codes

switch config
  Modify configuration

switch create
  Create a new switch for an existing network, or create a sandbox local network

switch list
  List the current switches/networks

switch remove
  Remove a network configurations/switches

switch to
  Switch to another network/switch

  For testing only

token list
  Display token wallet info

token swap
  Swap tokens in DEX

token transfer
  Transfer tokens between two token wallets

token wton
  Display token wallet info

token wton credit
  Display token wallet info

token wton withdraw
  Display token wallet info

  Some useful tools

  Monitor a given account for new transactions.

ft account copy from

Copy accounts from another switch to the current one


This command copies accounts from another switch to the current one


ft account copy mainnet my-account
ft --switch testnet account copy my-account


ft account copy from SWITCH ACCOUNTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • SWITCH ACCOUNTS Switch name and accounts
  • --prefix PREFIX Prefix created accounts by PREFIX
  • --rename ACCOUNT New name of account

ft account create

Create new accounts in the wallet


This command creates new accounts in the wallet


ft account create account1 account2 account3
ft account create new-account --passphrase "some known passphrase" --contract SetcodeMultisigWallet2
ft account create new-address --address 0:1234... --surf

The accounts are created in the wallet, not in the blockchain. To create accounts on the blockchain, you need to transfer funds to the account address and deploy a contract (for example, with ‘ft multisig create’)


ft account create ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS Name of account
  • --address ADDRESS Address for account
  • --contract CONTRACT Contract for account
  • --force or -f Override existing contracts with –create
  • --keyfile KEYFILE Key file for account
  • --multisig Contract should be multisig
  • --passphrase PASSPHRASE BIP39 Passphrase for account
  • --pubkey 0xPUBKEY Public Key for account
  • --static-vars JSON Set static vars for account
  • --surf Contract should be TON Surf contract
  • --wc WORKCHAIN The workchain (default is 0)

ft account history

Get account info (local or from blockchain).


This command displays the history of the given account


ft account history ARGUMENT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENT Address of account
  • --limit NUM Limit the number of results to NUM

ft account info

Get account info (local or from blockchain).


This command displays information on given accounts, either locally or from the blockchain


ft account info MY-ACCOUNT


ft account info ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS Name of account
  • -S or --secrets Print passphrase and secret key (default with –json)
  • --json Print in json format

ft account list

List all known accounts in the current switch


This command lists all known accounts in the wallet.


ft account list

pass: passphrase known

secr: secret key known

pk: public key

ad: address known


ft account list [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft account remove

Delete accounts from the wallet


This command deletes known accounts from the wallet.


ft account remove account1 account2


ft account remove ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS Name of account

ft account rename

This command renames accounts in the wallet


This command renames accounts in the wallet


ft account rename old-name new-name
ft account rename test1 test2 test3 --prefix old-


ft account rename ACCOUNTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNTS Source and Destination accounts
  • --prefix PREFIX Prefix provided accounts by PREFIX

ft account set

Modify the information associated with accounts in the wallet


This command adds information to existing accounts in the wallet


ft account set old-account --contract SafeMultisigWallet


ft account set ARGUMENT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENT Name of account
  • --address ADDRESS Address for account
  • --contract CONTRACT Contract for account
  • --keyfile KEYFILE Key file for account
  • --multisig Contract should be multisig
  • --passphrase PASSPHRASE BIP39 Passphrase for account
  • --static-vars JSON Set static vars for account
  • --surf Contract should be TON Surf contract
  • --wc WORKCHAIN The workchain (default is 0)

ft account state

Get account info (local or from blockchain).


This command displays the current states of the given accounts from the blockchain


ft account state MY-ACCOUNT
ft account state MY-ACCOUNT -v


ft account state ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS Name of account
  • --live Open block explorer on address

ft account whois

Find accounts matching a string


This command searches existing accounts for a field matching the string


ft account whois 1234
ft account whois 0:1234
ft account whois setcode


ft account whois ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS Name of account

ft call

Call contracts


Call a method of a deployed contract. Use –local or –run to run the contract locally (only for get methods). If the params are not specified, {} is used instead. The message is signed if the –sign SIGNER argument is provided, or if the secret key of the account is known.


$ ft call giver sendGrams
        '{ "dest":"%{account:address:user1}", "amount":"1000000000000"}'
$ ft --switch mainnet call msig confirmUpdate
        '{  "updateId": "0x6092b3ee656aaa81" }' --sign mywallet



Where options are:

  • -o FILE or --output FILE Save result to FILE (use - for stdout)
  • --run or --local Run locally
  • --sign ACCOUNT Sign message with account
  • --subst FILE Read FILE and substitute results in the content
  • --wait Wait for all transactions to finish

ft client

Call tonos-cli, use – to separate arguments. Use ‘ft exec – CMD ARGS’ for other commands.


This command calls the tonos-cli executable while performing substitutions on arguments, and using the node of the current network switch. It is useful for commands that ‘ft’ cannot perform directly (calling debots for example).

‘ft’ uses the executable stored in $HOME/.ft/bin/tonos-cli. To create this executable, use:

$ ft init


$ ft init --client

The available substitutions on the arguments can be listed using:

$ ft output --list-subst

For example, to substitute the address of the account ‘multisig-debot’:

$ ft client -- debot fetch %{account:address:multisig-debot}

Note that it is also possible to ask ‘ft’ to call ‘tonos-cli’ instead of performing calls through TON-SDK Rust binding for other commands, using the FT_USE_TONOS=1 env. variable.


ft client -- ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • -- ARGUMENTS Arguments to tonos-cli
  • --exec (deprecated, use ‘ft exec – COMMAND’ instead)
  • --stdout FILE Save command stdout to file

ft config

Modify configuration


Change the global configuration or the network configuration.


ft config [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • --add-multisig CONTRACT Add a new multisig contract name
  • --client-repo GIT_URL The URL of the GIT repo of tonos-cli for ft init
  • --deployer ACCOUNT DEPRECATED. Use ft switch config –deployer instead.
  • --linker-repo GIT_URL The URL of the GIT repo of TVM-linker for ft init
  • --solc-repo GIT_URL The URL of the GIT repo of TON-Solidity-Compiler for ft init

ft contract abi

Print contract ABI


This command shows a human readable version of contract ABI


ft contract abi CONTRACT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • CONTRACT Name of contract to build

ft contract abi impl

Generate an implementation source file from a contract ABI


This command generates an implementation source file xfrom a contract ABI


ft contract abi impl CONTRACT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • CONTRACT Name of contract to build

ft contract abi intf

Generate an interface source file from a contract ABI


This command generates an interface source file from a contract ABI


ft contract abi intf CONTRACT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • CONTRACT Name of contract to build

ft contract build

Build a contract


This command builds a Solidity contract and store it in the contract database


ft contract build Foobar.sol

After this command, the contract will be known as ‘Foobar’ in the contract database


ft contract build FILENAME [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • FILENAME Build this contract and remember it
  • --contract CONTRACT Name of contract to build
  • --force or -f Override existing contracts
  • --solidity-version VERSION Version of Solidity (e.g. 47)

ft contract deploy

Deploy contracts


This command deploys a known contract to the blockchain


ft contract deploy Foobar

Create an account ‘Foobar’, deploy a contract ‘Foobar’ to it.

ft contract deploy Foobar --create foo

Create an account ‘foo’, deploy a contract ‘Foobar’ to it.

ft contract deploy Foobar --replace foo

Delete account ‘foo’, recreate it and deploy a contract ‘Foobar’ to it.

ft contract deploy Foobar --create foo --sign admin

Create an empty account ‘foo’, deploy a contract ‘Foobar’ to it, using the keypair from ‘admin’.

ft contract deploy Foobar --dst foo

Deploy a contract ‘Foobar’ an existing account ‘foo’ using its keypair.

With –create and –replace, 1 TON is transferred to the initial account using a ‘deployer’ multisig account. The deployer account can either be set switch wide (ft config –deployer ‘account’) or in the deploy command (using the –deployer ‘account’ argument)


ft contract deploy CONTRACT PARAMS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • CONTRACT Deploy contract CONTRACT
  • PARAMS Constructor/call Arguments ({} by default)
  • --create ACCOUNT Create ACCOUNT by deploying contract (with –deploy)
  • --credit TONS Initial credit of the account by the deployer
  • --deployer ACCOUNT Deployer is this account (pays creation fees)
  • --dst ACCOUNT Deploy to this account, using the existing keypair
  • --force or -f Override existing contracts
  • --params PARAMS Constructor/call Arguments ({} by default)
  • --pubkey PUBKEY Set initial pubkey of tvm image (hexa without 0x)
  • --replace ACCOUNT Replace ACCOUNT when deploying contract (with –deploy)
  • --sign ACCOUNT Deploy using this keypair
  • --static-vars JSON Set static vars for account

ft contract import

Import a contract


This command imports a contract into the contract database


ft contract import src/Foo.tvm

Import the given contract into the contract database. Two files are mandatory: the ABI file and the TVM file. They should be stored in the same directory. The ABI file must use either a ‘.abi’ or ‘.abi.json’ extension, whereas the TVM file must use either ‘.tvc’ or ‘.tvm. If a source file (.sol, .cpp, .hpp) is also present, it is copied in the database.


ft contract import FILENAME [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • FILENAME Import contract from FILENAME
  • --contract CONTRACT Name of contract to build
  • --force or -f Override existing contracts
  • --make Build contract if needed (only for .spp)
  • --prefix STRING Prefix all contracts with this prefix
  • --solidity-version VERSION Version of Solidity to use

ft contract list

List known contracts


ft contract list [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft contract new

Generate a new contract source file


ft contract new CONTRACT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • CONTRACT Create contract file for CONTRACT

ft contract new interface

Generate a new contract interface source file


ft contract new interface CONTRACT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • CONTRACT Create interface file for contract

ft crawler

Crawl all transactions to an address and fill a psql database


This command will crawl the blockchain and fill a PostgresQL database with all events related to the contract given in argument. The created database has the same name as the account.

This command can run as a service, using the –start command to launch a manager program (that will not detach itself, however), –status to check the current status (running or not) and –stop to stop the process and its manager.

A simple session looks like:

sh> ft crawler myapp --start &> daemon.log &
sh> psql myapp
SELECT * FROM freeton_events;
serial|                              msg_id                              |      event_name       |           event_args                            |    time    | tr_lt
    1 | ec026489c0eb2071b606db0c7e05e5a76c91f4b02c2b66af851d56d5051be8bd | OrderStateChanged     | {"order_id":"31","state_count":"1","state":"1"} | 1620744626 | 96
SELECT * FROM freeton_transactions;
sh> ft crawler myapp --stop


The crawler may fail connecting to the database. You can use PGHOST to set the hostname of the database, or the directory of unix sockets (default is /var/run/postgresql). You can use PGPORT for the port (default is 5432).

The crawler may also fail for authorizations (something like FATAL: 28000: role USER does not exist ). In such a case, you need to configure postgresql to allow your role (<user> is your username):

sh> sudo -i -u postgres
root> psql


ft crawler ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT Account to crawl
  • --dropdb Drop the previous database
  • --start Start with a manager process to restart automatically
  • --status Check if a manager process and crawler are running
  • --stop Stop the manager process and the crawler

ft debot fetch

Call tonos-cli fetch DEBOT



ft debot fetch DEBOT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • DEBOT Address of debot
  • --boc-from NETWORK Download debot from NETWORK (patched tonos-cli)
  • --cached Use cached version of boc (patched tonos-cli)

ft debot new

Create a debot



ft debot new NAME [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • NAME Create template files for debot NAME

ft doc

Display useful documentation files (stored in ~/.ft/doc/)



Where options are:

  • DOCFILE File to display

ft doc list

List useful documentation files stored in ~/.ft/doc/


ft doc list [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft exec

Call command with substitution on arguments, use – before the command.


This command can be used to call external commands while performing substitutions on arguments.

The available substitutions on the arguments can be listed using:

$ ft output --list-subst

For example:

$ ft exec – echo %{account:address:giver}



Where options are:

  • -- COMMAND ARGUMENTS Command and arguments
  • --stdout FILENAME Save command stdout to file FILENAME

ft init

Initialize with TON Labs binary tools, compiled from sources.


Initialize with TON Labs binary tools, downloading them from their GIT repositories and compiling them (a recent Rust compiler must be installed).

Tools are installed in $HOME/.ft/bin/.

The following tools can be installed:

  • 1. The ‘tonos-cli’ client
  • 2. The ‘solc’ client from the TON-Solidity-Compiler repository
  • 3. The ‘tvm_linker’ encoder from the TVM-linker repository

If no specific option is specified, all tools are generated. If a tool has already been generated, calling it again will try to upgrade to a more recent version.


ft init [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • --client Build and install ‘tonos-cli’ from sources
  • --code-hashes Create a database of code hashes from predefined contracts
  • --distclean Clean completely before building
  • --linker Build and install ‘tvm_linker’ from sources
  • --solc Build and install ‘solc’ from sources
  • --solidity-version VERSION Version of solc to use
  • --toolchain TOOLCHAIN Toolchain to initialize

ft inspect

Inspect information stored on the blockchain: display information on accounts, blocks, messages and transactions.


Inspect information stored on the blockchain: display information on accounts, blocks, messages and transactions.


Display all transactions that happened on the user1 account:

$ ft inspect --past user1 --with deployed:Contract

The –with argument is used to name the first unknown address, with the name ‘deployed’ and type ‘Contract’. Messages sent to known accounts with known contract types are automatically decoded.

Some operations (–block-num and –head) require to know the shard on which they apply. Arguments –shard SHARD, –shard-block BLOCK_ID and –shard-account ACCOUNT can be used to specify the shard.

Use the FT_DEBUG_GRAPHQL=1 variable to show Graphql queries


ft inspect [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • -2 Verbosity level 2
  • -3 Verbosity level 3
  • -4 Verbosity level 4
  • -a ACCOUNT or --account ACCOUNT Inspect state of account ACCOUNT (or ‘all’) on blockchain
  • --abis ABI Shared ABIs. Useful for example if you expect to receive messages that your contract does not implement (IParticipant for SafeMultisigWallet, for example)
  • -b BLOCK or --block BLOCK BLOCK Inspect block TR_ID on blockchain
  • --bn BLOCK_NUM or --block-num BLOCK_NUM Inspect block at level BLOCK_NUM on blockchain
  • -h or --head Inspect head
  • --limit NUM Limit the number of results to NUM
  • -m MSG_ID or --message MSG_ID Inspect message with identifier MSG_ID on blockchain
  • -o FILE or --output FILE Save result to FILE (use - for stdout)
  • --past ACCOUNT Inspect past transactions on ACCOUNT on blockchain
  • --shard SHARD Block info level/head for this shard
  • --shard-account ACCOUNT Block info level/head for this shard
  • --shard-block BLOCK_ID Block info level/head for this shard
  • --subst FILE Read FILE and substitute results in the content
  • -t TR_ID or --transaction TR_ID Inspect transaction with identifier TR_ID on blockchain
  • --with ACCOUNT:CONTRACT Define partner account automatically defined

ft multisig confirm transaction

Confirm transactions on a multisig-wallet


This command is used to confirm transactions on a multisig wallet.


Display transactions waiting for confirmations:

# ft multisig list transactions MY-ACCOUNT


Get the transaction ID from above, and use:

# ft multisig confirm MY-ACCOUNT TX_ID


ft multisig confirm transaction ACCOUNT TX_ID [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT TX_ID The multisig account and the TX_ID
  • --all Sign all pending transactions
  • --src ACCOUNT The signing custodian

ft multisig confirm update

Confirm updates on a multisig-wallet


This command is used to confirm updates on a multisig wallet.


Display updates waiting for confirmations:

# ft multisig list updates MY-ACCOUNT


Get the update ID from above, and use:

# ft multisig confirm MY-ACCOUNT TX_ID


ft multisig confirm update ACCOUNT TX_ID [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT TX_ID The multisig account and the TX_ID
  • --all Sign all pending updates
  • --src ACCOUNT The signing custodian

ft multisig create

Manage a multisig-wallet (create, confirm, send)


This command deploys a multisig contract on a credited account.

Create an account and get its address:

# ft account create MY-ACCOUNT

Backup the account info off-computer.

The second command will give you an address in 0:XXX format. Send some tokens on the address to be able to deploy the multisig.

Check its balance with:

# ft account info MY-ACCOUNT

Then, to create a single-owner multisig:

# ft multisig create MY-ACCOUNT

To create a multi-owners multisig:

# ft multisig create MY-ACCOUNT owner2 owner3 owner4

To create a multi-owners multisig with 2 signs required:

# ft multisig create MY-ACCOUNT owner2 owner3 --req 2

To create a multi-owners multisig not self-owning:

# ft multisig create MY-ACCOUNT owner1 owner2 owner3 --not-owner

Verify that it worked:

# ft account info MY-ACCOUNT -v


ft multisig create ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT Account name, and other custodians
  • --contract CONTRACT Use this contract
  • --not-owner Initial account should not be an owner
  • --req REQ Number of confirmations required
  • --surf Use Surf contract
  • --wc WORKCHAIN The workchain (default is 0)

ft multisig debot

Executes the multisig debot


This command executes the multisig debot, whose address is in the ‘debot-multisig’ account.


ft multisig debot ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The debot account

ft multisig execute update

Update a multisig wallet with setcode


This command can be used to display the pubkeys of the owners/custodians of a multisig wallet

To get the list of signers:

# ft multisig update MY-ACCOUNT --nreqs 3"


ft multisig execute update ACCOUNT UPDATE_ID CODE [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT UPDATE_ID CODE The multisig account
  • --code CODE-BASE64 New code from base64
  • --src ACCOUNT The signing custodian
  • --tvm TVM-FILENAME New code from file

ft multisig info

Display info on a multisig wallet


This command can be used to display the pubkeys of the owners/custodians of a multisig wallet

To get the list of signers:

# ft multisig info MY-ACCOUNT"


ft multisig info ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The multisig account

ft multisig list custodians

List owners/custodians of a multisig wallet


This command can be used to display the pubkeys of the owners/custodians of a multisig wallet

To get the list of signers:

# ft multisig list custodians MY-ACCOUNT"


ft multisig list custodians ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The multisig account

ft multisig list transactions

Display waiting transactions in a multisig wallet


This command can be used to display the currently waiting transactions in a multisig wallet


Display transactions waiting for confirmations:

# ft multisig list transactions MY-ACCOUNT


ft multisig list transactions ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The multisig account

ft multisig list updates

Display waiting transactions in a multisig wallet


This command can be used to display the currently waiting transactions in a multisig wallet


Display transactions waiting for confirmations:

# ft multisig list transactions MY-ACCOUNT


ft multisig list updates ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The multisig account

ft multisig new

Create an independant multisig-wallet, similarly to ‘multisig create’, but not owner and perform crediting


This command deploys a multisig contract on a new account.


ft multisig new ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT Account name, and other custodians
  • --contract CONTRACT Use this contract
  • --credit TONS Initial credit for multisig (1 TON by default)
  • --creditor ACCOUNT Send credit from this account (default is to use the first custodian)
  • --req REQ Number of confirmations required (majority by default)
  • --surf Use Surf contract (default)
  • --wc WORKCHAIN The workchain (default is 0)

ft multisig transfer

Transfer TONs from a multisig wallet to another account


This command is used to send tokens from a multisig wallet to another account (or to submit a transaction if multiple confirmations are required).


Should be like that:

# ft multisig transfer 100.000 -from MY-ACCOUNT --to OTHER-ACCOUNT

If the target is not an active account:

# ft multisig transfer 100.000 --from MY-ACCOUNT --to OTHER-ACCOUNT --sponsor

To send all the balance:

# ft multisig transfer all --from MY-ACCOUNT --to OTHER-ACCOUNT


Should be like that:

# ft multisig transfer 100 --from MY-ACCOUNT --to CONTRACT set '{ "x": "100" }


ft multisig transfer ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS Generic arguments
  • --bounce BOOL BOOL Transfer to inactive account
  • --from ACCOUNT The source of the transfer
  • -o FILE or --output FILE Save result to FILE (use - for stdout)
  • --parrain or --sponsor Transfer to inactive account
  • --send Force sendTransaction() instead of submitTransaction()
  • --src ACCOUNT The custodian signing the multisig transfer
  • --subst FILE Read FILE and substitute results in the content
  • --to ACCOUNT Target of a transfer
  • --wait Wait for all transactions to finish

ft multisig update

Update a multisig wallet with setcode


This command can be used to display the pubkeys of the owners/custodians of a multisig wallet

To get the list of signers:

# ft multisig update MY-ACCOUNT --nreqs 3"



Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT CUSTODIANS The multisig account and the custodians
  • --code-hash CODEHASH New code hash for contract
  • --contract CONTRACT New code from contract
  • --keep-custodians Keep existing custodians, either adding new ones (with add: C1 C2…) or deleting old ones (with del: C1 C2…) or any combination of those commands
  • -o FILE or --output FILE Save result to FILE (use - for stdout)
  • --req REQ New number of required confirmations for transactions
  • --reset-custodians Reset all custodians
  • --src ACCOUNT The custodian signing the multisig transfer
  • --subst FILE Read FILE and substitute results in the content
  • --tvm TVM-FILENAME New code from file

ft node give

Give TONs to accounts on sandbox networks


This command can be used to create initial accounts with tokens on sandbox networks running TONOS SE (created using ‘ft switch create sandboxNN’).


ft node give ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT Give TONs from giver to ACCOUNT (all if none specified). By default, transfer 1000 TONS to the account if its balance is smaller, and deploy a contract if it is a multisig smart contract.
  • --amount AMOUNT Number of TONs to give

ft node live

Open Node Live block explorer webpage


Open the block explorer available on the sandbox switch running TONOS SE


ft node live [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft node start

Start the node of a local sandbox switch


This command can be used to start the node of a local sandbox network running TONOS SE and created using ‘ft switch create sandboxNN’.


ft node start [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft node stop

Stop the local node of a sandbox switch


This command can be used to stop the local node of a sandbox network running TONOS SE


ft node stop [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft node update

Update Docker image of TONOS SE for new features. You must recreate sandbox switches to benefit from the new image.


This command can be used to update the docker image that will be used to create new sandbox networks (tonlabs/local-node, or the one provide with –image)


ft node update [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • --image DOCKER Docker image to use for sandboxes

ft node web

Open Node GraphQL webpage


This command can be used to open the GraphQL webpage associated with the current local network


ft node web [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft output

Perform substitutions on the output


This command performs substitutions on its input. By default, the output goes to stdout, unless the ‘-o’ option is used.


Load a file INPUT, substitute its content, and save to OUTPUT:

$ ft output --file INPUT --o OUTPUT

List available substitutions:

$ ft output --list-subst

Output address of account ACCOUNT:

$ ft output --addr ACCOUNT


$ ft output --string %{account:address:ACCOUNT}

Output keyfile of account ACCOUNT to file KEYFILE:

ft output --keyfile ACCOUNT -o KEYFILE


ft output STRING [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • STRING Output string after substitution
  • --addr ACCOUNT Output address of account
  • --file FILE Output content of file after substitution
  • --keyfile ACCOUNT Output key file of account
  • --list-subst List all substitutions
  • -o FILE Save command stdout to file
  • --string STRING Output string after substitution

ft print error

Display error codes


ft print error ERROR CODe [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ERROR CODe Error code to explain

ft switch config

Modify configuration


Change the global configuration or the network configuration.


ft switch config [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • --deployer ACCOUNT Set deployer to account ACCOUNT. The deployer is the account used to credit the initial balance of an address before deploying a contract on it.
  • --toolchain TOOLCHAIN Name of toolchain to use in this switch
  • --url URL Node Url of this network (without /graphql)

ft switch create

Create a new switch for an existing network, or create a sandbox local network


This command is used to create new switches, either for existing remote networks (mainnet, testnet, etc.) by providing their URL with –url, or to create new local networks running TONOS SE (such switches must be called ‘sandboxNN’ where NN is a number). Each switch includes its own set of accounts and nodes.

When a new switch is created, it immediately becomes the current switch.


Display current network and other existing networks:

$ ft switch list

Change current network to an existing network NETWORK:

$ ft switch to NETWORK

Create a new network with name NETWORK and url URL, and switch to that network:

$ ft switch create NETWORK --url URL

Removing a created network:

$ ft switch remove NETWORK


As a specific feature, ft can create networks based on TONOS SE to run on the local computer. Such networks are automatically created by naming the network ‘sandboxN` where N is a number. The corresponding node will run on port 7080+N.

Example of session (create network, start node, give user1 1000 TONs):

$ ft switch create sandbox1
$ ft node start
$ ft node give user1 --amount 1000

When a local network is created, it is initialized with:

  • 1. An account ‘giver’ corresponding to the Giver contract holding 5 billion TONS
  • 2. A set of 10 accounts ‘user0’ to ‘user9’. These accounts always have the same secret keys, so it is possible to define test scripts that will work on different instances of local networks.

The 10 accounts are not deployed, but it is possible to use ‘ft node give ACCOUNT’ to automatically deploy the account.


ft switch create NETWORK [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • NETWORK Name of network switch to create
  • --force Force switch creation, killing docker container if needed
  • --image DOCKER Docker image to use for sandboxes
  • --toolchain TOOLCHAIN Toolchain to use
  • --url URL URL of the default node in this network

ft switch list

List the current switches/networks


This command is used to list the known networks (switches) and the current configuration.


ft switch list [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

ft switch remove

Remove a network configurations/switches


Remove network configurations


Removing a created network:

$ ft switch remove NETWORK


ft switch remove NETWORK [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • NETWORK Name of network switch to remove
  • -f or --force Remove network even in case of failure

ft switch to

Switch to another network/switch


This command is used to switch the current network configuration to the provided switch. To only switch to a new network for a particular command, it is possible to use the –switch argument instead.


Display current network and other existing networks:

$ ft switch list

Change current network to an existing network NETWORK:

$ ft switch to NETWORK

Call a command for another switch:

$ ft --switch NETWORK call contract get '{}'


ft switch to NETWORK [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • NETWORK Name of network switch

ft test

For testing only



Where options are:

  • ARGUMENTS args
  • --test INT NUM Run test NUM

ft token list

Display token wallet info


ft token list ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The associated multisig wallet

ft token swap

Swap tokens in DEX


ft token swap AMOUNT TOKEN [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • AMOUNT TOKEN Amount and token symbol
  • ----for OWNER Token account owner
  • ----to TOKEN Destination token

ft token transfer

Transfer tokens between two token wallets


ft token transfer AMOUNT TOKEN [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • AMOUNT TOKEN Amount and token symbol
  • ----from OWNER Source account owner
  • ----to OWNER Destination account owner

ft token wton

Display token wallet info


ft token wton ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT The associated multisig wallet

ft token wton credit

Display token wallet info


ft token wton credit ACCOUNT AMOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT AMOUNT The associated multisig wallet

ft token wton withdraw

Display token wallet info


ft token wton withdraw ACCOUNT AMOUNT [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT AMOUNT The associated multisig wallet

ft utils

Some useful tools


Misc commands. For example, to translate bytes from base64 or message boc.


ft utils [OPTIONS]

Where options are:

  • --of-base64 STRING Translates from base64
  • --of-boc STRING Parse message boc in base64 format

ft watch

Monitor a given account for new transactions.


Wait for transactions happening on the given ACCOUNT. Transactions are immediately displayed on stdout. If the argument –on-event CMD is provided, a command is called for every event emitted by the contract.



Where options are:

  • ACCOUNT Watch account ACCOUNT
  • -0 Verbosity level none
  • -3 Verbosity level 3
  • --account ACCOUNT Watch account ACCOUNT
  • --from BLOCKID Start with block identifier BLOCKID
  • -o FILE or --output FILE Output to FILE
  • --on-event CMD Call CMD on event emitted. Called once on startup as CMD <block_id> start and after every emitted event as CMD <block_id> <tr_id> <event_name> <args>
  • --timeout TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds (default is 25 days)