How to install

Install with opam

If drom is available in your opam repository, you can just call:

opam install drom

Build and install with dune

Checkout the sources of drom in a directory.

You need a switch with at least version 4.07.0 of OCaml, you can for example create it with:

opam switch create 4.10.0

Then, you need to install all the dependencies:

opam install --deps-only .

Finally, you can build the package and install it:

eval $(opam env)
dune build
dune install

Note that a Makefile is provided, it contains the following targets:

  • build: build the code

  • install: install the generated files

  • build-deps: install opam dependencies

  • sphinx: build sphinx documentation (from the sphinx/ directory)

  • dev-deps: build development dependencies, in particular ocamlformat, odoc and merlin

  • doc: build documentation with odoc

  • fmt: format the code using ocamlformat

  • test: run tests

Installing drom globally

There are two recommendend approaches to using drom globally.

User profile shell function

The simplest way to use drom globally is through a shell function.

function drom () {
  opam config exec --switch=SWITCH -- drom "$@";

The value for SWITCH can easily be obtained via opam switch -s show.

Global binary

To be installed globally, drom will need to locate its data files, in particular its skeleton and license files. This files are usually installed in $OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX/share/drom when drom is installed through opam.

Once you have copied drom executable in a global location (/usr/local/bin/drom for example), you should do one of these two actions:

  • Set the DROM_SHARE_DIR environment variable to the location to the share dir containing its files ($HOME/.opam/4.10.0/share/drom for example if drom was installed in switch 4.10.0)

  • Edit $HOME/.config/drom/config and define the share-dir option. For example:

    share-dir = "/home/user/.opam/4.10.0/share/drom"


On MacOS the configuration file is can be found in the following location:

$HOME/Library/Application Support/com.ocamlpro.drom/config

Note that you can also copy drom’s share directory to a global location if don’t want the files to be removed accidentally by an opam operation.