Github Projects

drom has builtins to ease the deployment of your project on Github <>__.

To configure your account, edit the file $HOME/.config/drom/config and setup the github-organization field. Every project that will be created now will contain this organization.

Every project description contains a field github-organization. If you have configured your account, this field will automatically be initializaed with your account value. You may also edit it directly.

If the field github-organization is not set in your project description, and you set it in your account configuration, you can use the following command to update it:

$ drom project --upgrade
Updating file drom.toml
Calling git add .drom drom.toml

For Github projects, drom will automatically:

  • Generate a file with badges for the CI and the releases

  • Infer most links, i.e. documentation on Github Pages, development repository, issue tracker, release archives, to put in opam files and in the documentation

  • Use Github Actions to generate documentation and copy it in the gh-pages branch, compatible with Github Pages

  • Configure the project to use Github Actions for the CI, i.e. .github/workflows files

Once you have created your project and pushed it on Github, the only necessary step is to activate Github Pages. For that:

  • go in your project settings on Github

  • scroll down to the Github Pages section

  • For the Source field, select the gh-pages branch

  • Keep the “/ (root)” directory

  • Click on the Save button

Your project should appear a few minutes later on Github Pages.