Module Autofonce_lib.Types

include module type of struct include Autofonce_core.Types end
type check_output = Autofonce_core.Types.check_output =
  1. | Ignore
  2. | Content of string
  3. | Save_to_file of string
  4. | Diff_with_file of string
type step = string
type check = Autofonce_core.Types.check = {
  1. check_loc : location;
  2. check_step : step;
  3. check_command : string;
  4. check_retcode : int option;
  5. check_stdout : check_output;
  6. check_stderr : check_output;
  7. check_run_if_fail : action list;
  8. check_run_if_pass : action list;
  9. check_kind : string;
  10. check_test : test;
and action = Autofonce_core.Types.action =
  1. | AT_DATA of {
    1. file : string;
    2. content : string;
  2. | AT_CAPTURE_FILE of string
  3. | AT_XFAIL
  4. | AT_XFAIL_IF of {
    1. step : step;
    2. loc : location;
    3. command : string;
  5. | AT_FAIL of {
    1. loc : location;
  6. | AT_FAIL_IF of {
    1. step : step;
    2. loc : location;
    3. command : string;
  7. | AT_SKIP
  8. | AT_SKIP_IF of {
    1. step : step;
    2. loc : location;
    3. command : string;
  9. | AT_CHECK of check
  10. | AT_CLEANUP of {
    1. loc : location;
  11. | AF_ENV of string
  12. | AF_COPY of {
    1. step : step;
    2. loc : location;
    3. files : string list;
    4. command : string;
    5. copy : bool;
    6. promote : bool;
  13. | AF_COMMENT of string
and test = Autofonce_core.Types.test = {
  1. test_suite : suite;
  2. test_loc : location;
  3. test_name : string;
  4. test_id : int;
  5. test_banner : string;
  6. test_env : string;
  7. test_subst : string list;
  8. mutable test_keywords : string list;
  9. mutable test_actions : action list;
  10. mutable test_keywords_set : EzCompat.StringSet.t;
and suite = Autofonce_core.Types.suite = {
  1. suite_file : string;
  2. suite_dir : string;
  3. mutable suite_ntests : int;
  4. suite_test_by_id : (int, test) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t;
  5. mutable suite_tests : test list;
  6. mutable suite_tested_programs : string list;
  7. mutable suite_name : string;
  8. mutable suite_banners : string list;
val string_of_location : Autofonce_m4.M4Types.location -> string
val string_of_action : action -> string
val string_of_check_output : check_output -> string
val string_of_runif : action list -> string
val string_of_check : check -> string
include module type of struct include Autofonce_config.Types end
type env_kind = Autofonce_config.Types.env_kind =
  1. | Env_file of string
  2. | Env_content
type testsuite_env = Autofonce_config.Types.testsuite_env = {
  1. env_name : string;
  2. env_kind : env_kind;
  3. env_content : string;
type testsuite_config = Autofonce_config.Types.testsuite_config = {
  1. config_name : string;
  2. config_file : string;
  3. config_path : string list;
  4. config_env : testsuite_env;
type run_from = Autofonce_config.Types.run_from =
  1. | Source_dir
  2. | Build_dir
  3. | Config_dir
type project_config = Autofonce_config.Types.project_config = {
  1. project_name : string option;
  2. project_source_anchors : string list;
  3. project_build_anchors : string list;
  4. project_build_dir_candidates : string list;
  5. project_run_from : run_from;
  6. project_testsuites : testsuite_config list;
  7. project_envs : testsuite_env EzCompat.StringMap.t;
  8. project_captured_files : string list;
  9. project_file : string;
  10. project_source_dir : string;
  11. project_build_dir : string;
  12. project_run_dir : string;
type exec_args = {
  1. mutable arg_clean_tests_dir : bool;
  2. mutable arg_max_jobs : int;
  3. mutable arg_auto_promote : int;
  4. mutable arg_fake : bool;
  5. mutable arg_print_results : bool;
  6. mutable arg_subst_env : (string * string) option EzCompat.StringMap.t;
  7. mutable arg_stop_on_first_failure : bool;
  8. mutable arg_print_all : bool;
  9. mutable arg_keep_skipped : bool;
  10. mutable arg_keep_all : bool;
  11. mutable arg_output : string option;
type state = {
  1. state_args : exec_args;
  2. state_suite : suite;
  3. state_run_dir : string;
  4. state_config : testsuite_config;
  5. state_project : project_config;
  6. mutable state_banner : string;
  7. mutable state_status : string;
  8. mutable state_ntests_ran : int;
  9. mutable state_ntests_ok : int;
  10. mutable state_tests_failed : tester list;
  11. mutable state_tests_skipped : tester list;
  12. mutable state_tests_failexpected : tester list;
  13. mutable state_buffer : EzCompat.Buffer.t;
  14. mutable state_ntests : int;
  15. mutable state_nchecks : int;
  16. mutable state_status_printed : bool;
and tester = {
  1. tester_state : state;
  2. tester_suite : suite;
  3. tester_test : test;
  4. mutable tester_renvs : string list;
  5. mutable tester_fail_expected : bool;
  6. mutable tester_captured_files : EzCompat.StringSet.t;
  7. mutable tester_fail_reason : (location * string * check option) option;
and checker = {
  1. checker_check : check;
  2. checker_tester : tester;
  3. checker_pid : int;