Module Autofonce_m4.M4Types

type location = {
  1. file : string;
  2. line : int;
  3. char : int;
exception Error of string * location
type token =
  1. | SHELL of string
  2. | IDENT of string
  3. | ONE_ARG of string
  4. | FIRST_ARG of string
  5. | NEXT_ARG of string
  6. | LAST_ARG of string
  7. | COMMENT of string
  8. | EOF
type block = statement list
and kind =
  1. | Macro of string * arg list
  2. | Shell of string
  3. | Comment of string
and statement = {
  1. kind : kind;
  2. loc : location;
and arg = {
  1. arg : string;
  2. arg_loc : location;