Module DebugProtocol.VariablePresentationHint

include sig ... end
type t = private Ojs.t
val t_of_js : Ojs.t -> t
val t_to_js : t -> Ojs.t
type kind =
  1. | Property
  2. | Method
  3. | Class
  4. | Data
  5. | Event
  6. | BaseClass
  7. | InnerClass
  8. | Interface
  9. | MostDerivedClass
  10. | Virtual
  11. | DataBreakpoint
  12. | Other of string
val kind_of_js : Ojs.t -> kind
val kind_to_js : kind -> Ojs.t
type attribute =
  1. | Static
  2. | Constant
  3. | ReadOnly
  4. | RawString
  5. | HasObjectId
  6. | CanHaveObjectId
  7. | HasSideEffects
  8. | HasDataBreakpoint
  9. | Other of string
val attribute_of_js : Ojs.t -> attribute
val attribute_to_js : attribute -> Ojs.t
type visibility =
  1. | Public
  2. | Private
  3. | Protected
  4. | Internal
  5. | Final
  6. | Other of string
val visibility_of_js : Ojs.t -> visibility
val visibility_to_js : visibility -> Ojs.t
include sig ... end
val attributes : t -> attribute list Interop.or_undefined
val visibility : t -> visibility Interop.or_undefined
val lazy_ : t -> bool Interop.or_undefined