module TYPES : sig ... end
include module type of TYPES
with type config = TYPES.config
and type params = TYPES.params
and type sub_state = TYPES.sub_state
and type pending_tasks = TYPES.pending_tasks
and type registry = TYPES.registry
and type state = TYPES.state
and type exit_status = TYPES.exit_status
and type 'a error = 'a TYPES.error
type config = TYPES.config = {
project_layout : Superbol_project__.Project.TYPES.layout;
cache_config : Cobol_lsp__.Lsp_project_cache.TYPES.config;
enable_client_configs : bool;
force_syntax_diagnostics : bool;
type params = TYPES.params = {
config : config;
root_uri : Lsp.Types.DocumentUri.t option;
workspace_folders : Lsp.Types.DocumentUri.t list;
with_semantic_tokens : bool;
with_client_config_watcher : bool;
with_client_file_watcher : [ `no | `yes of [ `absolute | `any ] ];
type registry = TYPES.registry = {
projects : Cobol_lsp__.Lsp_project.SET.t;
docs : Cobol_lsp__.Lsp_document.TYPES.document Stdlib__Map.Make(Lsp.Uri).t;
indirect_diags : Lsp.Types.Diagnostic.t list Stdlib__Map.Make(Lsp.Uri).t
pending_tasks : pending_tasks;
sub_state : sub_state;
params : params;
and sub_state = TYPES.sub_state
and pending_tasks = TYPES.pending_tasks
type state = TYPES.state =
| NotInitialized of config
| Initialized of params
| Running of registry
| ShuttingDown
| Exit of exit_status
and exit_status = TYPES.exit_status
type 'a error = 'a TYPES.error =
| InvalidStatus of state
| UnhandledRequest of 'a Lsp.Client_request.t
| UnknownRequest of string
type t = registry
Copybook detection is performed via project configuration (see Lsp_project.detect_copybook
val find_document :
Lsp.Types.TextDocumentIdentifier.t ->
t ->
val jsonrpc_of_error : 'a error -> string -> Jsonrpc.Response.Error.t
val get_project_config_command : Lsp.Uri.t -> t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val save_project_caches : t -> unit
Note: May only raise Jsonrpc.Response.Error.E