type error =
| Invalid of {
loc : Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.srcloc;
stuff : invalid_stuff;
| Malformed of {
loc : Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.srcloc;
stuff : malformed_stuff;
| Overlong_literal of {
loc : Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.srcloc;
literal_string : string;
max_length : int;
val error_loc : error -> Cobol_common.Srcloc.TYPES.srcloc
val pp_literal_class : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> literal_class -> unit
val pp_invalid_stuff : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> invalid_stuff -> unit
val pp_malformed_stuff : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> malformed_stuff -> unit
val pp_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> error -> unit
type t = diagnostics
val none : diagnostics
val union : diagnostics -> diagnostics -> diagnostics
val add_error : error -> diagnostics -> diagnostics
val add_warning : warning -> diagnostics -> diagnostics
val has_errors : diagnostics -> bool
val translate : t -> Cobol_common__Diagnostics.TYPES.diagnostics
include sig ... end
module TYPES : sig ... end
val result : ?diags:diagnostics -> 'a -> 'a with_diags
val simple_result : 'a -> 'a with_diags
val some_result : ?diags:diagnostics -> 'a -> 'a option with_diags
val no_result : diags:diagnostics -> 'a option with_diags
val with_diags : 'a -> diagnostics -> 'a with_diags
val with_more_diags : diags:diagnostics -> 'a with_diags -> 'a with_diags
val result_only : 'a with_diags -> 'a
val forget_result : 'a with_diags -> diagnostics
val more_result : f:('a -> 'b with_diags) -> 'a with_diags -> 'b with_diags
val map_result : f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a with_diags -> 'b with_diags
val map2_results :
f:('a -> 'b -> 'c with_diags) ->
'a with_diags ->
'b with_diags ->
'c with_diags
val map_some_result :
f:('a -> 'b) ->
'a option with_diags ->
'b option with_diags
val merge_results :
f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) ->
'a with_diags ->
'b with_diags ->
'c with_diags
val cons_option_result :
'a option with_diags ->
'a list with_diags ->
'a list with_diags
val translate_diags : 'a with_diags -> 'a Cobol_common.Diagnostics.with_diags
val show_n_forget :
?set_status:bool ->
?min_level:Cobol_common.Diagnostics.severity ->
?ppf:Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
'a with_diags ->
val sink_result :
?set_status:bool ->
?ppf:Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
'a with_diags ->