Calling Commands with Substitutions =================================== Displaying Wallet Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sub-command :code:`ft output` can be used to display wallet information, and save it into files. For example, to display the address associated with a wallet, you may use:: $ ft output --addr user0 0:108f6113fb0cad8c98b70e8ea3cfd12b52710ec20441d05ceb78cacb4f5566b7 You may save the output into a file:: $ ft output --addr user0 -o user0.addr You may output the keyfile associated with an account:: $ ft output --keyfile user0 -o user0.keyfile $ cat user0.keyfile { "public": "fd9ee2babfa35b65917f732316dbb3d31935ccacd2a0aa92e043f8c762e0da28", "secret": "7883b5b2962f1a2d4891f52a16f125b855b6be61f84b162a4476a2f240c9e2c9" } And finally, you may just load a file and display it after performing some substitutions (see the last section here for a documentation of these substitutions):: $ cat { "public-key": "%{account:pubkey:%{env:FTUSER}}", "private-key": "%{account:seckey:%{env:FTUSER}}" } $ FTUSER=user0 ft output --file { "public-key": "fd9ee2babfa35b65917f732316dbb3d31935ccacd2a0aa92e043f8c762e0da28", "private-key": "7883b5b2962f1a2d4891f52a16f125b855b6be61f84b162a4476a2f240c9e2c9" } Calling Commands with substitutions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sub-command :code:`ft client` can be used to call external commands while performing substitutions on their arguments. By default, :code:`ft client` will call :code:`tonos-cli`, passing its arguments:: $ ft client -- genphrase Calling /home/lefessan/.ft/bin/tonos-cli --config \ /home/lefessan/.ft/sandbox1/tonos-cli.config genphrase Config: /home/lefessan/.ft/sandbox1/tonos-cli.config Succeeded. Seed phrase: "fancy current bean dice pet gasp you swift \ balance unaware law fun" Note that we must use :code:`--` before providing the arguments to the external commands, to prevent :code:`ft` from interpreting them. We can also call another command, using :code:`--exec` to prevent :code:`ft` from calling :code:`tonos-cli`:: $ ft client --exec -- echo '%{account:address:user0}' Calling echo 0:108f6113fb0cad8c98b70e8ea3cfd12b52710ec20441d05ceb78cacb4f5566b7 0:108f6113fb0cad8c98b70e8ea3cfd12b52710ec20441d05ceb78cacb4f5566b7 This feature can be use to script many commands, for example:: $ ft client -- genaddr '%{contract:tvc:SetcodeMultisigWallet2}' \ '%{contract:abi:SetcodeMultisigWallet2}' --genkey This command will generate a new key-pair, saved it into file :code:``, which providing the command with the TVC and ABI files for the contract :code:`SetcodeMultisigWallet2` (the one used by the Surf web wallet). Existing Substitutions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Substitutions are written as :code:`%{SUBST}`, and can be recursive (substitutions are allowed within SUBST itself). If the substitution is unknown (bad syntax) or cannot be resolved, an error is thrown. Here is a list of allowed expressions within SUBST: * :code:`env:VARIABLE` : Replaced by environemnt (shell) variable :code:`VARIABLE` * :code:`addr:zero` : For 0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 On wallet accounts, for a known account :code:`ACCOUNT`: * :code:`account:address:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the raw address of the account * :code:`account:wc:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the workchain ID of the account * :code:`account:pubkey:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the pubkey of the account, without :code:`0x` * :code:`account:seckey:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the secret of the account * :code:`account:passphrase:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the passphrase of the account * :code:`account:keyfile:ACCOUNT` : Generates a JSON keyfile in :code:`$HOME/.ft/tmp/`, and replaced by the file name * :code:`account:contract:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the name of recorded contract of the account if known * :code:`account:contract:tvc:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the TVC file name for the contract of the account * :code:`account:contract:abi:ACCOUNT` : replaced by the ABI file name of the contract of the account * :code:`account:payload:ACCOUNT:METH:PARAMS` : replaced by the base64 encoding of the message payload, corresponding to calling :code:`METH` with JSON arguments :code:`PARAMS` On contracts: * :code:`contract:tvc:CONTRACT` : * :code:`contract:abi:CONTRACT` : * :code:`contract:payload:CONTRACT:METH:PARAMS` : Output payload base64 Misc: * :code:`node:url` : Current node URL * :code:`ton:NUMBER` : Convert NUMBER of tons to nanotons * :code:`file:FILENAME` : Read content of filename * :code:`now` : current Unix date * :code:`now[:CORRECTION]*` : Current Unix date with corrections, given by: * :code:`plus:NUM:PERDIODS` : add a delay * :code:`minus:NUM:PERIODS` : subtract a delay where :code:`PERIODS` is one of :code:`years`, :code:`days`, :code:`hours`, :code:`mins` or :code:`secs`. Example: :code:`now:plus:3:days:plus:4:hours` Encoders, working on the rest of the substitution: * :code:`string:SUBST` Take remaining SUBST without substituting, just as a string * :code:`read:SUBST` : Do SUBST, then read it as a filename * :code:`hex:SUBST` : Do SUBST, then convert to hexa * :code:`of-hex:SUBST` : Do SUBST, then convert from hexa * :code:`base64:SUBST` : Do SUBST, then convert to base64 * :code:`of-base64:SUBST` : Do SUBST, then convert from base64 * :code:`get-code:SUBST` : Do SUBST, interprete it as a TVC filename, whose code should be extracted using :code:`tvm_linker decode` and passed in base64