Sub-commands and Arguments ========================== Common arguments to all sub-commands: * :code:`-q` or :code:`--quiet` Set verbosity level to 0 * :code:`-v` or :code:`--verbose` Increase verbosity level Overview of sub-commands:: build Build a project build-deps Install build dependencies only clean Clean the project from build files config Read/write configuration dep (since version 0.2.1) Manage dependency of a package dev-deps Install dev dependencies (odoc, ocamlformat, merlin, etc.) doc Generate all documentation (API and Sphinx) fmt Format sources with ocamlformat headers Check all headers in project install Build & install the project in the project opam switch list (since version 0.4.0) List available project or packages skeletons new Create a new project odoc Generate API documentation using odoc in the _drom/docs/doc directory opam-plugin (since version 0.2.1) Install drom as an opam plugin (called by 'opam drom') package Manage a package within a project project Update an existing project promote Promote detected changes after running drom test or drom fmt publish Update opam files with checksums and copy them to a local opam-repository for publication run Execute the project sphinx Generate documentation using sphinx test Run tests toml Read TOML files and print them back on stdout top Run the ocaml toplevel tree Display a tree of dependencies uninstall Uninstall the project from the project opam switch update Update packages in switch main.exe build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build a project **DESCRIPTION** This command performs the following actions: * 1. Create a local opam switch. The argument **--switch SWITCH** can be used to make the local switch a link to a global switch. The argument **--local** can be used to force a local switch to be created. * 2. Check that the OCaml version is at least the **min-edition** specified in the project. If OCaml is not installed, use the **--edition VERSION** argument or the **edition** field specified in the project to install OCaml. * 3. Install all the dependencies in the opam switch. If the argument **--locked** was specified, use the **${package}-deps.opam.locked** file in the project to get exact dependencies. * 4. Build the project by calling **opam exec -- dune build @install** * 5. If build was ok, copy executable in the top directory of the project **USAGE** :: main.exe build [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe build-deps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install build dependencies only **USAGE** :: main.exe build-deps [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe clean ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clean the project from build files **USAGE** :: main.exe clean [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--distclean` Also remove _opam/ (local switch) and _drom/ main.exe config ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read/write configuration **DESCRIPTION** This command is useful to read/write drom configuration **EXAMPLE** The following displays the list of project skeletons: :: drom config --project-skeletons **USAGE** :: main.exe config [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--no-fetch-share` Prevent fetching updates from the share repo (in particular without network connection * :code:`--package-skeletons` List available package skeletons * :code:`--project-skeletons` List available project skeletons * :code:`--reclone-share` Reclone share repository * :code:`--share-repo SHARE_REPO` Set the repository URL of the share database (use 'default' for default repo) * :code:`--share-version SHARE_VERSION` Set the version of share database (use 'latest' for latest version) main.exe dep (since version 0.2.1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manage dependency of a package **DESCRIPTION** Add, remove and modify dependencies from **drom.toml** and **package.toml** files. If the argument **--package** is not specified, the dependency is added project-wide (i.e. for all packages), updating the *drom.toml* file. If the argument **--package** is provided, the dependency is added to the *package.toml* file for that particular package. Dependencies can be added **--add**, removed **--remove** or just modified. The **--tool** argument should be used for tool dependencies, i.e. dependencies that are not linked to the library/program. If no modification argument is provided, the dependency is printed in the terminal. Modification arguments are **--ver VERSION** for the version, **--lib LIBNAME** for the *dune* library name, **--doc BOOL** for documentation deps and **--test BOOL** for test deps. **EXAMPLE** :: drom dep --package drom_lib --add ez_cmdliner --ver ">0.1" drom dep --package drom_lib --remove ez_cmdliner drom dep --add --tool odoc --ver ">1.0 <3.0" --doc true **VERSION SPECIFICATION** The version specified in the **--ver VERSION** argument should follow the following format: * 1. Spaces are used to separate a conjunction of version constraints. * 2. An empty string is equivalent to no version constraint. * 3. Constraints are specified using a comparison operation directly followed by the version, like **>1.2** or **<=1.0**. * 4. A semantic version like **1.2.3** is equivalent to the constraints **>=1.2.3** and **<2.0.0**. **USAGE** :: main.exe dep DEPENDENCY [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`DEPENDENCY` Name of dependency * :code:`--add` Add as new dependency * :code:`--create BOOL` Change project creation status * :code:`--cross TARGET` Build opam packages for cross-compilation (TARGET=windows|osx) * :code:`--diff` Print a diff of user-modified files that are being skipped * :code:`--doc BOOL` Whether dependency is only for doc * :code:`--edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project default OCaml version * :code:`-f` or :code:`--force` Force overwriting modified files (otherwise, they would be skipped) * :code:`--lib LIBNAME` Dependency should have this libname in dune * :code:`--min-edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project minimal OCaml version * :code:`--no-fetch-share` Prevent fetching updates from the share repo (in particular without network connection * :code:`--opt BOOL` Whether dependency is optional or not * :code:`--package PACKAGE` Attach dependency to this package name * :code:`--promote-skip` Promote user-modified files to skip field * :code:`--reclone-share` Reclone share repository * :code:`--remove` Remove this dependency * :code:`--share-repo SHARE_REPO` Set the repository URL of the share database (use 'default' for default repo) * :code:`--share-version SHARE_VERSION` Set the version of share database (use 'latest' for latest version) * :code:`--skip FILE` Add FILE to skip list * :code:`--test BOOL` Whether dependency is only for tests * :code:`--tool` Dependency is a tool, not a library * :code:`--unskip FILE` Remove FILE from skip list * :code:`--ver VERSION` Dependency should have this version main.exe dev-deps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install dev dependencies (odoc, ocamlformat, merlin, etc.) **USAGE** :: main.exe dev-deps [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe doc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generate all documentation (API and Sphinx) **USAGE** :: main.exe doc [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`--view` Open a browser on the documentation * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe fmt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Format sources with ocamlformat **USAGE** :: main.exe fmt [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--auto-promote` Promote detected changes immediately * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe headers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check all headers in project **USAGE** :: main.exe headers [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--add-default HEADER_ID` Add this header as the default for these files * :code:`--from HEADER_ID` Replace this header * :code:`--replace SRC:DST` Replace header SRC by header DST * :code:`--replace-by HEADER_ID` Replace by this header * :code:`--skip HEADER_ID` skip this header when printing headers main.exe install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build & install the project in the project opam switch **USAGE** :: main.exe install PACKAGES [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`PACKAGES` Specify the list of packages to install * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe list (since version 0.4.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List available project or packages skeletons **DESCRIPTION** List available project or packages skeletons **USAGE** :: main.exe list ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`ARGUMENTS` Use 'projects' or 'packages' to display corresponding skeletons * :code:`--no-fetch-share` Prevent fetching updates from the share repo (in particular without network connection * :code:`--reclone-share` Reclone share repository * :code:`--share-repo SHARE_REPO` Set the repository URL of the share database (use 'default' for default repo) * :code:`--share-version SHARE_VERSION` Set the version of share database (use 'latest' for latest version) main.exe new ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a new project **DESCRIPTION** This command creates a new project, with name **PROJECT** in a directory **PROJECT** (unless the **--inplace** argument was provided). **EXAMPLE** The following command creates a project containing library **my_lib** in **src/my_lib**: :: drom new my_lib --skeleton library The following command creates a project containing a library **hello_lib** in **src/hello_lib** and a program **hello** in **src/hello** calling the library: :: drom new hello --skeleton program **USAGE** :: main.exe new PROJECT [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`PROJECT` Name of the project * :code:`--create BOOL` Change project creation status * :code:`--diff` Print a diff of user-modified files that are being skipped * :code:`--dir DIRECTORY` Dir where package sources are stored (src by default) * :code:`--edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project default OCaml version * :code:`-f` or :code:`--force` Force overwriting modified files (otherwise, they would be skipped) * :code:`--inplace` Create project in the the current directory * :code:`--library` Project contains only a library * :code:`--min-edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project minimal OCaml version * :code:`--no-fetch-share` Prevent fetching updates from the share repo (in particular without network connection * :code:`--program` Project contains only a program * :code:`--promote-skip` Promote user-modified files to skip field * :code:`--reclone-share` Reclone share repository * :code:`--share-repo SHARE_REPO` Set the repository URL of the share database (use 'default' for default repo) * :code:`--share-version SHARE_VERSION` Set the version of share database (use 'latest' for latest version) * :code:`--skeleton SKELETON` Create project using a predefined skeleton or one specified in ~/.config/drom/skeletons/ * :code:`--skip FILE` Add FILE to skip list * :code:`--unskip FILE` Remove FILE from skip list * :code:`--virtual` Package is virtual, i.e. no code main.exe odoc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generate API documentation using odoc in the _drom/docs/doc directory **USAGE** :: main.exe odoc [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`--view` Open a browser on the documentation * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe opam-plugin (since version 0.2.1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install drom as an opam plugin (called by 'opam drom') **DESCRIPTION** This command performs the following actions: * 1. Install drom executable in **$OPAMROOT/plugins/bin/opam-drom** * 2. Install drom share files in **$OPAMROOT/plugins/opam-drom**, removing former files **USAGE** :: main.exe opam-plugin [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--remove` Remove drom as an opam plugin main.exe package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manage a package within a project **USAGE** :: main.exe package PACKAGE [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`PACKAGE` Name of the package * :code:`--create BOOL` Change project creation status * :code:`--diff` Print a diff of user-modified files that are being skipped * :code:`--dir DIRECTORY` Dir where package sources are stored (src by default) * :code:`--edit` Edit package.toml description with EDITOR * :code:`--edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project default OCaml version * :code:`-f` or :code:`--force` Force overwriting modified files (otherwise, they would be skipped) * :code:`--library` Package is a library * :code:`--min-edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project minimal OCaml version * :code:`--new SKELETON` Add a new package to the project with skeleton NAME * :code:`--new-file FILENAME` (since version 0.2.1) Add new source file * :code:`--no-fetch-share` Prevent fetching updates from the share repo (in particular without network connection * :code:`--program` Package is a program * :code:`--promote-skip` Promote user-modified files to skip field * :code:`--reclone-share` Reclone share repository * :code:`--remove` (since version 0.2.1) Remove a package from the project * :code:`--rename NEW_NAME` Rename secondary package to a new name * :code:`--skip FILE` Add FILE to skip list * :code:`--unskip FILE` Remove FILE from skip list * :code:`--virtual` Package is virtual, i.e. no code main.exe project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update an existing project **DESCRIPTION** This command is used to regenerate the files of a project after updating its description. With argument **--upgrade**, it can also be used to reformat the toml files, from their skeletons. **USAGE** :: main.exe project [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--create BOOL` Change project creation status * :code:`--diff` Print a diff of user-modified files that are being skipped * :code:`--edit` Edit project description * :code:`--edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project default OCaml version * :code:`-f` or :code:`--force` Force overwriting modified files (otherwise, they would be skipped) * :code:`--library` Project contains only a library. Equivalent to **--skeleton library** * :code:`--min-edition OCAMLVERSION` Set project minimal OCaml version * :code:`--no-fetch-share` Prevent fetching updates from the share repo (in particular without network connection * :code:`--program` Project contains a program. Equivalent to **--skeleton program**. The generated project will be composed of a *library* package and a *driver* package calling the **Main.main** of the library. * :code:`--promote-skip` Promote user-modified files to skip field * :code:`--reclone-share` Reclone share repository * :code:`--share-repo SHARE_REPO` Set the repository URL of the share database (use 'default' for default repo) * :code:`--share-version SHARE_VERSION` Set the version of share database (use 'latest' for latest version) * :code:`--skeleton SKELETON` Create project using a predefined skeleton or one specified in ~/.config/drom/skeletons/ * :code:`--skip FILE` Add FILE to skip list * :code:`--unskip FILE` Remove FILE from skip list * :code:`--upgrade` Force upgrade of the drom.toml file from the skeleton * :code:`--virtual` Package is virtual, i.e. no code. Equivalent to **--skeleton virtual**. main.exe promote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Promote detected changes after running drom test or drom fmt **USAGE** :: main.exe promote [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe publish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update opam files with checksums and copy them to a local opam-repository for publication **DESCRIPTION** Before running this command, you should edit the file **$HOME/.config/drom/config** and set the value of the *opam-repo* option, like: :: [user] author = "John Doe " github-organization = "ocaml" license = "LGPL2" copyright = "OCamlPro SAS" opam-repo = "/home/john/GIT/opam-repository" Alternatively, you can run it with option **--opam-repo REPOSITORY**. In both case, **REPOSITORY** should be the absolute path to the location of a local git-managed opam repository. **drom publish** will perform the following actions: * 1. Download the source archive corresponding to the current version * 2. Compute the checksum of the archive * 3. Copy updated opam files to the git-managed opam repository. During this operation, comment lines, :code:`version:` and :code:`name` lines are removed to conform to opam-repository policies. Note that, prior to calling **drom publish**, you should update the opam-repository to the latest version of the **master** branch: :: git checkout master git pull ocaml master Once the opam files have been added, you should push them to your local fork of opam-repository and create a merge request: :: cd ~/GIT/opam-repository git checkout -b z-$(date --iso)-new-package-version git add packages git commit -a -m "New version of my package" git push To download the project source archive, **drom publish** will either use the *archive* URL of the drom.toml file, or the Github URL (if the *github-organization* is set in the project), assuming in this later case that the version starts with 'v' (like v1.0.0). Two substitutions are allowed in *archive*: *${version}* for the version, *${name}* for the package name. **USAGE** :: main.exe publish [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`-f` or :code:`--force` Overwrite existing files * :code:`--md5` Use md5 instead of sha256 for checksums * :code:`--opam-repo DIRECTORY` Path to local git-managed opam-repository. The path should be absolute. Overwrites the value *opam-repo* from *$HOME/.config/drom/config* main.exe run ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Execute the project **DESCRIPTION** This command performs the following actions: * 1. Decrease verbosity level to display nothing during build * 2. Build the project packages (see **drom build** for info). * 3. Call **opam exec -- drun exec -- [PACKAGE] [ARGUMENTS]**, where **[PACKAGE]** is either the package name specified with the **-p PACKAGE** argument or the main package of the project if it is a program, **[ARGUMENTS]** are the arguments specified with **drom run** **USAGE** :: main.exe run ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`ARGUMENTS` Arguments to the command * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`-p PACKAGE` Package to run * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe sphinx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generate documentation using sphinx **DESCRIPTION** This command performs the following actions: * 1. Build the project, installing dev dependencies if not done yet (see **drom build** and **drom dev-deps** for more info). * 2. If a file *scripts/* exists, run it * 3. Build Sphinx documentation using the command **sphinx-build sphinx _drom/docs/${sphinx-target}**, where **${sphinx-target}** is the **sphinx-target** field in the project description, or **sphinx** by default. Documentation source files are expected to be found in the top **sphinx/** directory. * 4. If the argument **--view** was specified, open a browser on the newly generated documentation **USAGE** :: main.exe sphinx [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`--view` Open a browser on the sphinx documentation * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run tests **DESCRIPTION** This command performs the following actions: * 1. Build the project, installing required test dependencies if needed * 2. Run the test command **opam exec -- dune build @runtest** If the **--all** argument was provided, a file **_drom/** is created containing a context for every existing opam switch compatible with the project **min-edition** field, and the tests are run on all of them. Before using this option, you should make sure that dependencies are correctly installed on all of them, using the command drom build --switch SWITCH on every **SWITCH** in the list. Only switches starting with a number and without the *+* character are selected. **USAGE** :: main.exe test [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--all` Build and run tests on all compatible switches * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe toml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read TOML files and print them back on stdout **DESCRIPTION** Test the TOML parser/printer: **USAGE** :: main.exe toml FILE [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`FILE` Parse FILE and write it back on stdout main.exe top ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run the ocaml toplevel **USAGE** :: main.exe top ARGUMENTS [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`ARGUMENTS` Provide arguments for the ocaml toplevel * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Display a tree of dependencies **DESCRIPTION** Print the project as a tree of dependencies, i.e. dependencies are printed as branches of the package they are dependencies of. If a package is itself a dependency of another package, it will be printed there. **EXAMPLE** :: └──drom (/src/drom) └──drom_lib (/src/drom_lib) └──toml 5.0.0 └──opam-file-format 2.1.1 └──ez_subst >= 0.1 └──ez_file 0.2.0 └──ez_config 0.1.0 └──ez_cmdliner 0.2.0 └──directories >= 0.2 [tools] └── ppx_inline_test └── ppx_expect └── odoc └── ocamlformat **USAGE** :: main.exe tree [OPTIONS] Where options are: main.exe uninstall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uninstall the project from the project opam switch **USAGE** :: main.exe uninstall [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions main.exe update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update packages in switch **DESCRIPTION** This command performs the following actions: * 1. Call **opam update** to get information on newly available packages * 2. Pin the package dependencies in the local opam switch * 3. Call **opam upgrade** to upgrade packages in the local opam switch * 4. Unpin package dependencies **USAGE** :: main.exe update [OPTIONS] Where options are: * :code:`--edition VERSION` Use this OCaml edition * :code:`--local` Create a local switch instead of using a global switch * :code:`--profile PROFILE` Build profile to use * :code:`--switch OPAM_SWITCH` Use global switch SWITCH instead of creating a local switch * :code:`--upgrade` Upgrade project files from drom.toml * :code:`-y` or :code:`--yes` Reply yes to all questions