Module Autofonce_lib.Terminal
include module type of struct include ANSITerminal end
type color = ANSITerminal.color =
| Black
| Red
| Green
| Yellow
| Blue
| Magenta
| Cyan
| White
| Default
type style = =
| Reset
| Bold
| Underlined
| Blink
| Inverse
| Hidden
| Foreground of color
| Background of color
val set_autoreset : bool -> unit
val print_string : style list -> string -> unit
val prerr_string : style list -> string -> unit
val printf : style list -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val eprintf : style list -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val sprintf : style list -> ('a, unit, string) Stdlib.format -> 'a
type loc = ANSITerminal.loc =
| Eol
| Above
| Below
| Screen
val set_cursor : int -> int -> unit
val move_cursor : int -> int -> unit
val pos_cursor : unit -> int * int
val save_cursor : unit -> unit
val restore_cursor : unit -> unit
val resize : int -> int -> unit
val size : unit -> int * int
val move_bol : unit -> unit