Module AltErgoLib.Shostak

module Combine : sig ... end
module Polynome : Polynome.T with type r = Combine.r
module Arith : Sig.SHOSTAK with type r = Combine.r and type t = Polynome.t
module Bitv : Sig.SHOSTAK with type r = Combine.r and type t = Combine.r Bitv.abstract
module Adt : Sig.SHOSTAK with type r = Combine.r and type t = Combine.r Adt.abstract
module Ac : Ac.S with type r = Combine.r and type t = Combine.r
module MXH : Stdlib.Map.S with type key = Combine.r

map of semantic values using Combine.hash_cmp

module SXH : Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = Combine.r

set of semantic values using Combine.hash_cmp

module L : Xliteral.S with type elt = Combine.r
module Literal : Literal.S with type elt = L.t
module HX : Stdlib.Hashtbl.S with type key = Combine.r