Print message on the standard formatter accessible with Options.get_fmt_std
and set by default to stdout The std formatter is flushed after the print if flushed is set
val print_err :
?flushed:bool ->
?header:bool ->
?error:bool ->
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
Print error message on the error formatter accessible with Options.get_fmt_err
and set by default to stderr. Prints only if error (true by default) is true. If header is set, prints a header "Error
". The err formatter is flushed after the print if flushed is set
val print_wrn :
?flushed:bool ->
?header:bool ->
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
Print warning message on the warning formatter accessible with Options.get_fmt_wrn
and set by default to stderr. If header is set, prints a header "Warning
". The wrn formatter is flushed after the print if flushed is set
val print_dbg :
?flushed:bool ->
?header:bool ->
?module_name:string ->
?function_name:string ->
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
Print debug message on the debug formatter accessible with Options.get_fmt_dbg
and set by default to stderr. If header is set, prints a header "Debug
" if module_name and function_name are set. The dbg formatter is flushed after the print if flushed is set
val print_fmt :
?flushed:bool ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
Print message on the given formatter. The given formatter is flushed after the print if flushed is set
Initialisation function used to configure formatters corresponding of the output format set. Add ";" at the beginning of the lines if output is set to smtlib2
val pp_list_no_space :
(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
'a list ->
Print list without separator
val pp_list_space :
(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
'a list ->
Print list with separator
val print_status_unsat :
?validity_mode:bool ->
Dolmen.Std.Loc.loc option ->
float option ->
int option ->
string option ->
Print unsat status message from the frontend on the standard output. If validity_mode is set, the status print : `Valid (<time>s) (<steps> steps) (goal <goal_name>)` else, we print `unsat`. If a location is given, we report it only in validity_mode before printing the status.
val print_status_sat :
?validity_mode:bool ->
Dolmen.Std.Loc.loc option ->
float option ->
int option ->
string option ->
Print sat status message from the frontend on the standard output. If validity_mode is set, the status print : `Invalid (<time>s) (<steps> steps) (goal <goal_name>)` else, we print `sat`. If a location is given, we report it only in validity_mode before printing the status.
val print_status_unknown :
?validity_mode:bool ->
Dolmen.Std.Loc.loc option ->
float option ->
int option ->
string option ->
Print unknown status message from the frontend on the standard output. If validity_mode is set, the status print : `I don't Know (<time>s) (<steps> steps) (goal <goal_name>)` else, we print `unknown`. If a location is given, we report it only in validity_mode before printing the status.
val print_status_timeout :
?validity_mode:bool ->
Dolmen.Std.Loc.loc option ->
float option ->
int option ->
string option ->
Print timeout status message from the frontend on the standard output. If validity_mode is set, the status print : `Timeout (<time>s) (<steps> steps) (goal <goal_name>)` else, we print `timeout`. If a location is given, we report it only in validity_mode before printing the status.
val print_status_inconsistent :
?validity_mode:bool ->
Dolmen.Std.Loc.loc option ->
float option ->
int option ->
string option ->
Print inconsistent status message from the frontend on the standard output. If validity_mode is set, the status print : `Inconsistent assumption (<time>s) (<steps> steps) (goal <goal_name>)` else, we print nothing. If a location is given, we report it only in validity_mode before printing the status.
Print an SMT-LIB string with quotes and escaping.
Print smtlib error message on the regular formatter, accessible with Options.get_fmt_regular
and set by default to stdout. The regular formatter is flushed after the print if flushed is set.
Recommended reporter used by both the library and the binary.
All the sources are printed on Options.Output.get_fmt_diagnostic ()
is printed on Options.Output.get_fmt_models ()
is printed on Options.Output.get_fmt_regular ()
The library never prints on Sources.default
or Sources.model