val timer : Timers.ty_module
val empty : Uf.t -> t * Uf.GlobalDomains.t
empty uf
creates a new environment for this relation and allows for the registration of global domains in the union-find.
The second component of the pair should be uf
with any domains that the relation requires added.
val assume :
t ->
Uf.t ->
Shostak.Combine.r input list ->
t * Uf.GlobalDomains.t * Shostak.Combine.r result
assume env uf la
adds and processes the literals in la
to the environment env
The second value returned by this function can be used to update any relevant domain.
val query : t -> Uf.t -> Shostak.Combine.r input -> Th_util.answer
val case_split : t -> Uf.t -> for_model:bool -> Th_util.case_split list
case_split env returns a list of equalities
The returned case splits *must* have a CS
origin; see the doc of Th_util.case_split
The for_model
flag is true
when we are splitting for the purpose of generating a model; the case split may need to be more aggressive in this case to ensure completeness.
Note: not always equalities (e.g. the arrays theory returns disequalities)
val optimizing_objective :
t ->
Uf.t ->
Objective.Function.t ->
Th_util.optimized_split option
optimizing_split env uf o
tries to optimize objective o
. Returns None
if the theory cannot optimize the objective.
val add :
t ->
Uf.t ->
Shostak.Combine.r ->
Expr.t ->
* Uf.GlobalDomains.t
* (Shostak.Combine.r Xliteral.view * Explanation.t) list
add a representant to take into account
val new_terms : t -> AltErgoLib.Expr.Set.t
new_terms env
returns all the new terms created by the theory. These terms can be used to instantiate axiomes.
val assume_th_elt : t -> Expr.th_elt -> Explanation.t -> t