Module AltErgoLib.D_cnf

val clear_cache : unit -> unit

Empties the internal cache of the module.

val make : AltErgoLib.D_loop.DStd.Loc.file -> Commands.sat_tdecl list -> [< D_loop.Typer_Pipe.typechecked | `Goal of Dolmen.Std.Expr.term | `Check of Dolmen.Std.Expr.term list Hyp ] D_loop.Typer_Pipe.stmt -> Commands.sat_tdecl list

make acc stmt Makes one or more Commands.sat_tdecl from the type-checked statement stmt and appends them to acc.

val builtins : Dolmen_loop.State.t -> D_loop.Typer.lang -> Dolmen_loop.Typer.T.builtin_symbols